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diy solar

Low-budget Project Thread: 23' sailboat with 24v trolling motor and 12v systems / 24v Shed with solar charging.


New Member
Oct 3, 2019
I've mainly been a lurker, but thought I would share my project - powering my sailboat on the weekends and my shed during the week. I'll put the back story at the bottom. I'll update this first post as I learn more.

Current setup as of June 2024: (I'll keep this at the top and update as I make changes)
Total relevant spend (sans boat): $2028
Boat: 23' Spirit Sailboat
Transom mounted trolling motor: Newport 24V 86lb thrust ($340) (maximum draw 48A) (March)
Battery: 24V iPowerQueen 100Ah ($700) (March)
Battery Charger Solar: 30A MPPT 12/24v ($95)(March)
Battery Charger AC: 12V-20A/24V-10A ($60)(April)
Battery: 12V Interstate deep-cycle (came with boat)
Quick disconnects 600A forklift style ($33+20)(July) AND XT60 connector to charge and connect to the EcoFlow (See June 10, '24 entry)
10' 6ga cable ($40)(July)
1200wt 24v inverter (Returned)
EcoFlow River 2 Pro ($540) (Sept)

Use case:
- I haul the battery between house and boat. I use quick connects much like those found on forklifts. The 24V is lighter than the 12V
- Boat on fresh water lake in Arkansas to move in & out of marina and around coves 3-6 days a month / 9-10 months a year.
- Shed in Arkansas to power lights, hand tools and low amp motors like a drill or bench grinder. 1-2 hours a week
- Operational Temps: Lake 40F-100F / Shed 15F-110F (but more like 40-100 when in use)
- Emergency auxiliary power. Will supplement and eventually replace gasoline generator.

Boat Results after 12 runs: Eagles, camping, and I'm getting the hang of it.
Run 12 - I finally feel like I can sail. Probably only used the motor about 3 miles total because winds were favorable. Hopefully will use the boat more this year.
Run 11 - Spring break '24 camping trip with my son and his friends. Sail issues caused us to use the battery alone. Was nervous because the temp got below freezing overnight, but the lake kept the surface above freezing.
Run 10 - We saw eagles on the lake. Likely our last run of the season as it's Nov. and the lake is down.
Run 9 - Cooling off. Approx 4 miles on battery. Low 60s F. Strong headwinds leaving marina.
Run 8 - Over Night Trip: Approx 14 miles on battery over 24hr period. 70-90F. Battery remained at ambient temps.
NOTE: (Sept 25)Biggest test of the system so far. Insufficient wind for most of the trip and had to rely on battery more than planned.
Run 7 - Approx 2hr on trolling motor on level 2-4. 5.7 miles on battery. 80-90F. Battery remained at ambient temps.
NOTE: From what I can see from monitoring my charger, I'm using just shy of 60% of the battery or 50-60Ah of juice per trip.
Run 6 - Approx 2hr on trolling motor on level 2-4. 5.5 miles on battery. 80-90F. Battery remained at ambient temps.
NOTE: Battery Voltage on charger after return shows 26.3V which is approx 50%. For details see post dated Sept 12 below.
NOTE: After charging, my charger indicated that it had put 58Ah+ into it so it's possible it was closer to 60% used on this trip.
Run 5 - Approx 1hr on trolling motor on level 2-4. 3 miles on battery. 85-95F. Battery remained at ambient temps.
Run 4 - Approx 1-1.5 hr on trolling motor on level 2-4. 4 miles on battery. 95-103F. Battery remained at ambient temps.
NOTE: Head wind returning to the marina. Used 3/5-4/5 speed most of way back. Total trip 11 miles.
Run 3 - Approx 1.5hr on trolling motor on level 2-3. 5 miles round trip on battery 85-95F. Battery remained at ambient temps.
NOTE: Head wind returning to the marina. Used 3/5 speed most of the way back. Total trip 7.5 miles.
Run 2 - Approx 1.5hr on trolling motor on level 1&2 5 miles round trip on battery 80F. Battery remained at ambient temps.
NOTE: Light side breeze. Was only under sail 30 minutes of the trip. Total trip 6 miles.
Run 1 - Approx .75hr on trolling motor on level 1 moving around marina. 75F
Observations: Battery meter on motor is useless. Shows 30% charge all the time. Est level 2 is 3mph
Current estimated run time 5hrs on level 2. (will update as I am better able to measure usage)

