diy solar

diy solar

How to run a 2900 sqft all electric home from 6000 watts of PV

I think rates going up is one of the key things. I think inflation will cause prices to prop a bit and be a driving factor in those rates rising significantly.
I'm sure future proofing was one of the thoughts in the back of my head for sure when doing this.

Mostly it was COVID and the Draconian nonsense that followed.
Calls to deny unvaccinated access to healthcare or access to stores, Etc.

I figured, why would they stop at that?, next thing they will be turning off the Electricity if I " Don't behave " in the prescribed manner..

All about limiting the amount of control outside agencies have on my life..
IF you DIY the batteries you can get 14.3 Kwh capacity for about $1,600-1,700 from DocanPower's USA stock (not including a case to hold them) thats like somewhere about $110-120 per KwH of capacity.
I am scared to see where rates go

When everyone is scared of rising rates, that's when the trend will reverse. We are not there. Plenty still believe in rate cuts by the Fed during 2024, myself included (the Fed has actually announced cuts for this year, that's where my belief is from).

Long term, higher rates esp in the USA are very very likely, as the Dollar is slowly losing its reserve status. Google dedollarization. A candidate for "word of the year".

China just sold a record amount of US bonds in q1 of 2024.

U.S.A. quality of life will further deteriorate.
Water prices in the UK are going up between 21 and 90% over the next 5 years. Power grids are creaking due to the extra load of AI.
Just 2 headlines from the news yesterday.