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My experience getting G99 approval in the UK, for grid tied inverter over 3.68kW


New Member
May 18, 2024
Somerset, UK
I had been putting this off for a long time, as in my mind (and from what I'd read online) it was going to be a bit of a nightmare. Also, expensive.

So I'm pleased to report, that my experience in successfully getting G98 approval was incredibly easy, unbelievably quick, and didn't cost a penny.

I found out who my DNO was (National Grid), and found a "Please call me back" type form on their website. I gave name, number, and a very brief outline of what I was hoping to achieve.

12 minutes later I received a call, and a guy called Justin explained how the process worked. He also said that from the information he had about my specific house connection to the grid, it was almost guaranteed I would not get the 8kW inverter approved for connection. He explained that the very best he could do was 7.38kW. While he was on the phone I looked through the ENA website at Victron inverters, and suggested I might downsize to a 6.5kW unit (Multiplus 48/8000), which he said would be fine. He also went through the G99 form with me, and answered various questions.
I filled this in, and emailed it over to him. This was Monday afternoon last week. Tuesday at 8:44am I received an email with an attached letter "G99_Fast_Track_Approval_Letter"

It was that simple, and it was absolutely free.
Mind. Blown.

The letter states that they'd like to see the system installed and connected within 90 days, and that within 28 days of that installation, I should contact them to confirm this. They'd also like to see a simple line drawing of the system at that point.

I know all DNO's are going to operate differently, but you may be lucky. Especially if you live in Somerset, and are covered by "National Grid Electricity Distribution (South West) plc"
Yes, I can attest to a similarly speedy experience.

In my case, it was a matter of days rather than minutes. But still a good ten times less painful than I expected.

I asked for 3.68kW, on the understanding that was the easy limit, and got granted 4.4kW.

Similar setup: Victron Mutlplus-II 48/5000. UK Power Networks for Cambridge.

Great stuff.
Great stuff! What a result.
Have you completed your install, and did you do it all yourself?

I feel like it's important to have the positive stories online, as well as the painful ones.
If I'd known it would be this easy, I'd have done it long ago.
Interesting, I've been putting this off as I expected it to be a nightmare choosing to mine with my excess energy rather than export it. Tempted to give it a go.

My system has been installed for over a year though, a 48/5000, albeit not connected to the grid. Guess I'd just be notifying them I plan to connect it to the grid rather than install it?
I don't think the process would be any different for you really, it still a proposed system that will be connected to the grid if the application is successful.

I'm not sure it's of any use to you, but I saw that the 48/5000 can be updated to a specific firmware version (510?) that limits it to 3.68kW output and meets G98 ENA approval, so that might be an option for you, if you wanted. Then you're just notifying them, rather than asking for anything.
I don't think the process would be any different for you really, it still a proposed system that will be connected to the grid if the application is successful.

I'm not sure it's of any use to you, but I saw that the 48/5000 can be updated to a specific firmware version (510?) that limits it to 3.68kW output and meets G98 ENA approval, so that might be an option for you, if you wanted. Then you're just notifying them, rather than asking for anything.

Yeah, thanks. I was actually just reading that after your post peaked my interest in the G98/99 approval again. I have a Quattro II 48/5000 and a Multiplus 48/10000 sat here waiting to be installed. The Quattro would be the one connected to the grid, just checked and it's compliant so could potentially coincide that installation with applying.

I'm 50/50 at the minute as to whether I will bother. The only thing that puts me off is Octopus energy charging a £250 "Admin" fee so you can export your energy without an MCS certificate. Exporting and getting paid is my only motivation really. I have a chargeverter and an SRNE inverter on a contactor that coupled with a shelly pro smart relay allows me to automatically charge from the grid with 160A, so I'm not desperate for it.

Good to know it's an option though. Cheers.
While he was on the phone I looked through the ENA website at Victron inverters, and suggested I might downsize to a 6.5kW unit (Multiplus 48/8000), which he said would be fine.
You can limit the export on pretty much all Victron inverters, and this may be acceptable (G100 I believe) , although its a long time since I did my G99 and I got full approval for what I wanted.
You can limit the export on pretty much all Victron inverters, and this may be acceptable (G100 I believe) , although its a long time since I did my G99 and I got full approval for what I wanted

True, you can limit export. But as far as I understand, that doesn't meet the spec needed to connect to the grid.
Partly because you can then just adjust a variable on the inverter, and change it back to whatever you want.

There are approved devices that limit export, or prevent export all together. SMA make these devices, and they are approved for grid connections.

I think this is the difference with the firmware update that qualifies the Victron 48/5000 for G98. As it's a firmware change rather than a software variable being adjusted, it's less likely to be altered in the future.

I'm happy to be proved wrong.
Have you completed your install, and did you do it all yourself?
Just a few labels and the odd bit of conduit to tidy up. Basically done.

I got an electrician to make a new circuit for me. I'd wouldn't have done it myself anyway, but the EIC numbers are needed in order to get on to Octopus's DIY scheme so it wasn't really DIY-able in my case. If I'd have had a spare circuit (such as left over from an old shower), then I could have avoided it. But I didn't.

