diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Is having two Victron MPPTs connected better than having one bigger MPPT?

    Just posted a new thread to see what people think...
  • Post in thread: Search functionality not working?

    It seems to be working now, thank you for sorting this out!!!
  • Post in thread: Battery disconnect on both negative and positive?

    Hello, I've got Blue Sea battery disconnects, two, one red, one black. Any reasons why not to have both in my system on the battery wires?
  • Post in thread: Lf280k bolts

    Thank you everyone for their replies. It looks like I can use either bolts or studs, for bolts I'll have to be careful not to pierce the cells. Does anyone know the recommended torque to tighten these please? Thanks!
  • Post in thread: Fuses/breakers & Safety

    Thank you! I have not yet computed the wire sizes, I have computed the fuses based on the appliances used. Wire sizes would be next step.
  • Post in thread: JK BMS balancing wires connector?

    Hi fellow DIY-ers, I would like to add fuses for the BMS sense wires, and thus change the wires altogether. I've got confirmation from Hankzor that the wires don't need to be equal in length, but max length is 150cm (see screenshot attached). My question is, do you know what sort of plug...
  • Post in thread: Solar panel cleaning

    Hi fellow solar enthusiasts! We had a high pollen ? period here in the UK and everything was covered in yellow dust. I knew about the pollen period, but had no idea it can significantly decrease production until I noticed the numbers being quite a bit lower than expected. I noticed in peak...
  • Post in thread: 60v wires only for 12/24v systems?

    I understand, thank you. What would be the minimum safe rating then? I suppose 100v. I'm not talking about the wires from the panel to the combiner and MPPT, which are solar cables, but rather about the wires from MPPTs to the batteries and inverter...
  • Post in thread: Battery disconnect on both negative and positive?

    I saw systems were they had disconnects on both wires, wondering why then? Is it possible that some batteries need both sides disconnected - i.e.: pylontech?
  • Post in thread: Lf280k bolts

    I'm not even 40 years old... :giggle:... so I'll need numbers. Yes, I've heard 4NM for the older model with welded studs, but haven't seen info on these types I have now.
  • Post in thread: Overkill BMS for 200a?

    I don't think I noted any BMS from overkill to offer over 100 amps. Can you somehow have two connected? I doubt it but it's worth asking... Here in the UK, Daly can be found for sale, but as @OffGridGuy mentioned on another post, the larger BMSes from Daly are not something to be proud off...
  • Post in thread: Fitted a Midi fuse in a Victron Lynx Distributor. Is it OK?

    Fellow DIY-ers, I couldn't believe my eyes, but it seems that LittleFuse does Mega fuses for lower amps (60A to 500A) and 70V rated. :D Here it is an url from the UK: I'm sure you'll find something in the US as well; anyways, it was worth searching...
  • Post in thread: Copper tape vs cable

    Found class-T fuses here: They have them in stock, ready to dispatch! :D
  • Post in thread: DIY combiner box component brands

    Ciao friends, What would your recommendations be for a diy combiner box components? I'm saying box, but not going to have a physical box, just the functionality of it mounted tidily with DIN rails ;) : MC4 combiners - Y or T or whatever, I don't mind MC4 fuses dc disconnect switch with at...
  • Post in thread: Fuses/breakers & Safety

    I need 4 separate strings in my case. I've raised this in a thread, here: Someone is waiting for a shipment from China and I'll buy from them. They say class A, and I...
  • Post in thread: Copper tape vs cable

    It would be like copper bar yes... They call it tape, but it is very solid. I've bought the 25x 3mm one and using it for battery busbars. It is definitely not copper foil.
  • Post in thread: Is Victron easy to set up?

