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diy solar


Using campaign funds for anything other than a campaign is illegal. Simple. It’s the law.
A local prosecutor cant pursue charges in a federal election matter and the feds already reviewed that and said no crime committed. Again why 9 years went by and they only prosecuted this in an election year?

Lets not pretend this is about the law and justice.
As said. Every juror was a documented democrat voter. The case wasnt legitimate, what he was charged with should have been a misdemeanor that expired under statute of limitations. Brought to court 9 years after the alleged offense in an election year?
Can we all see this documentation? Please point me to it, not to someone that said it or a news agency, want to see the actual documents.

Odd that Trump’s attorneys would have picked a jury of his peers that are all biased democrat.
What is annoying are ppl don’t know about past - current corruption until it strikes them. Trump always acted high and mighty. The keyword is acted. He as a billionaire knew there are tiers.

They have been screwing the common man for years. Hence we don’t have common simple law. The retards would - should notice blm had supposed legal bias and system complaints which were merely disguise for their high jacked - planned communist revolution. Blm told everyone up front “their leadership were trained communist”. Soros admitted to funding training the blm and providing legal means to escape prosecutions for violent protesters. Like the illegal immigrants that beat shit out of those NYC cops and rode away in bus headed out of State.

Ppl on the Left stepped forward and funded bail monies in advance for blm. Prior orchestrated mob planning - real insurrection against elected president and govt. NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio was is a communist with changed name to hide it - was over NYC at time and rubbed elbows with inbound communist functions. The guy, Adams that took his place was himself accused as a sex offender under E Jean Carroll law which was NYC specific invented law used to get Trump thus breaking law over statute of limitations. .

Most Ppl really are stupid. Not ignorant but stupid. Tards. Biggest problem they breed and make stupid children. Maybe Epstein and friends sexing their children was okay…. Tardville. The Soros front and FIENDS buy and sell judges - DA like a stock. This is well documented. Only tards don’t know. They should spend time researching with their computer devices vs watching porn. They enjoy living in world of self induced stupid. Epstein got billionaires sentence for his crimes…basically free come and go. 2 tiered system.

That epstein style black mail worked for years. Like secret societies - members have to do initiations which most of the time is used for black mail. Street gangs use to whoop that ass and jump ppl in. Once in never out.

The levels of tardville are amazing and think most ppl have lead a sheltered life insulated from real world. It is actually an ugly scary place.

The courts and juries in NYC are known corrupt been that way forever. NYC is was strongest place in world for RED COMMUNIST. Only way criminals are prosecuted is if other criminals control - rule it. Trump didn’t get to be a billionaire in NYC by being a nice guy. Most billionaires are connected . The ignorant American ppl are getting what they deserve. Fun part it will get much worse soon. Always darkest before the dawn.

In the twilight when you remove night vision the world is a strange alien place. Your eyes and mind plays tricks. You will deserve everything coming your way. There are real monsters. You have been warned over and over. I’ll be watching. Hopefully will see the tards killed off and shoved in mass graves. Covid vaccines was a test…majority ppl failed that govt test. I might even eat a viagra and flog my dolphin to rejoice….over…. Tardville being permanently closed.

Zionism and Communism were both born and pushed on the World from NY. The Russian Communist take over was planned and funded from NY. Hahaha … ppl are real ignorant about history because of choice. The information is or was all out there. The one thing AI will do is erase the past history and rewrite it as the programmers desire. That is well within the abilities now. Follow CRT. 👀 ppl were warned anything the Govt pushes is usually bad. 😁🏴‍☠️♠️🃏

I guess the world should soon acknowledge our new capitol is NYC….home of the Red Communist. Learn the history before it is to late…or changed. Think the ultimate goal is to dissolve the USSA into satellite States sort of way USSR was broken up. . Once broken then no UNITED opposer to them will be left. CW was over such matters and slavery was on bottom of list other than slaves were used to get representatives like illegal immigrants are used now.

This is not about 1 simple thing at one time it is about events planned. Carried out. Change you can believe in as Obuma ass clown said. ‘Yes you can.”

Can we all see this documentation? Please point me to it, not to someone that said it or a news agency, want to see the actual documents.

Odd that Trump’s attorneys would have picked a jury of his peers that are all biased democrat.
The lawyers pleaded to have trial moved denied. Stfu
The lawyers pleaded to have trial moved denied. Stfu
Simply want to see the documentation that the jury members were all democrats. Again not a news agency or a person interview.

For the record an agree with a good amount of what your saying, in theory, but I do not rely on any news source or person. Anyone can make shit up.
Simply want to see the documentation that the jury members were all democrats. Again not a news agency or a person interview.

For the record an agree with a good amount of what your saying but I do not rely on any news source or person. Anyone can make shit up.
The lawyers asked trial to be moved to be fair. It was denied. The lawyers stated it would not be fair trial from word go.
Simply want to see the documentation that the jury members were all democrats. Again not a news agency or a person interview.

For the record an agree with a good amount of what your saying, in theory, but I do not rely on any news source or person. Anyone can make shit up.
Manhatten is 88% registered democrats. Why are you asking me to document this, as if its going to change your mind about something?
The lawyers asked trial to be moved to be fair. It was denied. The lawyers stated it would not be fair trial from word go.
So you’re basing your facts on what an attorney said? Oh how this country has devolved.

Let’s all independently see the voter registration cards from a legitimate source that can be trusted to make a factual assessment.
Can we all see this documentation? Please point me to it, not to someone that said it or a news agency, want to see the actual documents.