I had scaffolding put up, and also had help putting the panels up. In retrospect, I think I could have done that myself. But it was definitely a ton quicker with help, and good to have advice on a few of the practicalities.

Doing it DIY gave me control over cost, kit and the detail of the install. Very happy with the result. Even having foregone the VAT saving I am still better off.

I feel like it's important to have the positive stories online, as well as the painful ones.
If I'd known it would be this easy, I'd have done it long ago.

I agree. I get the feeling it has gotten easier in the last few years. I'm not sure it would have been so easy five years ago, let's say.
Great stuff, good work!

I'm intrigued by this EIC business....
Does this mean I could DIY install, and still qualify an Octopus export tariff, provided a Part P qualified sparky does the main connection to the house?
Great stuff, good work!

I'm intrigued by this EIC business....
Does this mean I could DIY install, and still qualify an Octopus export tariff, provided a Part P qualified sparky does the main connection to the house?
Yes. That’s basically it.
Hi Lorax,

I'd love to read a build thread, or an expansion of your thinking so far. I'm getting back to this after thinking it would be too much of a pain a little while back and would love some notes to crib from!
Good news to see the victron re certified again for UK G99. Is that the case for multiplus 2 as well?
I had a G98 system installed by a qualified electrician submitted the G98 fast track and line diagrams to my DNO who were very quick in coming back and sent me an email confirming it had been approved and advised the export MPAN the same as the import MPAN as it was classed as a small installation.
However Octopus are adamant that they still want their £250 for the clause 5.8 scheme and will only refund £150 if it was not successful I supplied Octopus with a copy of the DNO email confirming approval and advising no further action required - £250 for what the DNO has accepted it and advised the export MPAN and my smart meter is advising the exported power back to the grid every half hour.
After all Octopus are just a supplier and the DNO runs the important part i.e. the grid - it all seems a bit of a money making setup to me.
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I had a G98 system installed by a qualified electrician submitted the G98 fast track and line diagrams to my DNO who were very quick in coming back and sent me an email confirming it had been approved and advised the export MPAN the same as the import MPAN as it was classed as a small installation.
However Octopus are adamant that they still want their £250 for the clause 5.8 scheme and will only refund £150 if it was not successful I supplied Octopus with a copy of the DNO email confirming approval and advising no further action required - £250 for what the DNO has accepted it and advised the export MPAN and my smart meter is advising the exported power back to the grid every half hour.
After all Octopus are just a supplier and the DNO runs the important part i.e. the grid - it all seems a bit of a money making setup to me.
Clause 5.8 is about MCS, not DNO's G98/99/100. Your electrician should have supplied you with the MCS certificate required. Or am I missing something?
The Octopus scheme was setup to allow installations by a qualified person (Non MCS) - I understand a £250 fee for the application if they were sorting out the DNO application and export MPAN all of this had been done and the DNO acceptance confirmation and export MPAN was supplied to Octopus.
Octopus extract of 5.8:-
"5.8 Where you are unable to provide MCS or equivalent certification under clause 5.5, you confirm that you are satisfied that the generation asset has been installed by a competent professional and meets all required industry standards and guidelines. Octopus accepts no liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the installation."
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Just found this thread. All sounds very encouraging, I too have been concerned about the whole application process.

I am in the UK Power Networks area. Can anyone comment on dealing with these guys?

I am installing a 5.5kW SunSync with battery. No solar as yet, just looking at time shifting Economy 7 unit prices. I don't intend to export but understand I still need G98.

I am less than 100meters from the sub-station and am the first house connected. Not sure if that helps my case!
Indeed the fee only covers Octopus’s admin, and as pointed out above, it isn’t in lieu of charges for the DNO and so on.

That being said, I have some sympathy with the “what is it actually for?” argument. There’s a spreadsheet to manage, and no doubt some element of process pushing. But it seems steep for the work entailed.

The other side of it is that you don’t actually need it. If you’re happy to feed in and get nothing but a warm feeling inside by return, then you can just from the DNO approval. The fee only unlocks the door to getting the feed in payments. If you have big loads (an EV?), and would only feed in a tiny amount, then just skip it.
I an in UK Power Networks area. Was easy. Talked to an actual human, on an actual phone. Very happy.
Clause 5.8 is about MCS, not DNO's G98/99/100. Your electrician should have supplied you with the MCS certificate required. Or am I missing something?
Unless the electrician is also MCS certified then he cannot register it as MCS compliant. To get himself certified for MCS will cost him £1000's and the install would be no different but would have cost more to pay for MCS. The £250 charge by Octopus seems to been forced on them by MCS to try to protect their monopoly. DNO's do not require MCS certification.
I am less than 100meters from the sub-station and am the first house connected. Not sure if that helps my case!
No, its the total load on the transformer and the local network they are concerned with. They will not want to to upgrade the transformer until they really have to.

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