I've got one I modified for a 3d printer. Is that what you were looking for?
I ended up having them laser cut and I liked them better.
I realized that I had the label for the Charge a little incorrect. The last LED is for connection.
I've not posted much lately because I've been spending all my free time on my build. The weather has been terrible so getting on the roof to install the mounts has been a pain but I've made a lot of progress on the batteries. I have my first battery pack assembled and the BMS works!
Got the...
1. If you start with a way to "save money" or "run the pool pump" during the summer, you will quickly see how close to off grid you can become.
2. Your wife will only use the high energy devices on the days with the lowest amount of sun, especially at the end of the month when you've used your...
Ha! No one will want the old lights. (Well almost no one, I'm giving them to my sister and she's going to mount them in her barn.) There's 30+ yrs of dust/etc on them. I'm just happy I don't have to trash them.
My IT rack uses about 900w which also powers my main TV and whole house audio...
If it were me, I'd put a small hole in the container and route the antenna out side then keep the unit inside. Unless you're looking for wifi coverage around the container. That way you get all the signal and keep the hardware nice and dry. They make extension cables for the type of connector...
I got the BMS and Sol-Ark talking with the BMS in parallel. It turned out to be super easy, just set the master dipswitch to 0 and the first to 1 and it worked. It reports up to the Sol-Ark everything that's needed.
I got my roof mounted transition panel and the conduit up to it ran but I...
Right now I'm running with it grid connected and zero export. At the rate I've been going, I doubt I'd export more than 3-10kwh a day while the AC is running. It's almost noon and my batteries are at 57% and getting about 11kwh right now.
I have an application in to allow me to sell back...
I couldn't help myself...
32 more EVE 304 cells. Two cases coming. The batteries showed up in 2 days, I was blown away! The cases are on the slow boat, it'll be 3-4 weeks before they're here. That'll give me around 1800 AH.
Hello Everyone!
I'm working on my first solar install / design and wanted a place to document it. I've got about 3/4 of my parts in and am eager to get started.
Parts Overview -
Inverter: Sol-Ark 15k
Battery: Custom 4 x 16S EVE LF280k with JK BMS battery packs
Panels: 54 Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6+...
It's been brutal. I woke up to 10% battery this morning and ran "on grid" most of the night. It was kind of a bummer but yesterday was a terrible solar day so we weren't even at 50% before the end of the day. I'm using about 6.5kwh when the AC is running, peaking to 11kwh for short intervals...
I've got the inverter based JK BMS so it has the ability to parallel the communication between the BMS's then connect the primary to the Inverter. As a result, I've got closed loop communication between the BMS and inverter. It allows them to communicate to, hopefully, more efficiently charge...
I've got a Sol-Ark and I use their cloud service. More than once I've considered disconnecting it. The fact that I can change the settings scares me but I'm also in the initial setup/monitoring phase. If you've seen their cloud migration, it's not been smooth and I got hit by a bug that...
I have a similar install but thankfully don't have inspections. I had to submit the info to the poco to get approval to sell back and they accepted it. (Not sure how much that's worth.) My shelf is fully enclosed however.
I was working on adding the 2 extra batteries in the white cases in...
You 100% can, it would be easier to run certain hardware. For me, I have a mikrotik router that I run behind my cable modem. You can do the same sort of thing with Starlink but it can take more effort depending on what version you have. (I've done this a few times at work with our SDWAN hardware.)
Well that wasn't a fun process but it's done! The ATS is now my primary N-G bonding point and all the grounds have been separated from the neutrals at my main panel. At the same time, pulled new 2/0 copper to my inverter and I would say the cleaning up the N/G issue took longer than pulling...
2nd battery pack up and running! Got the JK BMS and the Sol-Ark to talk over CAN. Still need to figure out how to get the BMS's to talk in Parallel but I can actually test it now.
No, it's been in the low to mid 70's most of last week, getting into the low 60's at night so we had the windows open. I ran it yesterday when I got those numbers. I use around 60-70kwh most days and yesterday was 90kwh. My batteries are at 40% right now and it's supposed to be cloudy this...
I don't believe the breakers on the 15k are tied together. I accidentally ran with one off for a few days one time. It's better to have the batteries connected together. Hooking them up the way you want could island the batteries from each other. I used the Victron Lynx distributor and I...
