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diy solar

rules for thee but not for me? or why politicians are getting to be universally hated

Daddy Tanuki

Solar Wizard
May 11, 2021
Flanks of Mount Fuji
so why is it in every facet its rules for thee?

This story for instance.

Paul pelosi was on the wrong end of some hammer time with an illegal alien....(wonder which orfice they were stuffing with it?) and the perp gets 30 years.

a normal person is killed by an illegal alien and the perp walks free...

feel free to have fun with this one.

Our (Mis-)Leaders Are Psychopaths

They are "remorseless predators who use charm, intimidation and, if necessary, impulsive and cold-blooded violence to attain their ends."

They "ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations, and empty wallets."

They have "no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what [they] do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members."

Am I talking about politicians? Technocrats? Billionaire "philanthrocapitalists"? Royalty? Captains of industry?

Of course I am. But I'm also talking about psychopaths.

We all know what a psychopath is, or at least we think we do. They're chainsaw-wielding, crazed serial killers, like Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Or they're knife-wielding, crazed serial killers, like Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs. Or they're acid-spraying-lapel-flower-wearing, crazed serial killers, like The Joker from Batman.

But if that is what we think of when we think of a psychopath, we find that once again we are the Hollywood predictive programmers' victims, constructing our understanding of reality not from actual, lived experience but from fictional characters dreamt up by writers and projected on a screen.

In the real world, psychopaths are a subset of the population who lack a conscience. The full implications of this strange mental condition are not apparent to the vast majority of us who do possess a conscience and who assume that the inner life of most people is largely similar to our own.

In The Sociopath Next Door, Dr. Martha Stout, a clinical psychologist who has devoted much of her career to the subject, demonstrates what the absence of a conscience really means by inviting her readers to participate in this exercise:

Imagine—if you can—not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles with shame, not a single one in your whole life, no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken. And pretend that the concept of responsibility is unknown to you, except as a burden others seem to accept without question, like gullible fools. Now add to this strange fantasy the ability to conceal from other people that your psychological makeup is radically different from theirs. Since everyone simply assumes that conscience is universal among human beings, hiding the fact that you are conscience-free is nearly effortless. You are not held back from any of your desires by guilt or shame, and you are never confronted by others for your cold-bloodedness. The ice water in your veins is so bizarre, so completely outside of their personal experience, that they seldom even guess at your condition

So, how would your average politician score on this test? Let's see.

Egocentricity / grandiose sense of self-worth?


Pathological lying and deception?


Conning / lack of sincerity?


Lack of remorse or guilt?


Callous / lack of empathy?


Parasitic lifestyle?

Isn't that the definition of a career politician?

Early behaviour problems?

Check. (<-Actually, this one is straight from Stout's book . . . but her story of the young boy who uses his "Star-Spangled Banner" firecrackers in their skull-and-crossbones-emblazoned box to blow up frogs is just a "composite" case that isn't meant to represent anyone in particular, of course.)

I could go on, but you get the idea.

Our (Mis-)Leaders Are Psychopaths​

They are "remorseless predators who use charm, intimidation and, if necessary, impulsive and cold-blooded violence to attain their ends."

They "ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations, and empty wallets."

They have "no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what [they] do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members."

Am I talking about politicians? Technocrats? Billionaire "philanthrocapitalists"? Royalty? Captains of industry?

Of course I am. But I'm also talking about psychopaths.

We all know what a psychopath is, or at least we think we do. They're chainsaw-wielding, crazed serial killers, like Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Or they're knife-wielding, crazed serial killers, like Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs. Or they're acid-spraying-lapel-flower-wearing, crazed serial killers, like The Joker from Batman.

But if that is what we think of when we think of a psychopath, we find that once again we are the Hollywood predictive programmers' victims, constructing our understanding of reality not from actual, lived experience but from fictional characters dreamt up by writers and projected on a screen.

In the real world, psychopaths are a subset of the population who lack a conscience. The full implications of this strange mental condition are not apparent to the vast majority of us who do possess a conscience and who assume that the inner life of most people is largely similar to our own.

