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diy solar

Clouds suck... Part 2


Solar Wizard
Dec 24, 2022
I have complained about clouds before and lets face it clouds suck.

But they are SOOO pissing me off today. Forecast showed today to be clear skies so I decided to do some crypto mining full speed so to speak.

The th/s are climbing nicely and the forecast from the pools are showing good money !!!

Then out of no where CLOUDS!!!! Evil clouds :(

Sorry had to vent and no ones home.
OTOH I do better in the winter on cloudy days then when it's sunny. Panels being almost flat (4/12 roof) and low shading from the south does that.
Well the grids filling in missing power so the miners are still making stuff but it eats into the profit when the clouds roll in.
I like them, getting some great cloud edging and nearly maxing out the MPPTs.

I think you need more battery 😉


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I like them, getting some great cloud edging and nearly maxing out the MPPTs.

I think you need more battery 😉
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Not running on the batteries right now. Will be ordering to batteries next week and will the go sbu at that point.

Will still do the mining during the day to keep from costing anything even after the batteries. Those miners would devour the batteries anyways :)

Haven't had any cloud boosting this time either which sucks.
My relationship with clouds is directly related to how full my batteries are. Around this time of year, I can fill them by noon, perfect for a nice cloudy afternoon.
High clouds yesterday limited my pv production to 110KWH. Extreme temperatures to 110F gobbled up a lot with the HVAC. Between that a bit of EV charging Only made it to 93% SOC. It's actually not that much but 10% more output is sometimes significant.
Yeah, with the demise of Net Metering I'm getting annoyed at my production the last couple of weeks. From a normal day of around 150 KWHR, I've been seeing 55,88,33,68,114,25,63,75...
Plus the rain means my sump pumps have been running 24x7, so there's another 30 KWHR/day load on top of the normal 60-90.
My Favorite Wife wants to know where we can get some of those space lasers to clear off the clouds.
Normally I make about 45-50Kw/hr per day but the last week or so it has been between 15-25Kw/hr.
I have been Grid charging in the late afternoon just in case the power goes out at night.
I've got 4400W of panels and 20kWh of batteries. Bumping up to 8000W soon, to attempt heating with resistance heaters over the winter in upstate NY I going to have to get many more panels and batteries.
yep i have been fucked by the weather forecast many times

The weather people used to report the weather as best as they could interpret the info….unless it was awful forecast , the weather was pretty bland.

“EDIT: The weather reporting and the reporter were pretty bland ….not the weather..nothing fancy , no cool actor dudes , no hot chicks”

Once the weather channel surfaced around the 80s, stations found they could charge a lot more if there was bad weather coming…

Now the sell fear … they can get more add revenue when people are worried about the weather…and they can report more viewers or hits…more eyes translates to higher add prices…

Yea I used to sell advertising as a kid as a younger guy..

The weather man loves bad weather… A hurricane, heat wave or Arctic blast is like hitting the lotto…
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The weather people used to report the weather as best as they could interpret the info….unless it was awful forecast , the weather was pretty bland

Once the weather channel surfaced around the 80s, they found they could charge a lot more if there was bad weather coming…

Now the sell fear … they can get more add revenue when people are worried about the weather…and they can report more viewers or hits…more eyes translates to higher add prices…

Yea I used to sell advertising as a kid as a younger guy..

The weather man loves bad weather… A hurricane, heat wave or Arctic blast is like hitting the lotto…
I am not sure if that is true.
When I was a kid the weather was very predictable, we knew that in May and June it would rain almost everyday in the evenings for an hour or two.
We could just about bank on Snow by Christmas and fairly accurately know Spring would return by at the end of March.
Summer was hot but not hot like today! You could sleep comfortably with a Fan. We had one window mount AC in the house and that was very rarely turned on.
In the last 5 years or so it can be 70 deg in mid April and then snowing the following week!
I have no idea how Farmers deal with this.
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Statistics say weather forecasting is more accurate than ever. Where I live, that hasn't been the case at all. Their same day forecasting is the worst it's ever been. More than one day out? Forget about it.
Completely agree ….
Yep, now they're right on the forecast 4 days out 1% of the time, the same success rate as next day forecasts used to be years ago.

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