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diy solar

EG4 18kpv quick charge not working


New Member
Feb 3, 2024
Ramona CA
I just installed my unit last weekend the 18kpv with wall mount battery. It seems to working properly. I have my solar grid tied inverter AC coupled to it. For the heck of it I tried the quick charge function today and it did not work? An unknown error popped up. Tried it on the phone app and computer still the same thing. Has anyone had this problem?



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Scrotus thanks for taking interest with my problem. I attached my charge and discharge settings. IMG_0339.jpegIMG_0338.jpegIMG_0337.jpegIMG_0336.jpegIMG_0335.jpeg
The only think that stands out to me is that it looks like you have it set to lead acid? Are you using lead acid?
Can your battery take 250 amps? Can you grid panel dish out 60 amps at 240?
So some basic thoughts first. I have seen errors like that when the app "seems to work" but actually isnt online. Exit the app on you phone and then restart it and try again.

I have also hit the quick charge button and it seemed to do nothing. The page didnt update and the watts didnt change. Turns out the page only updates when you hit the update button 2 times ( it seems) or after 5 minutes. So it was quick charging tho the button still said start quick charge. I do not think this is your problem tho something to know.
No I’m using the power wall set up. I just tried quick charges and it worked?

For some reason the time and date were off I corrected them then tried the quick charge. Not sure if that had anything to do with it.
The time on the online monitor is ahead by 12 hours not sure how to change that?
The time on the online monitor is ahead by 12 hours not sure how to change that?
Looks like a job for EG4_Jarrett
My time was off but only by an hour EG4_Jarrett Helped me out. I guess its a problem that can only easily be solved by remote.

If I were you I would play with the time zone settings. As I said, mine was only off by a hour but yours is 12 hours.

Thanks, I was wondering about the GMT-? settings. I live in San Diego not sure what it should be cant find it. Thanks for your help!
Good news! The quick charge function is super useful if there is some bad weather coming.
Dont use it to compensate for a cloudy day. That would introduce unneeded cycling on your battery. Instead, I play with the On grid EOD voltage to get it to fall back to grid and back

Say my voltage is 50v and I want it to go to grid. Set the on grid end of discharge to 53.
To get it BACK on battery you have to set the on grid EODv to 3 volts below where its is at so I would set it to 47
Anything other than a 3 volt difference and it wont change.
It wants the 3v as a buffer to prevent it from going back and forth.
I assume quick charge is to charge from the grid, right?
It looks to me like you have AC charging turned off. Might be worth turning AC charging on, as a test
I assume quick charge is to charge from the grid, right?
It looks to me like you have AC charging turned off. Might be worth turning AC charging on, as a test
I tested that on my own system when I saw that. Quick charge works over here with AC charge off. Ac charge is for SOC. voltage and scheduled charging. Somehow "quick charge" works with it off.
I'l give it a try, I watched a video where it did it by it self. The quick charge is still not working. The online monitoring says its in quick charge but its not going to the battery.

My inverter time and app time are correct, but the darn monitoring time is ahead bt 12 hours? ugh.

I wish EG$ would provide some kind of information on how each setting works. They have a few brief ones in the online settings.

Screenshot 2024-02-07 051835.png
No I’m using the power wall set up. I just tried quick charges and it worked?

For some reason the time and date were off I corrected them then tried the quick charge. Not sure if that had anything to do with it.
The time on the online monitor is ahead by 12 hours not sure how to change that?
The times need adjustment in three locations: the user account, on the station, and in the settings. However, I have corrected this for GMT -8, and the data should be reported accurately starting today.
Come on guys surely this time zone thing can be straightened out between all of the different components.
By the way the quick charge sets a 1 hour slot in timer # 3 so you can look there to see if it has been set.

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