In The Sociopath Next Door, Dr. Martha Stout, a clinical psychologist who has devoted much of her career to the subject, demonstrates what the absence of a conscience really means by inviting her readers to participate in this exercise:

So, how would your average politician score on this test? Let's see.

Egocentricity / grandiose sense of self-worth?


Pathological lying and deception?


Conning / lack of sincerity?


Lack of remorse or guilt?


Callous / lack of empathy?


Parasitic lifestyle?

Isn't that the definition of a career politician?

Early behaviour problems?

Check. (<-Actually, this one is straight from Stout's book . . . but her story of the young boy who uses his "Star-Spangled Banner" firecrackers in their skull-and-crossbones-emblazoned box to blow up frogs is just a "composite" case that isn't meant to represent anyone in particular, of course.)

I could go on, but you get the idea.
derailing my own thread here but it sounds like a lot of the solar vendors in china as well....
So did we do this or not?

Coincidence about like the linked story of Iran president helicopter crashed and he is missing.

Hmmmmm … recent events come to mind.
So did we do this or not?

Coincidence about like the linked story of Iran president helicopter crashed and he is missing.

Hmmmmm … recent events come to mind.
I highly doubt we did that... the current amerikan regime (Obama using Joe as a meat puppet with his hand stuffed up Joes old wrinkly white ass) likes the sand devils...
I highly doubt we did that... the current amerikan regime (Obama using Joe as a meat puppet with his hand stuffed up Joes old wrinkly white ass) likes the sand devils...
Now now you know the Marines were called Devil Dogs. 🤣 We called the ppl over there “sand niggers” ….dehumanize so could eliminate easier. That name came from blacks running over saying hey bro….arabs get pissed off if called black. They looked at blacks as slaves. So blacks called them “ sand niggers” to mess with them. That was first place heard that term …from blacks in military describing arabs.

We had and used colorful names in the military.

Because of my exposure do not like anyone in middle east. They need to stay there. The ones we have here need be sent packing. That includes Arabs and Israeli. If our govt had not been infiltrated and immigration changed in 1960’s they would not be allowed here. The jews did that with bribe money just like they use now. So we got all kinds of middle east crazy mf’ers from both sides running around here now.

I find it funny how mass media has trained Americans to be 1 sided. Lot of ppl that are not religious even show Israel favors. They will down all other religions as atheist but not jews. Crazy. Brain washed.

Mean while the Navy base in California.
Shssss look who complained:


Does anyone not understand why they want total influence here? Hahaha most don’t want ….

The Israeli are resourceful. They planted shape charge - bomb in cell phone got it to a listed terrorist…. set it off after he answered it. They have been caught attacking Americans in both Lavon Affair and USS Liberty. I trust the USS Liberty survivors opinion and statements more then anyone. Our ppl were killed and injured on that ship.

As with Pelosi husband things are often twisted depending on who wields the power. Military was often stated Shit Rolls down hill. Per regulations sometimes shit rolled up hill. Sometimes. So maybe we will see the back flow hit them - all.

Soros and Netanyahu had huge power struggle against one another. Hmmmm their division. Years ago Soros was banned from Israel as well as his actual home country. I cheer for neither side with them.
Soros is dual passport
Soros is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Hungary‘’

Enter crazy.


A Trump supporter sent a pipe bomb to Soros’ home.​

Soros has been a target of conservatives for a long time because he supports more liberal and progressive political causes. In 2018, Trump supporter Cesar Sayoc was arrested after sending a pipe bomb to Soros’ home in Katonah, N.Y. Sayoc reportedly sent 16 pipe bombs to several Democrats and liberals, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Soros contributed over $29 million to progressive DA candidates. In Soros’ WSJ op-ed piece, he states that the U.S. needs to invest more in preventing crime with “strategies that work” and that “reform-minded prosecutors” have an agenda that “promises to be more effective and just.”​


Mean while Cesar Sayoc:



Florida Man Who Mailed Bombs To Democrats, Media Gets 20 Years In Prison​

AUGUST 5, 20195:59 PM ET
Cesar Sayoc, the Florida bodybuilder and nightclub bouncer who mailed inoperative pipe bombs to prominent Democrats and media figures seen as critical of President Trump, was sentenced to 20 years in prison by a federal judge in New York on Monday.