Planned Expansion and Changes:
Solar panels on shed to charge/maintain the battery (charger for solar shed already purchased with battery),
(Was 2k PSW inverter for shed - went with 1200wt instead after measuring loads and finding a 1200 on sale),
Portable solar generator mainly for use at home but possibly to take to boat,
24v to 12v DC/DC converter on boat when I am comfortable with battery's capacity for overnight trips.
Convert boat to LED lighting.
Solar fan to keep boat cabin aired out when not in use.
Solar panel(s) for boat for extended stays.

Back story:
Bought a 23' sailboat for my favorite lake which is a 30min drive from home/office. I keep on the lake with the goal of being able to be out if the marina 45minutes after I leave the office/house. It's just big enough I can spend a night or two on it. I don't want to use the 6hp outboard it came with because I want my wife to be able to control the boat without having to deal with a traditional outboard in an emergency (MAN OVERBOARD!) Trying to keep this low budget because I'm CHEAP and I am also a Geek so everything is a project to obsess over. Didn't want to spend $$$$ on a system that just sat idle at the boat 90% of the time. And since I haven't mastered the art of being in two places at once, I figured my boat setup could also power my shed when I need it - mainly lights but the tools that I am using a 100' extension cord with as well. Add some solar panels and now my setup is even more efficient. Also a good learning exercise before adding solar at home.

If asked a question, I'll try my best to answer.
(all worthwhile information in this post was blatantly stolen from other posts on this forum or from Will directly)Sailboat-Shed-System.png
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Observations: Battery meter on motor is useless. Shows 30% charge all the time. Est level 2 is 3mph
Current estimated run time 5hrs on level 2. (will update as I am better able to measure usage)

The "budget" meter will give you an actual state of charge.

There used to be a 350A option on the same page. I would get that one instead of the 100A version.
Took the boat out this weekend. (Run 3 added to original post.) Battery and motor did fine. Used motor on 2/5 leaving marina (tail wind) and 3/5 returning (head wind). Back home, my charger said I was at 20% when I returned but did not get a V measurement. I need to do better on logging that. Also my AC charger state of charge indicator only increments in 20% blocks so it could have easily been 21-39%.

The motor is adequate, but probably just. My marina is very sheltered from

On the sailing side, I did get to actually sail with both sails this trip, so that was nice. After a 17 year absence, it's coming back to me.

As always - Perseveranti!
FINALLY! Good wind for sailing and the gates of hell stayed closed! We've had a dearth of wind in the Ouachita's this summer, but last night was really nice and my wife and I had a nice sail. The battery and motor works great and I'm about to mount bus bars and quick connects because I'm happy with the setup.

Discovered the indicator lights for the battery meter on the trolling motor DO actually work. I wear Rx sunglasses, but yesterday we stayed out for the sunset and came back after dusk. After switching to regular lenses TADA the meter magically works. Seems my polarized lenses filter out green LEDs.

Now I just need to finish the shop portion of this project. And finish the interior of the boat. And put the wood back on. And...... (*sigh*)
I added a circuit diagram and will add photos when it cools off and I can take some decent photos of the install.
I added a circuit diagram and will add photos when it cools off and I can take some decent photos of the install.
I will be interest to know how well the small 24V motor propel your quite heavy boat.
Like knowing the top speed with head wind and down wind.
I will be interest to know how well the small 24V motor propel your quite heavy boat.
Like knowing the top speed with head wind and down wind.
Probably 5MPH

Mine is a low speed situation on a freshwater lake. I'm estimating that I am not exceeding 5mph based on my wake alone, but I am not having any difficulty maneuvering out of the slip in sub 10mph winds (Arkansas has been pretty calm this summer and I doubt we've has a single wind advisory this season - excluding storms). From my slip, to the mouth of the inlet, and on to the lake is 2.85 miles according to Google Earth. It takes me between 45-60min to get there depending on speed setting and wind. I'm using 2-3 out of 5 mostly once out of the docks, but as I learn the battery and system, I expect to be running on 4/5ths routinely by the next trip or so. So 5mph is probably it - maybe 6 in a tailwind.

