diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    If you wire the new and old cells in parallel, the amp-hour capacity will be added together. I don't know why people are saying that the cells will be destroyed. People answer questions when they really DON'T know what they're talking about. Perhaps they are just repeating "old wives tales" or...
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    Mine is small. But I'm happy with it.
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    The chemistry doesn't matter. It's an electrical "problem", not chemistry.
  • Post in thread: My Daly 16s 150 amp BMS is not working on my MPP solar LV6048 inverter/charger. NO BMS on the LiFeP04 Batteries. Can anybody have an advice?

    I have been living full-time on a LifePO4 pack for the last 6 years WITHOUT a BMS. Well, I take that back. I had a Daly 16s 300 amp BMS that lasted only one full cycle and failed. My battery pack consists of OLD Calb 180 cells and NEW EVE 280's in the same pack. I only have an active balancer...
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    How do you know it was "a shorter life overall" when you played mix and match if you don't run a "control" at the same time that isn't mixed with old and new batteries? That is not science. You FEEL like something should have lasted longer, but you don't actually know if it was "normal" or not...
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    How do I draw the opposite conclusions to that of the author? It says in green "This is possible and won’t cause any major issues". The part in red is the "cover my ass" statement that "if you don't know what you're doing, it could be a problem. But knowing what you're doing shouldn't be a...
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    This is IMPOSSIBLE in parallel. What you are describing is what happens in series.
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    Please post scientific data backing up this "common knowledge".
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    Old wives tale.
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    I don't need Google to tell me my data is correct. If you feel it's wrong, then the burden is on you to show contradictory data. An engineering degree is more my friend than Google.
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank (Note the bottom of the page where it says "Connecting batteries of different amp hour capacities in parallel" By the way, I'm not just a "redneck...
  • Post in thread: My Daly 16s 150 amp BMS is not working on my MPP solar LV6048 inverter/charger. NO BMS on the LiFeP04 Batteries. Can anybody have an advice?

    The guy who wrote "DO NOT use LiFePO4 s without bms" is the one who hijacked this thread if you want to call it that. We are only discussing what was said here. It is also DIRECTLY related to what the OP said about not running a BMS and checking up on the system twice a year. So please make sure...
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    Yer killing me. You need to read it. It talks about parallel lead acid. My research wasn't part of an academic institution and isn't "published". It's something I did just for myself. YOU haven't posted anything that backs up your claim, which you should be able to do since supposedly it has...
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    I'm glad to see that someone has experienced in real world usage what my experiments found to be true.
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    Yeah, it's the Internet. That's why I posted my driver's license which matches the name on the degree and even matches my username. No, many people HAVE NOT seen the effects first hand of mixing PARALLEL CELLS new and old and have a rapid adverse outcome. Batteries get old. It's going to happen...
  • Post in thread: MidNite CC citing Battery Over Voltage

    As for the alerts when PV isn't inputting, the Midnite monitors voltage at all times regardless of charge sources and will alert when it sees voltage above the "max volts" setting in the "Advanced" config menu. Also your generator charge source may be sensing a slightly lower voltage than the...
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    So am I.
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    The thing is that the question of "Which degree do you have so we can determine what your expertise is" wasn't asked. What was said and implied was "hey, your school doesn't even offer the program that you supposedly earned a degree in", which if true would be a "gotcha" moment that I wasn't...
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    What does that even mean? Do you have anything intelligent to add? Better yet, post a link to a manufacturer's document or ANYTHING that even remotely suggests what you think your understanding is. You won't find it since it doesn't exist. This is the problem when someone challenges a LONG HELD...
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    There never was any "phallus" waving. People are also confusing parallel strings with parallel cells. But I'm done arguing. It isn't worth it.
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    So I'm here to set everyone on a body of water? I guess you don't have anything intelligent to add. That answers that question.
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    My name isn’t Mark. I already terminated my discussion with you earlier and the fact that you can’t even respect someone enough to get their name right shows that I was right to terminate. As I said earlier, I gain no benefit from changing your mind. I don’t make any money from it, I’m not...
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    " In general when one 6V battery goes bad the other in series will quickly follow." I would agree. That happens because the cells were all operated under the same conditions for exactly the same length of time. They all got old together. I fly airplanes and the same thing happens to the light...
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    If you believe that the parallel causes the issue, then you're free to continue believing that. I get no benefit by changing your mind. I don't sell battery systems or do install services or anything like that. So I will leave it at that.
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    I did discuss the topic presented. Just because you disagree doesn’t make me “not discussing the topic”. People are also conflating the issue of “parallel STRINGS” and “parallel CELLS” in a single string. My argument is about parallel cells in a single string. But people keep arguing about...
  • Post in thread: noob top balancing - over charged my cells to 4.2v

    I bought my first cells from Jack Rickard. RIP Jack. (The grey cells in the picture are the cells I bought from him 6 years ago. I've abused these cells and they are still going strong!)
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    My position is that it is very possible. But obviously others are disagreeing with me. My findings are that two (or more) paralleled cells will function as a single cell. If there is a “weaker” cell in that parallel “block”, then the “stronger” cell will simply “do more of the work”, but less...
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    I don't need to tell it to anyone. The battery manufacturers already know this and NONE of them disagree with my findings. If you think they do, then post their findings. Oh, and putting a word in caps isn't supposed to "strengthen my argument". It's meant to EMPHASIZE a particular word. Your...
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    I’m going to do a set of engineering drawings and submit it to Rolls/Dekka/several manufacturers and ask if they see a problem and would warranty their cells in that configuration. Hopefully I will get a clear “no way” or “we see no problem” and “yes, we would warranty the cells”.
  • Post in thread: Extending a part worn battery bank

    Hearsay is exactly what I'm talking about. Until someone does an experiment with a proper control, like I have, then they are guessing. I understand if you don't want to spend your money on something. But I wanted to know for sure for myself. So I did it and I guess it was lucky for me tha it...