Hmmmmm Soros DA didn’t go easy on him. They liked their Soros’ money. Hmmmmm….. reform is nice way to say control.
I wont use the term sand N- personally just me. goat humpers, goat fuckers, goat suckers, occasionally camel fuckers, but not sand N.

In so far as the whole Arab vs Israel thing goes, Hamas started it, if Israel ends it its a bonus win for us. just me though could care less otherwise as they (both sides, just like Republicans Vs Democrats) don't pay my bills.

I don't generally like arabs due to my own dealings with them in the past. but then I generally don't like a lot of people to be honest. prefer a dog or a cat.
I feel the same way.
I think the proles of both Israel and the Arab world have been intentionally put into the meat grinder, and i feel sorry for both, but it is up to them to deal with their mis-leaders while we hopefully deal with ours.
I have friends among both groups, so I always view individual people on their merit. There are many in both groups that fortunately see that the whole thing is part of divide and conquer so we go at each other and not at those who are really guilty (the mis-leaders and their puppeteers)
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I feel the same way.
I think the proles of both Israel and the Arab world have been intentionally put into the meat grinder, and i feel sorry for both, but it is up to them to deal with their mis-leaders while we hopefully deal with ours.
I have friends among both groups, so I always view individual people on their merit. There are many in both groups that fortunately see that the whole thing is part of divide and conquer so we go at each other and not at those who are really guilty (the mis-leaders and their puppeteers)
I have a few friends who are from that part of the world, but they would be considered outliers as they do not get along with their own countrymen. like me they see war as a failure on the parts of people who we think should know better.
I knew a chaldean iraqi who came here as a child in the late 60s. Flat out badass, was an amateur boxer. He was about 6' tall but wore a size 16 shoe. Knocked out a cop with one punch who was beating him from behind with a baton (while he was beating a guy who started a fight in his store). Expert pool player and a great artist (paint and sculpture) with murals around the community.
He passed away last year, died of a heart attack in his sleep.
He had a heart of gold but was quick to anger.
I have one friend who is form Turkey, and two who are from Iraq, and one acquaintance who is from Iran, all four of them to the last man are educated and while Muslim, none of them are of the bat shit crazy variety. none of them are "practicing" per se, though all seem to believe. My friend from Turkey just converted to Catholicism.. pretty sure its due to his Filipino wife... ?ussy make a man do strange things.
I think the proles of both Israel and the Arab world have been intentionally put into the meat grinder, and i feel sorry for both, but it is up to them to deal with their mis-leaders while we hopefully deal with ours.
I still struggle to comprehend the Hamas attack on Israel. Supposedly Israel has the best defended border in the world, however could not detect a swarm of paragliders flying into the country? The Re'im music festival was originally to be held in south Israel, but only two days before the attack moved to 5 KM / 3.1 miles away from Gaza? Just does not pass the smell test.
I still struggle to comprehend the Hamas attack on Israel. Supposedly Israel has the best defended border in the world, however could not detect a swarm of paragliders flying into the country? The Re'im music festival was originally to be held in south Israel, but only two days before the attack moved to 5 KM / 3.1 miles away from Gaza? Just does not pass the smell test.
They had hamas on video preplanning with their gliders. This is out there and known. It was orchestrated. You let someone hit you so can murder them situation. You kill few hundred of mine in return I kill thousands of your ppl and take your land in process. If you abandon your land because you don’t want to get killed by their law the land is up for grabs. So…. Israel now gets all that vacated land. Not real hard to see once you know the rules. This is documented too. I seen it happen when lived there.

Israeli killed an american protester over there years ago. She was trying stop israel from tearing down palestine ppls homes and seizing their land. They flattened her and greased the track on their up armor bull kill dozers. Also documented. Not on media. Most things are one sided When ppl are fed mushrooms grown in dark damp shit they have an acquired taste for it.