A lot of people like to use something like an eg4 chargeverter. You hook the chargverter to your batteries and the generator and it cleans up the dirty power and gives you DC.
It's basically done! I still have to wait for my interconnect but I'm able to generate power and run off my batteries.
Used a forklift to raise the panels over the roofline so we didn't have to carry them back and forth.
I even got the 2 wire start hooked up to my generator. Just need to do...
I found this interesting. I ended up removing my 15K from being able to talk over the network. I started a PCAP just to see what it was doing and it was trying to talk to 2 IPs. One at AWS and the other to China.
What I'd really love is some sort of Web Application Firewall to allow it to...
Yep, it's the 2601-3S-95. The thing was expensive. I ended up putting on cinder blocks as well to elevate it in the room. We have our water treatment in the same room so I wanted to give it a little extra safety factor.
I know what you mean. My whole project started as "a way to run my well pump if the grid was down." Now I can basically run my whole house in a limited fashion with dreams of much more.
Good luck on whatever you decide to do!
They're built! I thought I had more terminals left to make the cables but had to order some so they're not connected yet. I'm very happy with the build quality but there was one minor with one of the circuit boards. The temp sensor threw an alarm. It turns out there was a small solder bridge...
There are a ton of resources out there. You said you know nothing of electrical and solar but didn't mention any of your other skills. I just went through the same thing but I also re-wired my house when I remodeled so I didn't find it challenging. The basics are the same but there are many...
For the ghost battery, it fixes the issue where the comms with the inverter cause the charging to stop early. (It's kind of a hacky workaround but it works.)
Here's the spreadsheet for Andy's settings that I did back in May. I'm not sure if they've been updated since or not.
Ug, first paste...
Thank you! It's been a lot of fun doing all this.
1. Extremely easy - configured the JK and got it communicating with the others, connected it to the Sol-Ark, enabled sol-ark battery coms.
2. From what I've seen you can have a max of 16. Each JK connects to the next in a daisy chain...
I bought 56 just in case there were any issues but all 54 are installed on the roof. I've hit higher production than I thought I would with 8 total panels facing E / W. (4 each) My main roof section has 36 panels, then 9 on each side. 5 S facing and 4 E/W depending on the side.
I'm not...
I had the same requirement from the POCO. I had an ATS in place and just installed a large (stupid expensive) knife switch between the 2. The knife switch was specified in their documentation.
It was very nice of siemens to put the sticker on so straight as well.
The switch feeds my ATS...
Keep in mind, some times the generator inputs don't help like you think they will. You'd have to have the generator on and running before the load was applied. Some welders can be nasty as well.
I recently did a "large" install. I've got 18k PV and just under 90kW Batteries. It's great...
Well, I decided to just rip the bandaid off. I did some quick measurements and the panels I've been watching at Santan fit my roof nicely in 3 rows so I ordered them today! Model: Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6+ 340W
All sound like great moves forward. I looked into mini splits for another project that got shelved. There are quite a few DIY friendly units now. I want to eventually build a detached garage and put a room in it with one.
Keep your eyes out for panels, you'll never know when you come...
I looked when it started and I didn't see any grid spikes in the UI, it did pull a little extra from the battery it appears. I'm not 100% sure how it works with the passthrough but so far, aside from very little grid power being used, I haven't noticed anything. We've had 2 power outages so...
Do you have all the hot water lines insulated as well? That would probably get you a bigger bag for your buck at this point. I had a hot water re-circ system running for a while. While it was nice to have nearly instant hot water at the far ends of the house, it ended up costing a ton with...
I've got a 2400sq ft house that was setup for traditional power. I got tired of $300-$600/m electric bills so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I have a terrible tendency to upgrade right after finishing something so I thought I better basically start with full panels and decent...
I just looked at Solar Assistant and May I used 139kwh and my bill was just under $26. My meter is read around the 20th so I don't think all of the 139kw was counted. So far for June I'm at 158kwh. Thankfully not too much more. Most of my usage was at night or during short spikes during the...
18650 Battery Store (https://www.18650batterystore.com/products/eve-lf280k)
The shipping was expensive but they arrived in under 2 weeks from the time I ordered them.