Head winds haven't been a problem, and I routinely have a headwind leaving or entering the channel to the marina. With my sails stowed, I don't feel it too bad. Cross winds are typically more my concern because of emergency maneuverability, both in the docks and in coves. We have a lot of underwater obstacles on this lake and at times the choke point of the channel is only 50 yards wide during low water.

This is NOT the setup I would want for running around the lake under power all day, but for the entrance and exit to the lake, it is proving to be adequate for my needs. I would also say that this is probably the SMALLEST unit I would recommend for a boat this size. 86lb thrust is the theoretical equivalent of 1.5HP from what I'm reading and it feels like it.

If I upgrade, I will look seriously at a Minn Kota 110lb thrust 36v motor using 3 12v batteries in series.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the details. That seem fine.
I also look for higher power motor, but for me 36V is a big NO as it don't fit with any 24V or 48V standard devices/battery.
Fortunately, it seem that 48V outboard motor start to be available decent price.
Latest Trip with 4 adults (total boat weight above 3600lbs with crew and gear)

Battery capacity:
According the manual for the iPowerQueen 25.6v 100Ah LFP battery, capacity is as follows -
27.0V - 100%
26.8V - 99%
26.6V - 90%
26.4V - 70%
26.2V - 40%
26.0V - 30%
25.8V - 20%
25.6V - 10%
21.6V - 1%

So this trip
, we ran 54 minutes from the slip to the mouth of the lake where we catch a reliable wind. (I have a "Sailing" playlist that helps me track time). This 2.8mile run up the inlet on setting 3(ie half throttle) with what I consider to be a "full load" means we were traveling 3-4mph. Coming back in we used setting 3&4 for roughly the same distance. This morning the charger indicated 26.3v when I connected it. My next trip I will check V before and after with a couple of my meters and see what they tell me. But based on these numbers I'm seeing a "safe" 10 mile range with this setup.

Starlight Cruising - While the motoring is slow for sure, all the guests, and my wife especially, like the fact that we can talk above the noise. No yelling except in the strongest winds. Most of the trips this year have been Sunday afternoon cruises to watch the sun set, then star gaze on the return trip. There is minimal traffic at these times and the water gets like glass in the cove our marina is in.

End of summer considerations - I may buy a different footprint battery next year and keep this one as the backup if I plan a several day trip. I'm thinking this more about the logistics of where it fits in my boat and 3 50Ah batteries in parallel might work better for me, as well as, theoretically give me 50% more "safe" range. Also be easier to handle getting on and off the boat as I can move each single handed (this battery lifting is giving me a workout - i'm only taking the lead one back and forth as needed for charging.) I am also considering buying another motor and breaking it down so if this one dies (or the prop gets damaged) I have a spare. Other than the pole/shaft, it would fit into a 2/1.5/.5 plastic tub which is the same size as my mess kit.

Goals met so far - 1)No one has died. 2)My wife still likes going. 3) I can be leaving the slip within 30 minutes of arriving (including a quick wipe down and clearing the cobwebs) and usually have things ready to leave within 30 minutes of return. 4)I feel safe getting out on the lake knowing I have enough juice to get back if I run out of wind -the biggest hesitation compared to an outboard gas motor.

Now I just have to get this shed power finished. Could have used it during a couple of power outages this summer. - Perseveranti!
Technically, I think goals #2 and #1 are out of order based on priorities... :)

Be aware that those voltages are for resting. Under load or charge they are different. Cut any load or charge, wait about 5 minutes and then compare the resting voltage to the chart.
Technically, I think goals #2 and #1 are out of order based on priorities... :)

Be aware that those voltages are for resting. Under load or charge they are different. Cut any load or charge, wait about 5 minutes and then compare the resting voltage to the chart.
Ah, priorities.....:unsure:

My charger does an initial 10 second "cold read" on the battery before it start's charging - that's where I was getting my 26.3v from, but I want to test with my "good" meter and my meter I keep in the go bag as well as that's usually the one I have with me on the boat.
One more followup today: I just charged the battery and I had the charger where I could watch it and before it reached "full" it said that it had put 58Ah of juice in it. Sooo... that means I used about 60% capacity. Need to keep that in mind on my next trip.
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First overnight trip (and my first real experience with "range anxiety"). Winds were less than predicted and had to rely on the battery for much more than I expected. I am not sure if I want to have panels or get another 50Ah battery as a backup.