Tik tok shut down was giving disenfranchised ppl in Gaza a voice. So shut it down for love of God. Spend tax payer money to do that too.
They had hamas on video preplanning with their gliders. This is out there and known. It was orchestrated. You let someone hit you so can murder them situation. You kill few hundred of mine in return I kill thousands of your ppl and take your land in process. If you abandon your land because you don’t want to get killed by their law the land is up for grabs. So…. Israel now gets all that vacated land. Not real hard to see once you know the rules. This is documented too. I seen it happen when lived there.

Israeli killed an american protester over there years ago. She was trying stop israel from tearing down palestine ppls homes and seizing their land. They flattened her and greased the track on their up armor bull kill dozers. Also documented. Not on media. Most things are one sided When ppl are fed mushrooms grown in dark damp shit they have an acquired taste for it.

Tik tok shut down was giving disenfranchised ppl in Gaza a voice. So shut it down for love of God. Spend tax payer money to do that too.
Thats the way I understand it. They wanted it to happen to further the Zionist agenda. If you criticize it youre an anti semite and a terrorist supporter.
Ever notice the word zionist is never mentioned by American media? Its like they dont want anyone to know there is something going on with settlements besides "defending our security".
there are several of you with Israelite's on the brain. almost as bad as some of the Tards with TDS.... I am thinking they spending a lot of free time in your cranium... but that's just me.

I don't go crazy like several of you unless the person or people in question have directly attacked me in some fashion. I wonder that if you really dislike them that much... why give them notice? let them trip up and then hammer them.

lets get back on the subject of hating on politicians which have hurt each and every one of use regardless of if we have direct proof...
there are several of you with Israelite's on the brain. almost as bad as some of the Tards with TDS.... I am thinking they spending a lot of free time in your cranium... but that's just me.

I don't go crazy like several of you unless the person or people in question have directly attacked me in some fashion. I wonder that if you really dislike them that much... why give them notice? let them trip up and then hammer them.

lets get back on the subject of hating on politicians which have hurt each and every one of use regardless of if we have direct proof...

Spot on.
I could not have said this better myself.

Politicians love doing this division stuff to make proles commit the atrocity of war, because that is war is - killing people you don't know far away for some made up (by the banksters) reasons.

Back in 1948 Eric Blair already had a more sophisticated understanding of the applications of war than most of us seem to have today. In 1984 he defines a world in which the ruling elites of the three major power blocks understand the mutual benefit of a forever war that

– cements the power structure
– consumes resources and creates (or excuses) perpetual shortages
– creates binary thinking and loyalty to the system.

He is well aware that this forever war is actually vertical not horizontal – a global war of the global elites (and politicians who they contro) against their own populations

there are several of you with Israelite's on the brain. almost as bad as some of the Tards with TDS.... I am thinking they spending a lot of free time in your cranium... but that's just me.

I don't go crazy like several of you unless the person or people in question have directly attacked me in some fashion. I wonder that if you really dislike them that much... why give them notice? let them trip up and then hammer them.

lets get back on the subject of hating on politicians which have hurt each and every one of use regardless of if we have direct proof...
Everyone is entitled to opinion.
What was wrong with our military? Look at this servant and see woke. He was their servant and did their bidding.

The problem is the politicians that give our money to Israel are themselves israeli….or controlled by AIPAC Bidens admin is full of them too. So when 2% of the population is way over represented by them it is noticeable. Now with the push for antisemitism laws then it is even more noticeable. Hmmm don’t mention they are over represented when the fact remains they are 2% of our population yet when a deal comes up for Israel because they control so many politicians with kick backs from our govt approved tax dollar hand outs the vote is always supported “YES’. If I gained control of govt and ran it that way there would be complaints and would be arrested. Ben Shappiro wanting Americans to fight for Israel when he himself won’t is another example. Netanyahu wanting ppl to fight for Israel when his own son is exempt from draft and living in Florida getting his freak on is another.

SUPPORTING Israel and jewish run Zelensky controlled and election suspended …Ukraine is NOT something I approve of and don’t give a fuck who dislikes my opinion. If Arabs had as much control as Israeli do over USA there would be major complaints. The jewish news media has trained our ppl to dislike Arabs. The funny part Christians think the Israeli are just like them or worse Christians worship them as if they are Jesus. Fact jews killed Jesus and had the Romans carry out the execution. Christians that deny that have not read their bible.

