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THIS forum. Not the site.
So Im calling it as I see it. Youre a democrat or trump hater or both. Your opinion is not to be mistaken for objective.

Niether, Sir. Glad he was in for 2016. Really started shaking shit up which was needed and still needs to be.

Let me ask you a question since you keep poking at me. Where did you get your undergrad and grad degree from. Me: University of Texas, Austin
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Niether, Sir. Glad he was in for 2016. Really started shaking shit up which was needed and still needs to be.

Let me ask you a question since you keep poking at me. Where did you get your undergrad and grad degree from. Me: University of Texas, Austin
At 17 I joined the navy and served my country honorably for four years.

Some people learn in 12 years what it takes others, 16.
Last time I checked your college degree doesnt make your vote count any more than mine.
Did Biden forgive any student loans for you?

Hmm college educated in the most liberal city in TX.

And republican?

Simply put you support Trump right here and now or youre not a republican.
View attachment 219080

Niether, Sir. Glad he was in for 2016. Really started shaking shit up which was needed and still needs to be.

Let me ask you a question since you keep poking at me. Where did you get your undergrad and grad degree from. Me: University of Texas, Austin
Lol. Offering a degree as evidence of superiority is more effective without composition mistakes.

Lol. Offering a degree as evidence of superiority is more effective without composition mistakes.

Agree. Was cutting grass and typing at the same time. My only intent was to gather background info.

Anyway my point after all this is to truly gather factual information vs simply restating what others have said (not directed at anyone). We need to move this country into a better direction. Get jobs and manufacturing on our soil, get troops back home and stop fighting for other political agenda, unless warranted due to a factual threat, stop the wasteful spending/handouts and heal our country.

And no, I’m almost 50. I paid my own loans as they were my debt and took full responsibility and continue to do so.
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plus the retard demorat Judge showed bias before day 1
RussNM, one of the weakest arguments I can think of.

because I'm biased against PLC ladder logic, that does not mean I can't produce a
good working PLC based system if that's what the customer wants.

we all have our jobs to do in spite of our personal feelings, same as judges, police or even army generals.
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Agree. Was cutting grass and typing at the same time. My only intent was to gather background info.

Anyway my point after all this is to truly gather factual information vs simply restating what others have said (not directed at anyone). We need to move this country into a better direction. Get jobs and manufacturing on our soil, get troops back home and stop fighting for other political agenda, unless warranted due to a factual threat, stop the wasteful spending/handouts and heal our country.

And no, I’m almost 50. I paid my own loans as they were my debt and took full responsibility and continue to do so.
Well Trump supports all of that so vote for him.
RussNM, one of the weakest arguments I can think of.

because I'm biased against PLC ladder logic, that does not mean I can't produce a
good working PLC based system if that's what the customer wants.

we all have our jobs to do in spite of our personal feelings, same as judges, police or even army generals.
Then again we have Trump hating democrats who are batshit crazy in their attempts to stop Trump any way they can and are using their positions of power to do it.
If that judge was doing his job he would have tossed this case out for a dozen reasons.
And dont pretend your alleged bias against a particular technology is anything similar to political ideology driving peoples actions. In fact fuck you for that. Just another dishonest democrat gaslighting us.
If that judge was doing his job he would have tossed this case out for a dozen reasons.
Batvette, I get you feel that line is true, but we may have to wait until the court of appeals takes a look
to find out if your feeling are correct, because the facts are it was not tossed by the judge.
Then again we have Trump hating democrats who are batshit crazy in their attempts to stop Trump any way they can
I'm sure a number of forum members share this feeling, but none of the efforts at accountability have
an end result of stopping mr trump in his quest to regain office.
In fact fuck you for that. Just another dishonest democrat gaslighting us.
I see a humorous side to this line, because IMO mr trump is a Dixiecrat(grievance based governance)
not a republican(law & order/strength based governance ) . and I have never given a dime to help the
democratic trump has....have you?

you entertained me, only fair I return the favor.

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No contest am for Trump even if he is put in prison. So be it.

When he gets out after election than, I fully support Gitmo and military tribunals…martial law…but only if it means ALL the democrats and RINO are finally held accountable. I want to-see it televised for their FAIR Trials. Saddam was hanged by neck they - democrat and rino deserve same type happy ending trial and punishment.

RussNM, one of the weakest arguments I can think of.

because I'm biased against PLC ladder logic, that does not mean I can't produce a
good working PLC based system if that's what the customer wants.

we all have our jobs to do in spite of our personal feelings, same as judges, police or even army generals.
It is New York Procedure Law the judge was suppose to recuse himself and did not. What you added is not law. It is warm mush.

This case was well past Statute of Limitations. This case the Feds had already reviewed and dropped it. There is to much to cover up from Democrats. These ppl have now committed crimes themselves in their illegal processes. That includes the E Jean Carroll case. Their Yuck yuck won’t be so funny in near future. The judges’ daughter in this last case is tied to several ppl for pay - out to get Trump to include Schiff. Soros has bought and owns most of the democrats going after trump. The democrat from “linked in” is included. His financed and direct roles are exposed too.

