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diy solar

diy solar

How to run a 2900 sqft all electric home from 6000 watts of PV

You might be able to run your 2900 sqft house with a 50A inverter and 6KW, but why on earth would you want to?

My setup is going to be close but insufficient this summer, I have over double what you have with 1/2 the sq footage. If you are serious leave room for 2-3 more inverters. I don't want to have to adjust my lifestyle just so I can have solar. That defeats the purpose, IMNSHO. The two 3T's are going to kill you this summer, your dreaming if you think that SolArk is going to handle them plus anything else when it hit's 100+. My 4T was pulling 4.2KW this summer, basically just *ON* from 1300. If you are all-electric, jack in a HWH, an oven/range, a clothes dryer, (Forget an EV), your demand is going to crush the system. Can it be done? Sure, but I can tell you the battery is going to be grossly too small even if you can get demand down, and 6KW of panels is not even going to be close. I have 20KW of panels, the most I've seen is about 120KWH in a day. My electric usage in July and August are over 3MWH.

Hopefully your family will not leave.
You might be able to run your 2900 sqft house with a 50A inverter and 6KW, but why on earth would you want to?

My setup is going to be close but insufficient this summer, I have over double what you have with 1/2 the sq footage. If you are serious leave room for 2-3 more inverters. I don't want to have to adjust my lifestyle just so I can have solar. That defeats the purpose, IMNSHO. The two 3T's are going to kill you this summer, your dreaming if you think that SolArk is going to handle them plus anything else when it hit's 100+. My 4T was pulling 4.2KW this summer, basically just *ON* from 1300. If you are all-electric, jack in a HWH, an oven/range, a clothes dryer, (Forget an EV), your demand is going to crush the system. Can it be done? Sure, but I can tell you the battery is going to be grossly too small even if you can get demand down, and 6KW of panels is not even going to be close. I have 20KW of panels, the most I've seen is about 120KWH in a day. My electric usage in July and August are over 3MWH.

Hopefully your family will not leave.
I think the system is undersized but 4 inverters total? That's grossly oversized

Even at 100kwh a day. How much of the time is the op using more than 12kw? Maybe 10% .

His current inverter and a some more solar and battery should be enough to handle at least 90% of annual demand
You might be able to run your 2900 sqft house with a 50A inverter and 6KW, but why on earth would you want to?

My setup is going to be close but insufficient this summer, I have over double what you have with 1/2 the sq footage. If you are serious leave room for 2-3 more inverters. I don't want to have to adjust my lifestyle just so I can have solar. That defeats the purpose, IMNSHO. The two 3T's are going to kill you this summer, your dreaming if you think that SolArk is going to handle them plus anything else when it hit's 100+. My 4T was pulling 4.2KW this summer, basically just *ON* from 1300. If you are all-electric, jack in a HWH, an oven/range, a clothes dryer, (Forget an EV), your demand is going to crush the system. Can it be done? Sure, but I can tell you the battery is going to be grossly too small even if you can get demand down, and 6KW of panels is not even going to be close. I have 20KW of panels, the most I've seen is about 120KWH in a day. My electric usage in July and August are over 3MWH.

Hopefully your family will not leave.
My family would be more at a risk of leaving had I wasted money on a system that over produces 8 months of the year just to brag that my utility bill is near zero during a few hot months. IMNSHO
Sub $1000 per 5kwh would be nice.
Check this one out...this is way below what you are hoping for...

My family would be more at a risk of leaving had I wasted money on a system that over produces 8 months of the year just to brag that my utility bill is near zero during a few hot months. IMNSHO
RIGHT! not worth it in my opinion. November to Feb is almost worthless where I am so there is not way Id be using the inverters for much.
Check this one out...this is way below what you are hoping for...

My family would be more at a risk of leaving had I wasted money on a system that over produces 8 months of the year just to brag that my utility bill is near zero during a few hot months. IMNSHO

I was pulling your chain. . . Sorry, left out a smiley or two. :rolleyes:

The '6K' mention was causing old man confusion, I was thinking about the EG4 inverter. You are likely going to want "more" this summer. The cheapest improvement is panels, based on your statement, I'd double it to 12K of PV, probably the simplest upgrade with ROI. I still say I don't want to change my lifestyle. So, I'm comfortable using 50+KW a day before solar, so I spend money on solar to reduce my electric bill, then force myself into a bunch of energy saving behaviors to try and make it maximize my savings and improve the ROI. Ok, but I think we are skewing the ROI, since usage is not apples to apples. Opinions are like *ssholes :) !

