diy solar

diy solar

Melted Wiring in GSL Battery - Any idea what went wrong here?

Who are out of business. :(
I can help process warranty claims on Iron Edison batteries directly with GSL if you want to reach out. I've gotten replacements successfully delivered from them with valid warranty claims (two so far, with 15 more allocated in a warehouse in Texas- I'm not sure, but they might want to charge shipping from here on out? They change criteria a lot) if you care to reach out.
Flexnet + LFP owner here…. The flexnet is a shunt and %SOC tracker, with an aux relay. Nothing more. Bulk current/absorption setpoint + timer/ float setpoint are all set either in the outback inverter, the mppt, or both.
I admit the inner workings of the Flexnet DC are a bit of a mystery to me, but I can tell you this: In the dozens of systems I've seen them in, they cause problems. I always recommend removing them from any LFP system, and it fixes the problem every time (except once it was in combination with an FM100AFCI needing an internal switch adjustment in addition to removing the useless FNDC).
Generally, IMHO, anything that exists for the sole purpose of translating operational voltage potential into consumer-facing SOC% is worse than worthless. Better coulomb counting than OCV method, but still 98 times out of 100 it's not accurate but to within 15 or 20%, and in most cases I've seen (even internal BMS readers) cause more problems than they pretend to report.

diy solar

diy solar