BATTERY: Returning home, battery measured 25.2v both on the charger and on my meter, so I got to below 10% capacity. The charger had added 88Ah when I went to bed, so I fully expect the battery took a 90+ Ah charge. This morning it measured 26.7v. I'll check it again tonight after its had time to sit.

I also purchased an Ecoflow River 2 Pro and it may replace my 12v Interstate as most of my 12v loads are LED lights and phone charging. It has the same usable capacity and weighs less. I haul these back and forth so every ounce carried up the dock ramp counts.

Did I mention I had to jump in the water after the anchor rope because I forgot to put the end-loop on a cleat?
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I will be interest to know how well the small 24V motor propel your quite heavy boat.
Like knowing the top speed with head wind and down wind.
Yabert, this one is for you:

Yesterday had 11mph headwinds leaving marina based on data from, as well as some gusts up to 20s. Felt it. I still only ran it at level 3 but would run it at full throttle next time I think. Cross winds I think are more worrisome for me as I'm pretty sure this thing is topping out at 5mph* and without forward momentum the nose is a sail whether the jib is up or not. My marina is very sheltered so I am past the No Wake zone before I get the full brunt of what's blowing. If I had exposure to stronger winds at the slip I would likely opt for a 36v motor setup running 3 12v in series - the 36v Minn Kota's are about 110lb thrust vs my 86lb thrust 24v. I would never try this size boat with a 12v setup, that much I am certain of.

(*Speed and range: I have a leg that I travel for 2.85 miles that consistantly takes 53 minutes on level 2 so thats an average of 3.17mph. The next time I make the run I am going to try to remember to set it to 3 and time it. )

Battery Capacity: 100Ah seems to be the right capacity FOR ME as long as there is wind. That seems to be a safe 12 mile range powered, although I managed about 14mi a few weeks back - using 90% of the battery. Most of the time, in my situation, I am using it for about 2-2.5hrs leaving the marina and about 1.25-2hrs coming in (depending on wind direction, currents and the lake level which has about a 25' swing through the year - we are at low water now and will be at high water around March 1st.) I can see (expect) I'll buy a second battery next year as I plan to have some multi day trips where I may want to use the motor more around the shore (my lake has over 1000 miles of shore line) or on some of the legs that are sheltered by the mountains.

4 Month Opinion: Has this setup been good for ME? I think so. Would I recommend it? Probably only on inland fresh water lakes. On the ocean, I would want 36v minimum or would stick with a gas outboard. THE BEST FEATURE? Even though I bought it for a no experience needed, twist and go setup so my wife can just twist and go after she pushes me overboard, all my guests, and my wife, love how quiet it is.

The IDEAL: If I could have twin thrusters that dropped down about a foot either side of the tiller and just folded 90degrees against the hull when not in use, that would be about the perfect setup. Wish I was an engineer.
Sorry I don't have any good close ups of the full setup yet. The first is a picture of the boat as of last week. (Need to replace the forward hatch and the side windows next spring.) The second picture is a closeup of the motor attached in the down position.

If you follow the cord you can just see the fuel tank well - this is where the battery sits. This well is sized for a 5gal tank and is just about the right sized for a 100Ah-150Ah 24v battery setup. My 100Ah iPowerQueen (same case and foot print as most 24v 100Ah and 12v 200Ah Redodo, Chins, LiTime and half dozen other "brands") just fits snug so I can press it in, plug up and it doesn't budge the whole trip. I've found some 150Ah batteries that will fit the well and I may opt for one of those next year, but I'm not sure I want to haul that big of a battery up and down the ramp each trip (you can see from the first photo I'm standing well above the boat.)