    I truly appreciate everyone's advice, thank you for taking your time to advise. I currently ordered the solar panels: 12x400w monos Trinas Vertex S - so that's first part done. But looking to buy other different panels in the future, so the possibility to add Smart Solar chargers when needed...
  • Post in thread: Copper tape vs cable

    What's the difference with Class-T fuses? I had a quick look on eBay and I can see a 300A one from BlueSea, and that's good. Most system schematics I saw use Class-T fuses though...
  • Post in thread: Flat roof mount ideas

    Hello DIY-ers! My project requires mounting some of the panels on a flat roof. The winds in this location are tremendous sometimes, so I'll have to be careful how I mount them. The panels are relatively heavy at 21kg, and medium to large in size with 1.7m by 1.1m (Trina Vertex S 400w). I'm...
  • Post in thread: Bus bar specs calculation

    Hi! I've found various info on Google searches but wondering what would be the right way to size my busbar. For wires, I can look in the table of the providers for the wires I buy. They have an amp specification in accordance to their size. But with a bare copper tape / bar this information is...
  • Post in thread: System cable

    How I wish we had such options here in the UK too... But very good point on closed ends, haven't thought of that actually...
  • Post in thread: Greetings from chilly Scotland

    Greetings all, My name is Anton and I'm living in Edinburgh, Scotland. The solar "bug" has gotten to me after seeing some videos of Will on his YouTube channel. Then I ordered his book, saw all videos, checked out his website and silently followed the forum... Now, after a month or so I'm...
  • Post in thread: LifePo4 chemistry reset myth or real?

    The balancing actually does work pretty well in my case as well, and it does start depending on how you program the BMS. Here is a screenshot of the battery after it went through a short cycle to 100% - it is autumn now - and the bms did some balancing.
  • Post in thread: LifePo4 chemistry reset myth or real?

    My main question was if not bringing the Lifepo4 cells to 3.65 V has a detrimental effect on them over time.
  • Post in thread: Lf280k bolts

    Hi, I've got a new series of lf280k, planning to add a second bank to my battery, however, these came with different terminals. The bolts are like in the pictures... Any reasons why I can't get proper bolts (with the head) to tighten the busbars in properly? Thank you
  • Post in thread: Is having two Victron MPPTs connected better than having one bigger MPPT?

    Hi, In a 12 panel system, 6 would be affected by shade and 6 not. Out of the 6 shaded ones, 3 of them are affected a bit more. I can do various combinations like 3s4p, or two systems like 2 x 3s2p. I wonder if it is better to have two smaller MPPTs of 150/45 than having one bigger one like...
  • Post in thread: DC Breaker combiner box confusion

    Hello there, I need a bit of help to understand the schematics of the following from an official manual: What does Midpoint earth mean? It is first time I see this term... I've got the iC60H, which was confirmed by Schneider to be the same with regards to specs and requirements with iC60N...
  • Post in thread: Flat roof mount ideas

    Do you have a link for this? Curious to see how that looks like...
  • Post in thread: Copper tape vs cable

    Here is the eBay results in the UK for Class-T fuse 300A...
  • Post in thread: Combiner min fuse - Isc?

    Hi, Quick one. I'm looking at a Watts247 combiner box, but it comes with a 15A fuse... The Isc of my panels is 12.28A per string, isn't that a bit close? Max fuse says rating 20A on the panel sticker. I mean on a cold bright day, the VoC can be exceeded, can it be a similar situation for the...
  • Post in thread: Scottish Off Grid Solar System

    Hello good people! I would like to start my first post by thanking Will for creating this platform, for his book and every video he posts on his YouTube channel! For a few weeks now I've been trying to design a 48v off-grid solar system, and I've been looking at Will's videos, read his book...
  • Post in thread: Fuses/breakers & Safety

    Hello Everyone! Hope someone from this thread will still be able to patiently have a look at my updated schematics, wire sizes, fuse sizes and dc breakers please. I have re-read @smoothJoey 's initial post many times with wire and fuse sizes, then have read again the manuals for the Multiplus...
  • Post in thread: PV earthing UK

    Hi, I'm based in the UK doing an off grid system and cannot help but notice the lack of equipment and information regarding PV earthing... Like grounding bolts (Tyco), etc. There's BS7671 as a NEC equivalent but offers little information about pv earthing ... So I paid attention when going out...
  • Post in thread: Output wire sizing Multiplus II

