diy solar

diy solar

Why the laser focus on Idle Power?

I've also heard it called "Phantom load" - what is used when everything is supposedly turned off (but really on "standby")
To make sure stuff is really off you can either unplug it or turn off its power bar.
Idle power used to be a huge issue before PV solar panels became cheap.

So was power draw of lights and appliances. People would have separate DC distributions just for lighting and things that could operate off of lower voltage DC just because PV was so expensive.

Extra and phantom energy use is still a concern but not nearly as bad as it was. I you have the space, just add more panels

We all have different needs. I want features and if that means I have to pay for it that is fine. In the long run if I have to buy a couple more solar panels to cover the idle consumption that is the price I have to pay. One of the features that is important to me is the program settings that allow me to squeeze as much benefit as possible from my NEM agreement.
The PV array in my small system is shade challenged during the winter so I want maximum efficiency. My old 3kw inverter drew 36 watts with no load. The 4 watts my new 3.5 kw inverter draws at idle was a check in the plus column for that model.
I picked an AIMS inverter from a chap that tried running it in his RV. Its idle is about 92w, power save mode is not very useful. Thats about 1.5kwh on a 16hr over night, longer if there isn't much sun. Thats a bit of juice to just throw to the wind. I don't idle it over night, just power on when the sun is shinning to run the well and other things.
I put my old cheapie spare 4 kW AIO back into action as a charger for occasional use to charge the home battery from the car's battery via the vehicle to load adapter. But when not used I turn the AIO off as it has a 45 W idle draw.

I could use the idle mode which is supped to reduce that to ~15 W but even that draw is wasteful. Over a year that's still equivalent to 800km (500 miles) of range in my car. Best it only be on when needed.

diy solar

diy solar