The antisemitism and holocaust training in our childrens schools is religious but yet a jew was responsible for any reference to God being removed from schools years ago. Swindlers List was fiction which means it was not real and changing it to be called a NOVEL is still fiction. Yet are school children are taught it was real when the book was fake. I mean damn can’t make this shit up. Politicians like DeSantis have signed State of Florida up for antisemitism and more holocaust training. Same for Noem in South Dakota cheating on her husband and sucking jew weiner to get her re-elected. Noem reasons for antisemitism laws is obvious….CONTROL. Bolsheviks did same when took over Russia with communism…passed antisemitism. Not all communist were jews but most jews were communist. Why germans didn’t like them other were the Rothschild types financial usury. 😁 jewish law usury is illegal … but only to jews…can fleece everyone else. Wake up. Stop complaining.

This guy worked for Israel and was a jew. Why none of his clients were arrested. His Girl friend worked for them too as did here father Robert Maxwelll. Ppl that ignore this shit are dumb asf. He probably got some plastic face surgery and freed.

No more complaints about anything in our govt. i get tired reading how ppl dislike this or that but when curtain is pulled back to reveal who is doing it that drop to their knees. Kotow. If ppl don’t like the way the jews are currently running our country then they need only to blame themselves. 2% of the population - jews is way over represented. Trump wants to suck jews but everytime when he is done they still vote biden. Then he complains. When jews get their antisemitism laws in place they will lock trump up for being an antisemite. Hahaha damn. All you gotta do is look. The internet is waiting…. Rent free 2% is controlling our govt that the majority is complaining anout. Stupid is as stupid does. 😁 Ppl need to stop complaining and realize it is “the jews”. 😁 now watch aenyc mouth water….
When a flea bites do you kick the dog or kill the flea or both.?


Watch the various USA politicians that go to Israel and pledge their allegiance. They get broadcast all the time. Same politicians that allow our borders to stay open Same politicians that allow criminals ta stay from prosecutions. If only America had politicians with that much support and loyalty to America. For ppl crying about Trump most of the ppl involved out to get him are Liberal Jews. Most jews by 75%-85% or more are democrats. The remaining percentage number can be swayed by Torah - Talmud law.. if you think they don’t work together then are blind.

Ask why they have been kicked out of so many countries in the past. It is usually something they did to deserve it. Same reasons God punished them all through the Bible. You can view the bible as history book or religion. Jews only acknowledge old testament Jews do jot acknowledge new testament as it pertains to jesus. If a jew practices christianity they are a Christian and no longer a jew. Sort of like leaving the Synagogue of Satan….as described in Revelations. 😁
Jeffery Epstein still hanging around huh?
I doubt that brother. They are good at making ppl disappear. Who do you think killed all the ppl on Clinton suicide list?

They will kill and eat their own sometimes too.
there are several of you with Israelite's on the brain. almost as bad as some of the Tards with TDS.... I am thinking they spending a lot of free time in your cranium... but that's just me.

I don't go crazy like several of you unless the person or people in question have directly attacked me in some fashion. I wonder that if you really dislike them that much... why give them notice? let them trip up and then hammer them.