    Hi, I'm trying to figure out the wire size for AC-out 1 from my Multiplus II 8000. Do I go by the datasheet continuous power value i.e.: 6400w => approx 30 A at 230V, or do I go by the manual that says 45A for output? Please see the screenshots attached. The consumer unit is 15m away from the...
  • Post in thread: Jk BMS Vs Victron

    I won't bother pushing them over 3.5v/cell, there is in essence no need for that. I'll have to make sure that the Smart Shunt is well calibrated with its SoC and leave it to do its job.
  • Post in thread: Is Victron easy to set up?

    That's very useful, I started googling for local dealers now! Do I need an active internet connection at the system to be able to set it up, or is Bluetooth enough and do it through my phone? I can also connect with a laptop if needed, but would like to know what's best and if active internet...
  • Post in thread: Overkill BMS for 200a?

    The Eve LiFePo4 cells allow up to 280A discharge, so I thought pulling 200A would be fine if needed. Building a second battery is out of finances at the moment. A 48v 16 cell eve battery costs about £2.5k at the moment, which is pretty hefty. But that is about 12kwh of energy storage, so worth it.
  • Post in thread: 48 v 40 amp mega fuse?

    Most of the mega fuse I'm looking at are 32v or 24v, it's confusing me as well. I'm looking for 60A mega fuse on a 48v system.
  • Post in thread: Combiner min fuse - Isc?

    I thought so as well, but was challenged by someone online when I wanted different fuses in the combiner box (20A not 15A ones).
  • Post in thread: Victron quick check before ordering, please!

    That's great, that you very much @sunshine_eggo ! I'll build the fuse and circuit breaker diagram once I place the Victron order and include these as per your suggestions. Given what you have said, the Multiplus 2 seems best option. I'm thinking of replacing the model with the higher performing...
  • Post in thread: Bus bar specs calculation

    Thank you, everyone! Regarding solar and anything around it, there's no better place to get info. I'm glad I asked, it spares me extra expenses, as I already have the 1/4" x 1" pure copper bar. There won't be more than 300A traveling through it, so that's safe to use. Thanks again!
  • Post in thread: Overkill BMS for 200a?

    Would it be a better idea to split the cells into 4x4, that's 4 smaller batteries of 12v, totalling 48v? Then have four BMSes 4s 12v of 200A or 250A each.
  • Post in thread: Carling Technologies MCCB mount and install

    Hello fellow solar friends! Adding a second battery bank (EVE lf280k), I have bought two Carling Technologies F series hydraulic MCCB ( However, I cannot find any details regarding how to properly mount this - I see very little information regarding...
  • Post in thread: Victron Multiplus II in passthru without batteries

    Hi there, On short, I've got a Multiplus II, SmartSolar chargers, all working in simphony with 16s Eve lf280k with JK BMS. I'd like to add another battery bank and thus would need to disconnect the current bank. I've got a system switch that I can turn off. The question is, can I turn off so...
  • Post in thread: DIY combiner box component brands

    I found them, but they're based in the US and I like to buy locally (UK)...
  • Post in thread: Fuses/breakers & Safety

    I thought they want two wires because maybe one thick one would be too big to fit in there, but I agree with you both, I'd rather have one thick wire. Thank you both, glad you both replied.
  • Post in thread: Fuses/breakers & Safety

    I suppose it's fine to use the mega fuse 300a on the wire to the inverter, same size as the T class fuse at the battery, right? I see no reason why not, but I'm no expert.
  • Post in thread: Panels VOC & ISC

    Hi, Can it ever be that the panels would go even a bit over their VOC? Conversely, can they go over their rated ISC? Cheers
  • Post in thread: Solis inverter backup

    Yes, that's right, good point... I don't think people do know about this backup option that Solis inverters offer
  • Post in thread: Jk BMS Vs Victron

    I just had a look in the manual and to my surprise it says 0.2 or 0.3 below float voltage. I would think below absorption is more suitable as well...

diy solar

diy solar