The common man has been denied common simple law for a long time. What is happening to Trump has already happened to others with exception they were crushed. What ppl are watching is revival of Sodom and Gomorrah laws and injustice. S&G was not just destroyed because of queerness….. it was also destroyed because of injustice. This is described in the Torah. The Bible leaves out many things.

You are trying to relate something that is not bound by laws.
RussNM, one of the weakest arguments I can think of.

because I'm biased against PLC ladder logic, that does not mean I can't produce a
good working PLC based system if that's what the customer wants.

we all have our jobs to do in spite of our personal feelings, same as judges, police or even army generals.
And yet HIS behavior during the entire process was unashamedly BIASED. He didnt even pretend to be fair. Allowed testimony that even an amateur first time judge would of put a stop to and when the defense would object he'd chew them out for interrupting. It was a CLOWN SHOW.
The appeal process will show.
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It is New York Procedure Law the judge was suppose to recuse himself and did not.
D71, while I apricate your efforts of removing feeling from this topic, "judge’s recusal over daughter ‘profiting’ from the case" :unsure:

a number of new precedents have been set.

The appeal process will show.
RussNM, I think we are all eager to see how that plays out.
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Might need to build an ark to stay afloat after all the tears are shed...
The damage - is slander carried out by lawfare. The convicted stigma was the goal. That was and has been accomplished. The effect is proving obvious for a difference with more donations to Trump then ever. This is being played out like the movies closest one is gladiator movie… with the caesar ruler popularity vs the gladiator popularity. Almost as if a scripted movie. No? Or instead of Get Shortie the movie it is Get Trump. Fake Professional Wrestling?

Kind of funny. Kind of sad. For me kind of tired of it. America has suffered more than enough already. At some point in time We the Ppl will say enough is enough drop anchor and hit a bridge. 😁👀 or not. Lot of ppl are so dumbed down can not and will not think for themselves. Like ant farm or bee hive when the queen is killed.
1. "The judge donated money... in plain violation of a rule prohibiting New York judges from making political donations—to a pro-Biden, anti-Trump political operation."
2. Alvin Bragg boasted on the campaign trail in an overwhelmingly Democrat county, “It is a fact that I have sued Trump over 100 times.”
3. "Most importantly, the DA’s charges against Trump push the outer boundaries of the law and due process."
4. "The charges against Trump are obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor — in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever."
5. The DA inflated misdemeanors past the statute of limitations and "electroshocked them back to life" by alleging the falsification of business records was committed 'with intent to commit another crime.'
6. "Inexcusably, the DA refused to specify what those unlawful means actually were — and the judge declined to force them to pony up — until right before closing arguments. So much for the constitutional obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of trial."
7. "In these key respects, the charges against Trump aren’t just unusual. They’re bespoke, seemingly crafted individually for the former president and nobody else."
8. "The Manhattan DA’s employees reportedly have called this the “Zombie Case” because of various legal infirmities, including its bizarre charging mechanism. But it’s better characterized as the Frankenstein Case, cobbled together with ill-fitting parts into an ugly, awkward, but more-or-less functioning contraption that just might ultimately turn on its creator."

While Soros, the complex web of OSF groups, the Biden administration, and radical Democrats cheer this weekend, not just because it's the first day of Pride Month but because of Trump's conviction, the political assault on the former president was likely overplayed.
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You guys are overly optimistic.

Biden will win again simply based on the fact that a large group of males and females think abortion is the most important thing ever and are voting strictly on that issue alone.

This has drawn millions out the woodwork to vote for democrats.

Biden, but most importantly, neocons and libtards are essentially in a place of permanent power from here on out.

Get used to it.
Batvette, I get you feel that line is true, but we may have to wait until the court of appeals takes a look
to find out if your feeling are correct, because the facts are it was not tossed by the judge.

I'm sure a number of forum members share this feeling, but none of the efforts at accountability have
an end result of stopping mr trump in his quest to regain office.

I see a humorous side to this line, because IMO mr trump is a Dixiecrat(grievance based governance)
not a republican(law & order/strength based governance ) . and I have never given a dime to help the
democratic trump has....have you?

you entertained me, only fair I return the favor.