Odd that Trump’s attorneys would have picked a jury of his peers that are all biased democrat.
"Based solely on the demographic makeup of these jurors, they largely code as Democratic voters."

They ran out of preenptive challenges. They ended up with all democrats anyway.
Manhatten is 88% registered democrats. Why are you asking me to document this, as if it’s going to change your mind about something?
You said the jurors were ALL democrats, now you say only 88% are registered democrats in Manhattan. Two VERY different things. I am republican in a democrat city.

When you state a fact. Make sure it is indeed a fact.
Your line of argument here strongly suggests you are no lifelong republican, just another democrat trolling to be divisive to republicans.
Sorry, again you are making an assessment without facts. Anyway, yes I am a lifelong R.

As a country we are getting spun up on hearsay vs actual indisputable facts
You said the jurors were ALL democrats, now you say only 88% are registered democrats in Manhattan. Two VERY different things. I am republican in a democrat city.

When you state a fact. Make sure it is indeed a fact.
None of the jurors identities were revealed but all made statements suggesting their political affiliations. None made statements suggesting they were Trump supporters. This was in no way shape or form a jury of his peers. Thats the issue being argued not whether I can prove my claims to your satisfaction.
None of the jurors identities were revealed but all made statements suggesting their political affiliations. None made statements suggesting they were Trump supporters. This was in no way shape or form a jury of his peers. Thats the issue being argued not whether I can prove my claims to your satisfaction.
Or anyone’s satisfaction for that matter.
Prove as indisputable fact that youre a lifelong republican. So you obviously dont like Trump you voting for Biden in 2024? Who did you vote for in 2020?
Stay on topic, if possible. This was about illegal activity and a conviction by Trump’s peers. I never talked about Fauci or Hillary.

Anyway, as I said before , lifelong republican and if his peers convicted must have had enough evidence.
This is your claim and its complete bullshit. A jury of his peers in a politically motivated case like this would be 12 republicans.
None of the jurors identities were revealed but all made statements suggesting their political affiliations. None made statements suggesting they were Trump supporters. This was in no way shape or form a jury of his peers. Thats the issue being argued not whether I can prove my claims to your satisfaction.
No need to prove anything. Most ppl that went to NYC is early 1980’s would know it was a festering shithole. I hear it is headed back there again. The republican cleansed it and the democrats brought back the street shitters like in MOST all their controlled areas. Democrats don’t consider themselves part of the mess they have created.

I don’t like Trump as a person but will take him as representative over communism taking over. Only cure for Global communism is Nationalism.

Statute of limitations expired long ago. Federal tossed it. If memory serves the woman Stormy Daniels is suppose to be paying Trump in a reversal decision. Hahaha
Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee of the republican party. If you dont support him right here and now youre not a republican. Thats just the way a 2 party system works.
Odd that Trump’s attorneys would have picked a jury of his peers that are all biased democrat.

If you had ever been selected for jury duty you'd know that there are limits to the number of jurors either side can have removed during the voire dire process. The defense most definitely did not "select the jury".
Prove as indisputable fact that youre a lifelong republican. So you obviously dont like Trump you voting for Biden in 2024? Who did you vote for in 2020?
No need for me to disclose personal information, mentioned my affiliation.
Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee of the republican party. If you dont support him right here and now youre not a republican. Thats just the way a 2 party system works.
Presumptive: of the nature of a presumption; presumed in the absence of further information. Seems to fit your line of statements.
No need for me to disclose personal information, mentioned my affiliation.
I see from your posting history you have no previous posts in this forum. When we see a track record then we can trust your word on party affiliation. I have seen enough of this stuff to assert your position suggests you are no republican.
I see from your posting history you have no previous posts in this forum. When we see a track record then we can trust your word on party affiliation. I have seen enough of this stuff to assert your position suggests you are no republican.
Plenty of posts in the forum. Sorry Sir, you are incorrect in your assumption.

I’m simply tired of everyone parroting what they see and hear without taking the time to collect evidence and evaluate. You have clearly done some digging but someone saying every juror was a democrat is truly not an investigated and reasonable fact. Statistically, absolutely a democratic jury.
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Plenty of posts in the forum. Sorry Sir, you are incorrect in your assumption.

I’m simply tired of everyone parroting what they see and hear without taking the time to collect evidence and evaluate. You have clearly done some digging but someone saying every juror was a democrat is truly not an investigated and reasonable fact. Statistically, absolutely a democratic jury.
THIS forum. Not the site. You have no previous posts in the chit chat forum. DIYsolar is a SITE with many forums.
Now youre splitting hairs about statistically democrat.
You claimed it was a jury of his peers. Thats insane. Every source we can find suggests they were all democrats.
Your line of argument strongly suggests you are just here to promote the democrat position this was not politically motivated and it was a fair trial based upon justice and the law.

So Im calling it as I see it. Youre a democrat or trump hater or both. Your opinion is not to be mistaken for objective.

As far as Im concerned democrats are scum right now. Watching Biden destroy the country with illegal invaders, runaway inflation, now escalating world war 3, emasculating our military, runaway crime. Trying to imprison the one man that would stop all that. Pretending these prosecutions are normal justice.
Trump prosecuted for classified document handling but Biden too senile to get the same treatment? WTF?


A rape the victim cant even remember what year it happened? Making a defense impossible?
(You could subpoena the time cards of employees who would remember manhattens most famous resident if he had been in the building! But no, democrats have corrupted the whole justice system in that city)

And here you are trying to say it isnt.

So fuck that and fuck you. We are tired of being nice about it.
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diy solar

diy solar