diy solar

diy solar

Have any of you all looked into building a Tesla magnetic Wheel?


New Member
Mar 23, 2024
Just curious, Tesla invented it in 1880, they need the magnets changed or charged every 14 or so years and the bearings need changed which is 2 when they need it. other than that it's free power for a thousand $ worth of parts but they are kinda noisy. I was watching a demonstration of one and it was like 16 or so inches long and like 10 inches tall and it was running a 100 watt light bulb an 8 inch cooking burner red hot and a descent size fan all at once. You can build them much bigger. I was talking to a guy who worked at the DC patent office and he told me there were several hundred patents deemed classified just under perpetual motion... I know one of them. it's a water wheel and real simple but in order to be effective it would be big and heavy...
The Tesla wheel is not perpetual motion, the water wheel is. It's a wheel with tubes like PVC pipe with water in them attached to the wheel at an angle. When the wheel is on one rotation side rotating toward the top of the rotation the water moves into the center of the wheel from the angle the tubes are attached but on the down side going toward the ground the water flows outward toward the edge so the force going down toward the ground is heavier because of leverage than the weight when the wheel is going toward the top when the water is huddled toward the center. Simple and ingenious... Easily built. I have not seen how much potential it has but it is for fixed application I would think for best results because I think it would move slow and generate little power but if big enough it could probably do good...
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The Tesla wheel is not perpetual motion, the water wheel is
First Law of Thermodynamics - conservation of energy.
DeltaU= Q-W
No Free-lunch, there are no exceptions.
if you could make a machine with zero losses, the best you could do is net zero; energy in = energy out. However losses are a reality, so energy in > energy out is the only possibility.
First law of Magic - Unlimited energy is available through the use of spells.
Conservation of magic however places practical limits or you end up in hell.
First Law of Thermodynamics - conservation of energy.
DeltaU= Q-W
No Free-lunch, there are no exceptions.
if you could make a machine with zero losses, the best you could do is net zero; energy in = energy out. However losses are a reality, so energy in > energy out is the only possibility.
Total BS, the bankers have locked all the real information up with their counterfeiting operation. Why do you think they practically wrote Tesla out of the history books? It's not free you have to recharge the magnets but very efficient is all. Like I stated there are thousands of patents locked up by our masters. They want to control the energy period and they want to cut most of it off for the sheeple..... The Sheep need to stop breeding and cutting the power is a good way to do it to a degree, 8 billion apes grafted with technology is a bit much don't you think?
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I'm too busy building a full size SpinLaunch wheel to throw stuff into Space. What a great idea ! :ROFLMAO:
(I guess when they make billions on it I'll have to recant :cautious:)
Can you draw a picture?
Both of them are real simple, the Tesla wheel you align the magnets so they push off against each other and spin the wheel. you array some fixed stationary that aren't on the wheel and they push against the others that are mounted on the wheel. There used to be plans on the net and probably still are but they are taking the net down fast. The water wheel same thing. Think of a Ferris Wheel with fixed tubular arms coming out from the center filled with water and angled so when they are headed up toward the sky the water in the tube rushes to the center of the wheel but when it is headed toward the ground the water rushes toward the outside of the Ferris Wheel circle driving it down so when headed up it is lighter because of leverage and headed down heavier because of leverage... we are being lied to about everything by our masters. They know all about both of these as just a few but have them locked up from the general public.... If you control the money and power systems you control it pretty much, why do you think they took over all the oil world wide the way they did during WW1 and we have been fighting wars over it for them ever since? All the power we need is in water, look up what happened to Stanley Myers for creating a system to where water could power the world. They warned him and he did not listen so he got whacked. Reportedly the offered him a billion Federal Reserve notes so they could lock it up and he said no. They know solar is a joke that's why they let us have it...
Total BS,
Before you dismiss what someone tells you happened build your own device and report how it did.

This is a DIY solar forum and if you put in the effort and money you will find that solar power does produce and no mysterious "They" will stop you from using it. No, it will not fit in your back pack as you move about avoiding zombies and other post apocalyptic dangers.

First rule of energy is it takes power to make power. TANSTAAFL
I consider myself a very conspiratorial individual, but if cheap free or nearly free energy existed we would be using it.

Same thing about that BS claim about the person who's supposedly invented a water-powered car but "they had him killed, man... To like suppress the ideas, bro. It's real trust me".
They warned him and he did not listen so he got whacked. Reportedly the offered him a billion Federal Reserve notes so they could lock it up and he said no. They know solar is a joke that's why they let us have it.
And here you are on a DIY solar power forum spreading ‘The Truth’, like you’ve got some sort of death wish. 😂
You’re either a moron because you’re seriously endangering yourself. Or you’re a moron because you’re just obviously wrong about everything you’ve claimed and are wasting your own time and ours.
I’m betting on the latter. And the Second Law of Thermodynamics is going to back me up.
if cheap free or nearly free energy existed we would be using it.
Exactly. And if ‘they’ (presumably oil companies) knew about it and were keeping it from ‘us’, they would definitely be using it in their own processes. And working in that industry for 20 years, I can assure you they are doing no such thing.