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It isnt MY feelings talking, we have seen endless legal experts- from both sides of the political spectrum- point out the specific reasons this bizarre unprecedented case had no legal standing to be heard in the first place.
And that Alvin Bragg ran on a platform of getting Trump for any crime he could manufacture, and that his campaign was financed by George Soros. No my position is driven by facts.
I noticed you didnt bother to address my point about the absurdity of your preference for a certain technology in your profession being equal to political ideologues abusing their positions to further their partys political capital.
Im not here to amuse myself. Democrats took the white house through corruption, conspiracy and skull duggery, and are trying to make it permanent by locking up an innocent man who did a much better job and flooding the country with hundreds of thousands of criminals and foreign agents of our enemies.
No this is quite the serious matter and I believe this november if the course isnt rectified in the voting booths theres enough people who will come up with more alarming but effective ways of doing it. This country was born with a revolution and that may be the way it is preserved or if fate determines, it dies.
If democrats want to man up the first thing would be to stop the gaslighting. We arent stupid and I assume neither are you. Dont think insulting peoples intelligence by lying to them ever got anyone anywhere.
Shit like "no one is above the law". Give me a break. These cases have zero to do with upholding the law.
Or Trump is a threat to democracy as you rush to imprison him before the voters are allowed to speak. My mother used to say its not the lie that I am pissed about or the bad thing you did youre lying about in the first place. She was just enraged that I considered her so stupid that she would just accept the lie at all.
This is what I see from democrats in all aspects of their treatment of Trump, or discussions about Bidens failed presidency.
I hope that a number State Attorney Generals are willing to file a lawsuit against New York State in the Trump "Hush Money Trial" possibly claiming "Injury" to the states citizens based on "Election Interference" or any other legal basis they can come up with. This would if the SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States) would take up the case get this issue of "Lawfare" in front of SCOTUS much quicker than any Trump legal process. I suspect (hopefully) that at least four of the justices want to take up this issue, they just need to be "invited" to do so.

Contact anyone in your state to make this happen.
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and are trying to make it permanent by locking up an innocent man who did a much better job
Batvette, nicely written rebuttal, my only critique is it's hyperbole to think mr trump would
ever have to face them consequences, unlike the hundreds he inspired J6th (but for the grace of god go I or you).


consequences are something you and I may have to face, but not mr trump , mr soros, mr gates or mr musk.
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No this is quite the serious matter and I believe this november if the course isnt rectified in the voting booths theres enough people who will come up with more alarming but effective ways of doing it. This country was born with a revolution and that may be the way it is preserved or if fate determines, it dies.

Once again I'm going to "poo poo" this notion that anybody is going to do anything. There are no men to stand up in that fashion anymore. Nothing is going to happen. Joe Biden will again and Joe Biden's handlers will become even more open and brazen about asset-stripping the country and taking even more control than they have now.

It's over.

Enjoy the downward slide.
I hope that number State Attorney Generals are willing to file a lawsuit against New York State in the Trump "Hush Money Trial" possibly claiming "Injury" to the states citizens based on "Election Interference" or any other legal basis they can come up with. This would if the SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States) would take up the case get this issue of "Lawfare" in front of SCOTUS much quicker than any Trump legal process. I suspect (hopefully) that at least four of the justices want to take up this issue, they just need to be "invited" to do so.

Contact anyone in your state to make this happen.

Bruh, they are all on the same side. Show me a conservative attorney. They don't exist as there is no money in it and people with that sort of character don't typically take interest in the law.
Bruh, they are all on the same side. Show me a conservative attorney. They don't exist as there is no money in it and people with that sort of character don't typically take interest in the law.
I can't and won't accept this.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” - Edmund Burke

“Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” - Charles E. Weller

It's not about attorneys, it's about you and me and others holding our elected officials accountable
Once again I'm going to "poo poo" this notion that anybody is going to do anything. There are no men to stand up in that fashion anymore. Nothing is going to happen. Joe Biden will again and Joe Biden's handlers will become even more open and brazen about asset-stripping the country and taking even more control than they have now.

It's over.

Enjoy the downward slide.
Dont be so sure. It wont be politicians or people whose names you are familiar with.
The most dangerous people are those with nothing to lose and they often make the war heroes we know in history.
A lot of people arent going to sit back and watch this continuous slide. It must be done with no obvious violence, and in no ways that are prosecutable crimes. It might be as simple as recruiting talented hackers. It might take co opting a sympathetic allied country that has much to lose with our demise.
Just dont think that GOP house and senate figures are the best we got. Even though near me, I dont think Darryl Issa is spineless.
The enemy is democrats. I havent met too many that would take the average republican in a pillow fight, let alone a firefight or any kind of asymetrical warfare.
I know republicans that load brass all saturday, shoot a thousand rounds on sunday, and can pick off fleas on a dogs ass at 200yds. And thats when theyre in a happy mood. That kind of person is rare in California. In flyover states theyre the norm.
Anyway I have faith in predictions that the dems thoroughly misjudged the results of their efforts and people are going to vote in record numbers to right the wrongs done to President Donald John Trump.

And on that lets not forget who his uncle John Trump was. One of the greatest minds of the 20th century.

Critics constantly claim Trump is stupid. Genetics are what they are. It just shows how uninformed they are and mislead by the media. Read this mans bio and tell me how his nephew cant be brilliant or do the right thing when leading the country.

Joe Biden says son Hunter is the smartest guy hes met.
Believe him.

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