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diy solar

rules for thee but not for me? or why politicians are getting to be universally hated

Lets not derail this thread into jew hate.
Dont forget Israel is one of the most injected nations in the world with excess deaths off the scale.

Lets focus on POLITICIANS - the worst prostitutes always willing to sell you out to the lowest bidder as long as their pockets are filled
Lets not derail this thread into jew hate.
Dont forget Israel is one of the most injected nations in the world with excess deaths off the scale.

Lets focus on POLITICIANS - the worst prostitutes always willing to sell you out to the lowest bidder as long as their pockets are filled
not discounting your experiences, but I could say the same thing about every race and religion walking the face of the earth. and yet I choose not to single out any single one to post about... just a different thought process i guess.

I would say the closest for me would be black people. In my entire life i have been attacked by one white person, a couple of Japanese, and no less than three times by groups, not single, but groups of black men. and yet I realize that that is not indicative of all black people, and yet if i were to say anything even remotely against black people and I am not speaking in a racist context half of this forum would lose their collective shit.

do you not see the difference in the way you and others react to your dislike for them?

food for thought.
Im bringing it up for several reasons unique to this particular group that arent exhibited by the others you mention.
One is the blatantly racist nature of their belief they are gods chosen people and their destiny is a society where non jews serve as slaves to them. This is the context of the rabbi calling me a goya. He said it to a co worker (a fellow jew and nice guy)in reference to me being the lowly labor worker who was going to deliver his furniture. "Send the goya" he said. More offensive was that when I did deliver the furniture he refused to sign the delivery paperwork, just ignored me when I asked and I had to spend a few minutes searching for someone who would. It was beneath him to acknowledge my presence.
So yes there is ugliness displayed by many groups but they seem to have made an institution and ideology out of it.
Which leads to the next point that theyve actually conditioned the world to condemn any criticism of their actions as anti semitism, and the critics of bad actions are portrayed as horrible people for just calling it like they see it. Like we are nazis who want another holocaust just because we dont like being treated like slaves or we dont believe Israel should drive Palestinians from their lands.
You point is not without validity but Im not alone in asserting as time goes by theyve gotten more and more kid glove treatment by society and in some ways they are what they claim to be victims of.

Gods chosen people.
The master race.

Is there really a difference in the two ideologies? Maybe one was just more competent in trying to achieve its perverse dream?
@Batvette although what you describe is true for certain groups among Jews, it is not universally true for all jews.
The flipside is that i have encountered many groups (races) who think exactly like that. Or more accurately certain groups within many races. Usually the common thing is for all such people is that their "racial superiority" is directly proportional to their ego and their childhood hurt. Race is the easiest divider.
@Batvette although what you describe is true for certain groups among Jews, it is not universally true for all jews.
The flipside is that i have encountered many groups (races) who think exactly like that. Or more accurately certain groups within many races. Usually the common thing is for all such people is that their "racial superiority" is directly proportional to their ego and their childhood hurt. Race is the easiest divider.
exactly seen it in all races, religions, ethnicity's and social strata.
While stereotypes exist for a reason we still have to treat each person as an individual.
yes, allow them to show their true colors then decide how you will treat them, not as a group.

I have plenty of friends who are on one side of the political spectrum or the other. I allow them to all say their peace and then grade them upon their words and actions. if I listened to either side I would be angering both sides (mildest outcome suggested by some).
Getting back on the topic of the thread -

Politicians are some of the lowliest narcissist scum to walk this planet - they commit crimes much worse than your typical run of the mill criminal. A criminal does damage to several people, a politician does damage to hundreds of thousands to billions.
They lie, cheat, steal (your taxpayer $) - all for the benefit of their own cushy lifestyle. Every single politician saying they do it "for the people" is just an excuse for desire to rule.
This is why only the people who have no morals are allowed to be "elected"
Getting back on the topic of the thread -

Politicians are some of the lowliest narcissist scum to walk this planet - they commit crimes much worse than your typical run of the mill criminal. A criminal does damage to several people, a politician does damage to hundreds of thousands to billions.
They lie, cheat, steal (your taxpayer $) - all for the benefit of their own cushy lifestyle. Every single politician saying they do it "for the people" is just an excuse for desire to rule.
This is why only the people who have no morals are allowed to be "elected"

Who controls the politicians?
Who controls the politicians?
"While stereotypes exist for a reason we still have to treat each person as an individual."

Nobody controls Trump, or Reagan for that matter. W. took orders from Cheney. Bidens every breath is controlled by a cabal prolly consisting of Soros, Obama, Clinton, Gates, Xi, various globalists. And Hunter and Cornpop.
Carter took orders from his conscience making him the worst ever. You dont want Pollyanna in charge when the gang rides into town.
"While stereotypes exist for a reason we still have to treat each person as an individual."