That's all I got for now.
Your boat is beautiful!
You might think about building your own Lifepo4 battery to supplement your existing battery. Then you would likely eliminate all range anxiety and be power rich. In any event, thanks for sharing your stuff!?
Your boat is beautiful!
You might think about building your own Lifepo4 battery to supplement your existing battery. Then you would likely eliminate all range anxiety and be power rich. In any event, thanks for sharing your stuff!?
Thank you. I didn't build it, just bought it and clean it, but thanks.

I'm experienced enough with electronics and boats to know that the boat is not the place I want a DIY battery that "I" made. For the time, energy, and space requirement, the existing Jungle Store options are more than adequate. The store bought options are well sealed and I'm not really worried about them getting wet - can't say I feel that way about a DIY. I have the space for a second battery inside, so it's mainly about mounting, swapping and such along with a hauling it/them back and forth - but it's good exercise. (I might not feel that way in 10 years when I retire ;) ).
I'm finally feeling like a sailor. (insert thunder clap)

Made an end of year run back in October or early November. Found an Eagle nest in a cove and we were able to watch it for a few hours while we had dinner.

Over winter didn't do much with the boat but added to the battery:
  • an XTC60 connector - this allows me to plug it straight into the charger back in the shop AND I am able to plug it into the EcoFlow to use as an external battery pack.
  • a pre-wired forklift style quick connector cables made by trolling motor company that include rubber isolators and it also added 2 feet of length to the motor cable.
  • Here is a picture of the battery in place in the fuel well. Sorry you can't see the connectors, but if you've seen one XT60 or a forklift connector, you've probably seen them all: IMG_20240608_190459.jpg
In March, I took my son and some friends camping on the islands on the lake. I was a little nervous as we were expecting freezing temps over night. While it did get into the 20's, the lake kept the surface temps above freezing and it was back in the 40's before I needed to use the battery/motor. We used it motor more than planed because most of my sail slugs snapped and I didn't have any spares (one more item added to the tool box)

Last weekend, after cleaning the sail and installing new slugs and shackles, my wife and I finally made it out on the water on a good sailing day. Didn't have to use the motor much and probably sailed the furthest we have since buying the boat. Wish we had made it out earlier as we probably would have gone farther up the lake. Oh, there's next time. I really need to plan a day to pull it and clean it. The hull could use a good polish and wax and the cabin deserves some attention. Supposed to take the boys out in a couple weeks, so that may be a job for them - what else are teenagers for?

And now I'll leave you a couple of gratuitous sailing shots from beautiful Lake Ouachita: IMG_20240608_190429_344.jpgIMG_20240608_190554.jpgIMG_20240608_200728_837.jpg
Thanks for all the info in this thread. I am very hopeful for our smaller 17 foot M17 sailboat if you are getting 10+ miles of range out of 2500 watt-hr. Your hull speed is a bit higher because of length, so you have advantage, but our boat loaded up is under 2400 pounds.
Thanks for all the info in this thread. I am very hopeful for our smaller 17 foot M17 sailboat if you are getting 10+ miles of range out of 2500 watt-hr. Your hull speed is a bit higher because of length, so you have advantage, but our boat loaded up is under 2400 pounds.
I didn't buy it for speed, but the seller commented it was a relatively fast hull. I chalked it up to sailsmenship (yes I just did that) and didn't put much stock into it, but it does seem pretty easy going. I also don't run full throttle very often. Usually I'm running 2/3 out of 5 as 4 and 5 don't really seem to buy me much in terms of speed. 5 is more for emergency maneuvering in the marina in short bursts. The boat is spec'ed at 2,800lbs displacement and I have about 300lbs of gear and 350-800lbs of crew on any given trip. I also found in light wind, running up the sail early and using them in tandem works well - again, this is on a lake surrounded by mountains and national forest and surface winds can be inconsistent at times.

Opinion: I think a setup like this would work great for your size boat. Depending on our space for mounting, I might look at a pair of 12v 100ah.

Have fun!
(EDIT: I just started reading you post about your boat! That looks like a fun project. I'm leaving my comments even though I see now they don't fully apply to your situation.)
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diy solar

diy solar