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diy solar

18kpvs in Parallel - Paraphase set error - no U phase on slave?


New Member
Jun 5, 2022
I just added an 18kpv to my system. I'm following the instructions in the manual but setting the slave inverter to 'U' phase is unavailable. I have no idea why. The phases available are 'R', 'S' and 'T' phases. Does anyone have any idea what's going on? Both are on the latest firmware. 'Paraphase Set Error' is the only error I have.
I just added an 18kpv to my system. I'm following the instructions in the manual but setting the slave inverter to 'U' phase is unavailable. I have no idea why. The phases available are 'R', 'S' and 'T' phases. Does anyone have any idea what's going on? Both are on the latest firmware. 'Paraphase Set Error' is the only error I have.
Are you doing three phase on purpose?
Yeah. All looks good. No grid input right now, and the load breaker is off. I only have the battery breakers on.
Oh, crazy. I think I got it sorted. The phase on the maintenance page had two options for Phases. They were both set to 'U'. After resetting the phases, it looks like the first one is now grayed out and the error is gone. 1717962498334.png
For anyone curious, the solve for this is to reset the 'Auto Detect Phase' and restart the inverters.

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diy solar