diy solar

diy solar

Need Advice and opinions!


New Member
Jul 17, 2023
Starke, Fl
so I bought my Sp6548 inverters and 400 ah of batteries in August of 2023. And for the most part I have been pleased with them but there are quirks that you guys are well aware of with the voltronics inverters mainly the flickering lights and lack of any support. Etc… When the 6000xp came out that is exactly what I was looking for and with the new indoor battery and integrated bus bars it was even more right up my alley becuse of the small space my inverters and batteries currently occupy. As it stands now my main panel is feeding a critical loads panel that pretty much has my entire house on it. So here is my question should I split my current load and grab a 6000xp and indoor power pro battery And a second suboanel. Or 86 my entire setup? Not sure there is much of a used market for sungold power stuff?? What do you guys think? Thoughts? Thanks in advance !
so I bought my Sp6548 inverters and 400 ah of batteries in August of 2023. And for the most part I have been pleased with them but there are quirks that you guys are well aware of with the voltronics inverters mainly the flickering lights and lack of any support. Etc… When the 6000xp came out that is exactly what I was looking for and with the new indoor battery and integrated bus bars it was even more right up my alley becuse of the small space my inverters and batteries currently occupy. As it stands now my main panel is feeding a critical loads panel that pretty much has my entire house on it. So here is my question should I split my current load and grab a 6000xp and indoor power pro battery And a second suboanel. Or 86 my entire setup? Not sure there is much of a used market for sungold power stuff?? What do you guys think? Thoughts? Thanks in advance !
Were it me, I would go with option 1: "split my current load and grab a 6000xp and indoor power pro battery And a second subpanel."
If you went with the 86 option, you could keep the old inverter as a backup.
Both valid options.

diy solar

diy solar