lets get back on the subject of hating on politicians which have hurt each and every one of use regardless of if we have direct proof...
Not criticizing jews for being jews just pointing out that there should be no mystery behind decades of palestinian attacks upon them, they have an agenda with the aim of taking every square foot of land that was palestinian owned. The reason for it is to please their god, they think god holds them superior to everyone else and I think thats a pretty sick agenda. Isnt the fact they are blatantly racist bad enough?
Ive been called a goya to my face and treated like I was a dog by both a rabbi(chabad la jolla, CA)and a director of a movie production company. (dreamworks, I worked on the location set of the film "almost famous")
Though I also know some outstanding jewish people you dont forget those kind of experiences it just makes you realize there is some substance behind criticism many brush off as hate or antisemitism. Doesnt it seem weird they have an official arm to stomp out any criticism of what they do? (Antidefamation league)
So my views arent just shaped by what others say or the news, its also from personal experience and poor treatment by jewish people who felt they had the power at the time to be abusive toward me as a gentile. Its like being black and being called "boy", or a "n*****" and theres nothing you can do about it.
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Not criticizing jews for being jews just pointing out that there should be no mystery behind decades of palestinian attacks upon them, they have an agenda with the aim of taking every square foot of land that was palestinian owned. The reason for it is to please their god, they think god holds them superior to everyone else and I think thats a pretty sick agenda. Isnt the fact they are blatantly racist bad enough?
Ive been called a goya to my face and treated like I was a dog by both a rabbi(chabad la jolla, CA)and a director of a movie production company. (dreamworks, I worked on the location set of the film "almost famous")
Though I also know some outstanding jewish people you dont forget those kind of experiences it just makes you realize there is some substance behind criticism many brush off as hate or antisemitism. Doesnt it seem weird they have an official arm to stomp out any criticism of what they do? (Antidefamation league)
So my views arent just shaped by what others say or the news, its also from personal experience and poor treatment by jewish people who felt they had the power at the time to be abusive toward me as a gentile. Its like being black and being called "boy", or a "n*****" and theres nothing you can do about it.
not discounting your experiences, but I could say the same thing about every race and religion walking the face of the earth. and yet I choose not to single out any single one to post about... just a different thought process i guess.

I would say the closest for me would be black people. In my entire life i have been attacked by one white person, a couple of Japanese, and no less than three times by groups, not single, but groups of black men. and yet I realize that that is not indicative of all black people, and yet if i were to say anything even remotely against black people and I am not speaking in a racist context half of this forum would lose their collective shit.

do you not see the difference in the way you and others react to your dislike for them?

food for thought.
The food for thought is the truth being denied for appearances and real experience with your own experiences? Who is at fault usually white ppl …. Rarely do you see black ppl stepping in or condemning you being ganged up on in fight. Often you will see the other blacks join in to throw a ganged punch too. There is a lot of money involved in this and ppl like Soros(jew) promoted blm and antifa. If a white person had done the things soros admitted they would been hunted down and hanged after ww2.

White ppl are around 6% of world population. A true minority. That is a fact..

The japanese control their country to preserve their culture and their race. Yet USA is made to feel guilty….for being majority white. That is perplexed and bound to treat - punish whites which were the largest percentage here. Ask why is Elon Musk called the smartest African American. 👀 Yet he ran away from there.

Want to see the relationship exposed that makes jews lose their shit. The truth is most black groups are openly or remotely promoted and pushed by jews all black groups have jewish roots. Just look to see. Then when exposed for their roles in slavery jews lose their shit yet again. Slavery was multi-racial for slaves and slave owners. Truth denied …. If you have ever noticed blacks can run rather fast. Do you think white ppl and jews pulled up to Africa and ran blacks down - put them on ship and sent them here? Hahaha…. Ppl can either be honest or lie to themselves and others. Blacks were sold and traded as commidities by other blacks in africa. They are still traded and treated as slaves. We are all financial slaves for that matter.

Slavery ended 160 years ago. To listen to some jews and blacks it was like yesterday or never. To be honest again we are all financial slaves. Blacks have been given things on silver platter for way to long. The fact is they will play up slavery as long as their is a reward. The last thing jews want to do is pay reparations to blacks. There are black jews and they weee segregated in Israel when I lived there. When they protested over Israeli Govt dumping their blood as donations the Israeli put down their rebellion with racial Nazi precision boots to the neck and german shepherds chewing on them. Most ppl do not know and more so white ppl are so full of shit they have turned into an exposed bowel zit ready to pop. Trained…. To hate themselves and self destructive for their race - white ppl. Lets not talk about millions upon millions of white europeans taken to North Africa as slaves and bred. Had the white fucked out of them. Don’t mention Italians were once blonde hair blue eyes non olive complexions and brown dark eyes. Hmmmmm why there was a thing called the Crusades.
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diy solar