I just completed an install with an ATS. I left it in place and converted my generator to be 2-wire start. In the event the grid goes down, my ATS kicks in then when the sol-ark needs extra power, it can use the 2-wire start to fire up the generator. I haven't fully tested it yet but we had...
According to the video launch yesterday, it sounds like you may be able to install the grid boss at the house and just run a single power cable from the flexboss to the gridboss. You may want to review their recommended wiring a little closer.
The plot thickens a bit...
I ran my new ground rods already and am going to hook them to my main for a total of 4 rods. I looked a little more closely at the grounding of the ATS and it has wires going to the ground lugs but none of them connect to anything grounded! There is a large ground...
The 304 cells are rated at 4000 cycles but my 280's were 6000. All the 280's tested over 300AH. I haven't tested any of the 304's yet.
My first 4 packs are not compressed. I had 2 built before I really started researching it. The next 2 packs will in pre-fab cases from Shenzhen Yixiang...
The guide that was posted has the instructions on how to do it. That's where 2-wire start is needed. If you look closely at the gridboss diagram, it shows the 2-wire start lines. Otherwise, the power would have to go out for the generator to start and you wouldn't be able to use it as...
I think that's what he was getting at with the 500w limit. If he's always got a 1kw load and he limits the backfeed to 500w, he's essentially cutting his grid use in 1/2 during that period.
I recently did something similar, I built an 18kW PV system using a Sol-Ark 15k. I've got about 90kWh of battery as well. My design goal was to max out the PV of the 15k for what I could fit on my roof. My project ended up coming in just under $45k. I was nearly 100% DIY for the whole thing...
I'm not personally a fan of mounting hardware like that outside unless it's 100% rated for outdoor use. I rather mount the hardware inside and run antennas out as they're easier to replace than the core hardware. Sounds like your initial needs are pretty basic and that device will work well.
Ug... so they essentially add and subtract to get what you actually owe? Seems pretty invasive to me.
Thankfully, I was lucky with my install, I was able to put the inverter easily between my meter and my main. Something like the gridboss seems like it would be very nice! I'll be...
I think I figured out what it is. There's a goof on the new my-solark site and it forced my max PV to 12k and took that as a system wide setting. I can't adjust it back now. I've got a call in to Tech Support to help. It sucks because I'm probably leaving 2-4kw on the table at a min right now.
I hope so! Sounds like you will too!
We didn't. One of the tornadoes touched down about 10 miles from our place. I swear I saw the funnel cloud forming to the north but my wife was in town heading home at that time, so I was a little preoccupied. A couple weeks later a car hit a pole or...
I didn't cut off communication until this past Sunday after I started reading this stuff about Deye. I logged back into powerview and all the data there was months old, it still had my total production at 2Mw and I'm over 12 now.
Yep, I had an 80 Gal and wanted to replace it with an 80 Gal so I got it done. There are times I wish I would have went that way but it is what it is...
I don't believe this is possible. SA gets data real-time and logs it. I don't think the 15K even stores this data. If their cloud has issues, you get gaps in data, etc.
You don't need the batteries to be the same make, as long as they're the same voltage, there should be no problem in connecting them together. During optimal times, each system will feed the the rest of the system it's power. Think of it this way, if you're drawing a load from a 2nd inverter...
I'd say that's a no go. If you had a separate panel just for those load, yes. Otherwise you'll be bridging the two connections together. Sol-Ark supports a sub panel that is powered off the load side then can back-feed on the grid side using the CT's as a way to measure how much needs to be...
Starlink does broadcast wifi like a standard router. The new Gen 3 devices even include ethernet ports now so you can add your own hardware. It will have the same limitations as the router you listed earlier.
(I have a family member that has starlink and it works well. We also use it for...
That's why I like the XR8. You lay it down like you would shelf mount and it has feet on it. Then it has clasps to mount another on top and lock them together. In my space, I could put 2 of them like that and they'd be out of the way.
Thanks for the additional info! I didn't notice before...
From what I've seen, what you want isn't exactly possible. If you connect to your main panel, you will back feed a little power. The only way to avoid it is to feed a sub panel off your inverter.
I was in a similar position as you. Tired of my $400/m electric bills. I ended up installing a...
For my DIY batteries, I made sure all my internal connections were the same length. I cut all the connecting cables at the same time to make sure they were that way. I also oversized my cables to reduce loss from resistance.
