diy solar

diy solar

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  • Aptos 370w panels. WOW

    I bought 18 370 watt aptos panels and installed in 2 strings of 9 for 6660 watts total. I just got a cloud edge that was 8653 watts for about 30 seconds. I thought one 6000xp could only do 8000 watts? Never mind, specs say max 10000 watts for PV. But still, these panels rock.
  • Shout out to the Victron Solar Irradiance widget!

    I have been using Victron VRM for a couple years now with my raspberry Pi. A couple months ago I added the solar irradience widget to my advanced view. Supposedly it utilizes AI for its forecast. I have found this incredibly useful in determining how far I care to drain my batteries overnight...
  • Wireways. Where to buy?

    I want a 6x6 x 5 foot wireway. I've seen some but $400 for a square metal tube seems unfair. What does everyone do?
  • EG4 6000 Xp into Victron VRM using Raspberry Pi.

    Anyone have any ideas? I think this would be the ultimate for those of us with Victron SCCs while also using the MPPTS on the 6000xp. Is it a pipe dream to have all MPPTS on the same 3rd party monitor screen? I know home assistant is an idea but, how to get both a Victron SCC and the eg4...
  • Does the EG4 6000XP use more power when it is utilizing 2 Mppt inputs vs 1?

    I just upgraded my panels. I have 2 identical 3660 watt strings, wired exactly the same. They are positioned very close to each other. I have noticed that PV2 is almost always about 50-60 watts less than PV1 even tho sometimes it has a higher voltage reading by 5-8v. Does using 2 MPPTs...
  • New breaker panel. Where is the ground neutral bond?

    I bought this. I know I am NOT supposed to have neutral and ground bonded while using the 6000xp when connected to grid. The thing is, I am usually supplied with a green screw and know not to put...
  • EG4 6000xp manual is pretty lacking.... I could use some help.

    The manual references "Working Modes" But I have not found any documentation on how to change or test these settings. Searching the pdf manual for "Bypass mode" I get nothing that will help me change to it... It appears I am stuck in off grid mode and this is not ideal. I am not looking to...
  • Is it common to lose 10 percent to your shunt compared to AIO input?

    Just wondering if this is an issue. This is a EG4 6000 Xp going to a Victron shunt shown in solar assistant.
  • EG4 6000Xp grid mode efficiency.

    Is grid bypass near 100% efficient? of course accounting for the 60 watts for the unit itself?
  • EG4 6000Xp. Load sharing? Using grid and batteries?

    Up until today I have never seen a load using grid and battery. This happened right after quick charge reached terminal voltage. Is this right? Anything to be concerned with? Possibility of back feeding? Theoretically could I somehow use 3000 watts from battery and 4000 watts from grid and...
  • Parallel 6000xps transfer time. What will the increase in ms effect?

    As soon as SS gets them in, they will be shipping my second 6000xp. I am a little concerned about the increase in transfer time to grid on overload or end of discharge. Will a PS4 and computer restart on grid pass thru? How will my window AC like it? How will my fridge and freezer like it...

    Hello to all you fellow sun hunters. Happy New Year
  • Parallel EG4 6000XPs>>> Poor mans Grid assist??

    Ok, So I have purchased a second 6000xp. I plan on only one being connected to grid for the foreseeable future as I am out of breakers on the main panel. Would there be any issues with 2 6000xps on the same battery bank but only one connected to grid? I understand that my pass thu would be...
  • Solar Assistant on galaxy watch 5

    Anyone else as nuts as me? I have been using SA on my watch for a couple weeks now. Is great. You should do. Oh, and VRM works as well

diy solar

diy solar