Nobody controls Trump, or Reagan for that matter. W. took orders from Cheney. Bidens every breath is controlled by a cabal prolly consisting of Soros, Obama, Clinton, Gates, Xi, various globalists. And Hunter and Cornpop.
Carter took orders from his conscience making him the worst ever. You dont want Pollyanna in charge when the gang rides into town.
with carter as messed up as his presidency was I never truly disliked him, only his policies. with trump and reagan no issues the rest of them need the old gitmo treatment...
Getting back on the topic of the thread -

Politicians are some of the lowliest narcissist scum to walk this planet - they commit crimes much worse than your typical run of the mill criminal. A criminal does damage to several people, a politician does damage to hundreds of thousands to billions.
They lie, cheat, steal (your taxpayer $) - all for the benefit of their own cushy lifestyle. Every single politician saying they do it "for the people" is just an excuse for desire to rule.
This is why only the people who have no morals are allowed to be "elected"

What about Thomas Massie?
What about Thomas Massie?

Until proven otherwise, assume they are controlled opposition designed to keep you forever hopeful (and sitting on your ass doing nothing).
At the VERY best, they are irrelevant "real" opposition that will be massively overruled by the rest of the critters.
The game is rigged and the only way to fix it is at our level (yes i said this many many times). Reject their policies, irregardless of their political color.
(For example those of us who refused covid insanity, those of us who refuse to participate in biometrics, etc).
Recent example - I was just travelling, and the TSA gestapo has now implemented "optional" biometric collection (Essentially collecting your face topography data and storing it in a database). Most lemmings go right through, even though it says literally everywhere that its optional.
The only extra thing you have to do to OPT OUT is scan your boarding pass! (like we used to all the time), but lemmings are selling out for convenience. Maybe they truly deserve everything they are going to get?
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I'll take Massie at face value for now.

In regards to the above, we all unfortunately get sucked into the whirlpool of poor decisions and weakness of others.
Theyre probably collecting it anyway and refusal just ensures more close inspection in the future. Not saying I like it, just being practical.
Bet that chicks on a terror watch list next time she boards.
Fusion centers across the country operated by multiple agencies mostly FBI have files on every one of us we cannot review or challenge or seal. Can be just baseless allegations but any law enforcement agency can request and receive your full file without a warrant and add anything to it as they see fit. So good luck with making a stand over biometric scans. Its said the files are also accessible to certain corporations with the right connections.

More proles to the meat grinder of war?

The House of Representatives on Friday approved its version of the annual defense policy bill, effectively clearing the $883.7 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to move forward in a 217-199 vote which largely fell along party lines. Only three Republicans opposed it.
Did Massie oppose it? Either way, they are all in on it, against we the people

Always remember

More proles to the meat grinder of war?

The House of Representatives on Friday approved its version of the annual defense policy bill, effectively clearing the $883.7 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to move forward in a 217-199 vote which largely fell along party lines. Only three Republicans opposed it.
Did Massie oppose it? Either way, they are all in on it, against we the people

Always remember
yeah conscript people that don't want to be involved... ask the Russians how well that went. Shit look at history and look at how well that went for us during vietnam.... I swear these politicians just do not get it. i am about as patriotic as you can get, but I will be damned if i am going to step into a meat grinder to line someones pockets. Most people even the totally hard core left will fight for what they believe in or love, starting wars to fatten your kickbacks or your stock options is a way to get someone to hunt you down 4 or 5 years later.

I will state it now, if they had a hunting season for politicians I would move back to Indiana and pay for my tags.
yeah conscript people that don't want to be involved... ask the Russians how well that went. Shit look at history and look at how well that went for us during vietnam.... I swear these politicians just do not get it. i am about as patriotic as you can get, but I will be damned if i am going to step into a meat grinder to line someones pockets. Most people even the totally hard core left will fight for what they believe in or love, starting wars to fatten your kickbacks or your stock options is a way to get someone to hunt you down 4 or 5 years later.

I will state it now, if they had a hunting season for politicians I would move back to Indiana and pay for my tags.

We haven't declared war since WWII

I don't approve of a draft but make it illegal to draft people when no official declaration of war has been made by congress.
How do you draft supposed free ppl?

The shit begins when the rich wanting the war hide and protect their off spring from danger close action.
I am guessing they are going to shit on the constitution again


Section 1.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
A LOT of people got "involuntarily servituded" to death during Vietnam ..... I think they are gearing up for the same in Ukraine if the Dems win another presidential term.

diy solar

diy solar