diy solar

diy solar

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  • Can someone with very little experience actually design and install a new grid tied system?

    I'm reluctant to call my local solar power installers. Are there online suppliers that can set me up with the plug and play system? And is it OK to talk about them on this forum?
  • Are we now at a point where it makes more sense to buy more PV than a deep energy retrofit first?

    I've read more than once that dollar for dollar, it's worth updating the home with new windows, insulation air sealing etc etc before reducing utility costs with a solar power system. Are we certain about that? Anyone done a full deep energy retrofit? That sounds much more expensive than an...
  • Hay from Millersburg Iowa!

    Hello folks new here. Figured I better say hi and mention I dismissed solar power years ago due to my low 12 cents per kWh price and the lack of solar resource here Iowa. The calc I used almost tripled my kWh price which really turned me off, and I'm also unclear if my new bug out retirement...
  • How much supplemental heat would I need trying to heat a home with PV in Iowa?

    I keep reading for people trying to heat their home in cold climates with PV, that the coldest months are the most challenging which is understandable. So does this lead them to oversize the PV system to meet load during these coldest months? And when my utility company tells me I can only...