You probably want to get past TOU for your savings. APS or SRP? Arizona has really low rates off-peak. Even on-peak with the latest bump, in July, SRP is only like $0.28, between 2-8PM, which is less than my Kid pays any time in MA. Then again she doesn't use 120KWH some days in July. I'm going to bet you have a 200A panel (At least 150A) feeding your house. A pair of Sol-Arks would take you to 100A (+ some surge) of output which covers quite a lot of demand. This is actually quite doable, without breaking the bank, and gives you a modicum of redundancy. With 100A of inverter output you should be able to pretty much run everything, no matter the demand load in an all-electric home. This would allow you to gradually move everything to a sub-panel fed from an ATS arrangement. This means you don't have to do creative load balancing when demand exceeds 50A, which you must do if you don't.

You could just dedicate a few low use high demand items to the grid panel like the range, the clothes dryer and the hot water heater (HWH). Trying to float these loads manually or creatively with some ATS control is doable, this is in-fact something I currently have in place, which I want to eliminate. If my total usage exceeds 80A (Don't forget the 80% rule, no more than 3 hours over 80% of rated load), I have ATS's that will cut my EV charging platform, and oven range directly to the grid. You might look into an EV load share switch, I'm using one one to feed my HWH and Dryer. These switches can be had for a couple hundred bucks, and have high/low priority output, in my case Dryer is high, HWH is low. Pretty simple inexpensive way to limit demand.

I think you will find your ~30KW of batteries will probably put you about where you want to be so you should be pretty close there for maximal ROI, and get you over the TOU humps most of the time, which is where you are going to maximize your savings. It will not take you through the night, and from time to time you may not make it thru TOU, but power is cheap off-peak here so, until the bragging rights bug hits you should be golden.

I have dramatically more panels, and will be expanding there, but I also have two(2) EV's so the additional panels really help to feed the EV's. The extra battery I have is multi-fold, for crappy winter production, to possibly make it thru the hottest summer nights, when there are production disruptions, and to allow me to bleed excess power from the batteries into the EV's in the afternoon after I get home from work. I was tapping into the grid quite a bit December thru February even with the extra battery (added Nov). To your $$$ point the extra $10K of batteries has a pretty long payback with $0.08/KWH power savings. I think there is an added intangible benefit with power backup, in the event of a grid failure. It can be a bit hard to put a price tag on that piece. For me I can't remember the last time my grid was down so meh :)!

You did it!, congratulations!, and I hope you are having some fun playing around with all this stuff! You've obviously spent more than a modicum of time evaluating options, be sure to post how you are doing in July!
Is that for excess heat in batteries? thanks great post
Not really, just in general, the wiring, the breakers, ... Actually any electric output, you should try not to exceed 80% > 3 or 4 hours. This is written, not sure if codified. Example: EVSE for a car, you will have a 40A breaker for a 32A charge rate (7200W). Any breaker that runs over 80% will start to heat up and if you keep it up it will die young. I have a small number of anecdotal incidents for which I can vouch this can be an issue. Some of the sparky's here might have more to say, but I've always tried to abide the 80% rule for everything electrical. I really think it's more about stress and life expectancy, and the reality is the more peak demand you need the less likely you are to ride above 80% for any length of time, because while it all may kick on at once, it's unlikely it will all stay on at the same time, for any length of time.

For me I just want to build out my demand peak for whatever I would want as a minimum if it was "grid". IMNSHO when you start fiddling around too much with your lifestyle and existing stuff to "make solar work" your not accomplishing as much, and your ROI comparisons become silly. "Before solar My electric bill was 500/mo". "Now it's 0". Well OK but you spent $10K on new mini-splits, added insulation, swapped out the HWH with a heat pump, converted the range and dryer to gas, or only hang out the clothes on the line for another 10, and you only run certain items when the sun is shining and you have excess PV available. So if you shifted and only run certain things "off-peak" or "off-demand" and just did the non-solar changes how much would your electric bill have dropped? $250/mo now? So would you still have bothered with solar?

