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diy solar

Lv6548 switching to grid unexpectedly


New Member
Jun 21, 2022
Hello , need some help troubleshooting single lv6548. I have 5 SOK 48v batteries. It's recently started randomly switching to grid even when the batteries are 90%+ full. It's running a 30amp camper and for the most part only running the small fridge about 300watts. I can't figure out why it's switching to grid. As soon as solar returns and charges batteries back over 54v, it switches back to solar/battery mode. Are there log files that can be pulled from the lv6548 that would indicate the condition that is triggering it. I'm not getting any errors that I can find. For example tonight batteries at 97% 53.3 volts but it switched to grid mode.

Mode Setting is SBU
To grid battery voltage 51
Back to battery voltage 54V
How long has this system been in operation?

How often do you charge to and hold at least 55.2V for a couple hours?

Do you have ANY surge loads of ANY kind?

Have you tried reducing #12 to 48-50V to see if behavior changes?

I assume #5 is USE?

How long has this system been in operation?

How often do you charge to and hold at least 55.2V for a couple hours?

Do you have ANY surge loads of ANY kind?

Have you tried reducing #12 to 48-50V to see if behavior changes?

I assume #5 is USE?

Thanks for the response. Its been up and running for about 6 months. I did recently add 2 more batteries and setup solar assistant. Its odd that it doesn't always do it sometimes can go weeks without doing it but then once it does it seem like it does it for a handful of days and then goes back to never going to GRID. Power wise it can run easily just off of solar and batteries. its a 30amp camper and the breaker never kicks (30amp breaker). The pictures below show the fridge cycling on and off, nothing else is running. Seems very random when it kicks to grid but sometimes it does align very close to when solar is gone for the day, but doesn't really match with the fridge cycling on / off. I was hoping there was some kinda debug log on the lv6548 that would log such triggers and just point me to what it believes is happening.

I did lower it from 52 volts to 51 as I thought maybe a sudden spike was dropping the voltage, I could go to 50 to see if that helps for a night.

Battery are set to Pylon for comms

I'll check 26 and 27

I don't see that you answered this:

How often do you charge to and hold at least 55.2V for a couple hours?

Please answer the above. It's very important.

I assume #5 is USE?


26 and 27 don't matter when you have active comms

Small fridge? Do you mean a small propane fridge? I hope you understand that those are MASSIVE power hogs. They use 5-6X the power of a same size residential fridge, and it looks like yours is on a LOT of the time. The fridge alone consumes 1.5 of your 5 batteries every 24 hours. The first 1200W or so of your PV exists solely to feed the fridge.

When you added the batteries did you take any special effort to ensure they were balanced? New batteries often arrive imbalanced, and it can take awhile to get them balanced.
Do you have ANY surge loads of ANY kind?

Have you tried reducing #12 to 48-50V to see if behavior changes?

I had this happen to me on my 6548s, a startup load was causing the voltage to momentarily sag enough to hit the "back to grid" voltage. I just dropped that all the way and that eliminated the problem. I use some Home Assistant software automations to switch back to USB when I want based on SOC. My batteries BMSs will protect themselves anyway if that failed.
this is resolved now. Had to shut down completely the inverter and then power back up. Working as intended now

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