If it's 6kwh / day, you'd still generate 3kwh during hours when the sun is down. That'd help my batteries a little at night.
They don't mention what kind of wind speeds they'd need to generate that however.
That's a good thought and something I hadn't considered. It should be pretty easy to tell, if I change the setting then it changes right back, I'll know. Thanks!
Thanks! I really wanted to be done by 5/15 and I was able to do it!
Yep, I used the JK Inverter BMS that has COM built in. It seems to be working well. Once I got the dip switches set, I set the com protocol to pylontech and plugged it in, then it just worked. There has only been a couple...
We're about an hour or so south of Toledo. From what I understand, the epicenter is supposed to be in Forest and I'm about 25 min from there. We've only heard a little about it but from what I've heard, people said it'll be a big deal.
Since the pool is running, they run to about 36% every night. A couple nights they got down to 20% which is where my TOU settings tell it to stop and run off grid. I run as much as my house as I can off the system right now. My average use is about 2.6kwh constant with spikes to 7.7kwh...
The rules vary by where you are. Disconnecting the power safely and wiring in the chargerverter would be about the only point the POCO would need to be involved unless there is some sort of disconnect after the meter.
Depending on the generator, you could even have an inverter handle the...
I've only been operational since May but with a little management, I think I could live offgrid. Hot water only on sunny days after the batteries are charged, etc. We have well water so I'm not concerned there.
Outside of actual power, as many others have stated, other people is what would...
We try to use our clothesline whenever possible but not much planning goes into when laundry gets done vs the weather.
Sounds like you need to upgrade your sub panel! :cool: I knew I'd be in a simialr boat if I started small so I just went for a maxed out single inverter right out of the...
I installed 95% of my solar myself. Thankfully I had a generator ats so I could kill the power. That would have been a little more of a sticky point otherwise.
As long as you don't have too mant legal rules, I fully support DIY. It's none of their business what you do!
Using the chargeverter...
The optimizers are supposed to work without the TAP, I believe they call it blind mode or something like that. I believe your warranty/support changes if you run in that mode. I recently did a full install with the Tigo optimizers, tap and all. They seem to help.
Is 5kWh over 87.4kWh worth...
That is correct. Sol-Ark has a different term for it but there's a setting that tries to match your incoming load. IE: You're pulling 1kwh from the poco on your main and you have your CTs around your mains. You can backfeed the "grid" from your inverter and cover your home loads. The hope is...
You can run as many in parallel as you'd like with the proper safety equipment. I went with self built LiFePO4 batteries and I'm happy with my decision but I'm running a 48v system.
For DIY batteries, as long as you're electrically/mechanically inclined, they aren't an issue. Using the box DIY kits makes it extremely easy. I had my last 2 built in under 2 hours and I was just messing around. You have to be very particular on all your connections, double check your...
Thanks! Your assumption about the top is north is correct.
There's a little chance of shade across everything. The bottom row of panels will get hit the worst. The tree that's in question will most likely get a hair cut if that happens.
My gut feeling was the 3x3 array.
First, thanks for all the replies!!
My property is bordered on 3 sides by trees, then our front lawn (south facing) has a bunch of mature maples. I'm living in the house I grew up in so I saw them when they were planted. There are a few dead branches than I know I can thin out. From...
Mine came with the jumpers but I didn't use them. I played with them a little and as ricardocello said, they just press in. In my use case, I just needed to 1 for 1 a cable.
I took a before but no after:
Did you test any of your 280s? I have 64 of them and every single one tested above 300 so I have them all set at 300 in my BMS. I just got 32 more 304's that I need to do some testing with. I'm going to do the same thing you are, add those in with my existing JK BMS and hook them parallel...
I'll throw my hat in the ring here. I built 4 batteries last April/May and the BMS's were running 15.17 I added 2 more around July that were running 15.24. I was mostly satisfied with how they were operating but I started to feel that I wasn't getting the capacity that I should. I realized...
I like the ~15kw batteries. They take up more space than the 5kw but not enough that it matters. It's not difficult for me to deplete them in one "normal" day of low sun. That's when most of the chore stuff seems to get done so things like laundry, etc.
I'm not sure they've fully fixed it...