The ONLY usage/demand changes I've made since I added solar is charging the EV. Formerly charged before 13:00 or after 20:00 and weekends. Now I charge during the day whenever possible, and have software that will bleed solar battery to the car if the charge level is high enough. If I just need a charge and the solar batteries can't help, I kick it to the grid as before.
@XILLA. Congrats on cutting your bill by 80% !!

you have a solark and live in a 2900 sq ft house so you don't strike me as hurting for money: how low are you waiting for pv prices to drop? Right now you can buy 10kw of pv for $3000 or so, about $2100 after tax credit. That 10kw would provide about an extra 16mwh of annual production and you wouldn't have to worry about not having enough. I seriously doubt that what you have right now will cover you in the summer- for comparison I'm using about 31kwh per day currently but in summer it's about 75kwh a day.

Do you have an interconnection agreement? If you do then there is no worry about having enough to cover loads - just put your true critical loads on the critical loads panel and backfeed your main panel via the grid input.

How much does the poco pay for grid exports?
Heck just add a Second 15k and have a 30kw array.
That’s should cover even summer usage.

PV is cheap now..
Heck just add a Second 15k and have a 30kw array.
That’s should cover even summer usage.

PV is cheap now..
Relatively. But If you reduced your yearly from say $4000 to $800 spending $6000 for an inverter and a few more for panels or batteries, and the ROI is not that great, so your doing it for the principle! I would say over time your electric rates from the power company are unlikely to drop.
I've seen new panels for $0.14/W plus shipping. At that, 6kW would cost you ... $840

I suggest bias more toward 30kW of PV, or whatever you can fit on roof and/or ground mounts.
Arizona, you say? With enough PV you can run a large AC all day long (have some panels oriented SE, some SW, maybe some straight up). Staying comfortable at night may mean a mini-split for just the bedroom(s)
Relatively. But If you reduced your yearly from say $4000 to $800 spending $6000 for an inverter and a few more for panels or batteries, and the ROI is not that great, so your doing it for the principle! I would say over time your electric rates from the power company are unlikely to drop.
When I did my analysis we were using about 36MW each year which is about $5,400 a year.

My ROI was 10-11 years.

If rates go up even less time.

It could be done much cheaper with less expensive equipment but I’m a buy once cry once kinda guy.

I wouldn’t have done it had it not been economically feasible.

My rates are not even that high although I do pay $45 a month for the privilege of have a meter connection.
I think rates going up is one of the key things. I think inflation will cause prices to prop a bit and be a driving factor in those rates rising significantly.
I think rates going up is one of the key things. I think inflation will cause prices to prop a bit and be a driving factor in those rates rising significantly.
I'm sure future proofing was one of the thoughts in the back of my head for sure when doing this.

Mostly it was COVID and the Draconian nonsense that followed.
Calls to deny unvaccinated access to healthcare or access to stores, Etc.

I figured, why would they stop at that?, next thing they will be turning off the Electricity if I " Don't behave " in the prescribed manner..

All about limiting the amount of control outside agencies have on my life..
IF you DIY the batteries you can get 14.3 Kwh capacity for about $1,600-1,700 from DocanPower's USA stock (not including a case to hold them) thats like somewhere about $110-120 per KwH of capacity.
I am scared to see where rates go

When everyone is scared of rising rates, that's when the trend will reverse. We are not there. Plenty still believe in rate cuts by the Fed during 2024, myself included (the Fed has actually announced cuts for this year, that's where my belief is from).

Long term, higher rates esp in the USA are very very likely, as the Dollar is slowly losing its reserve status. Google dedollarization. A candidate for "word of the year".

China just sold a record amount of US bonds in q1 of 2024.

U.S.A. quality of life will further deteriorate.
Water prices in the UK are going up between 21 and 90% over the next 5 years. Power grids are creaking due to the extra load of AI.
Just 2 headlines from the news yesterday.

diy solar

diy solar