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diy solar


Anybody think Biden supporters will figure this out? He is griping because price for food went from $8.99 to &14.99 in 2 years. So who will he vote for in 2024? Probably more of the same. Be my guess then complain again. America is about to trim down. Snicker. 😁😂 Oprah would be proud. Imagine a fat ass buying the weight watcher program then saying customers can eat more. Hahaha bahaha…if ppl lost weight they might not come back …..weight watchers is a business. Eat more. 😁😂

He is creepy strange …. Even democrats talk about those kind of things.

Seems like he has to be aware of all the criticism about his creepy hair sniffing and such ..... but he keeps right on.

Either they somehow hide all the criticism or he just can't help himself.
Some one mentioned "Bidenomics" It's an unfamiliar term to me, so I looked it up (from wikipedia)

The economic policy of the Joe Biden administration, dubbed Bidenomics (a portmanteau of Biden and economics), is characterized by relief measures and vaccination efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic, investments in infrastructure, and strengthening the social safety net, funded by tax increases on higher-income individuals and corporations. Other goals include increasing the national minimum wage and expanding worker training, narrowing income inequality, expanding access to affordable healthcare, and forgiveness of student loan debt. The March 2021 enactment of the American Rescue Plan to provide relief from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was the first major element of the policy. Biden's Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was signed into law in November 2021 and contains about $550 billion in additional investment. His Inflation Reduction Act was enacted in August 2022.

Biden's first year in office (2021) saw strong growth in real GDP, wages, employment, stock market returns, and household net worth, coupled with an increase in inflation, as the economy recovered from the pandemic recession of 2020. During 2022–2023, the unemployment rate averaged 3.6%, the lowest since 1969; by April 2024, the unemployment rate had remained below 4.0% for the longest sustained period since 1953. Monthly job creation averaged a robust 402,000 from inauguration through February 2024, or 273,000 from June 2022, when the pre-pandemic jobs level was regained. Inflation peaked in mid-2022 at 9.0% measured versus one year earlier, and fell to 3.2% by February 2024. The Federal Reserve rapidly raised a key interest rate from March 2022 until August 2023, and is expected to maintain elevated interest rates for some or all of 2024.

And Reuters reports that nonfarm payrolls increased by 272,000 jobs last month, with a record breaking accomplishments on jobs and unemployment under Biden, so why would people use Bidenomics as a derogatory term?

* While Biden does break records in numbers, it should be noted that Roosefelt and Jhonson had higher percentages in Job growth than Biden.
Total bullshit manipulated cherry picked figures. Gasoline up 55%. Costs twice as much to buy a house. Real income/ wages down. Rents are off the page. Municipal govts having huge budget shortfalls. The job creation numbers are about the same as the number of illegal entries!!! Did that escape you?
The creepiest thing is how Mayorkas keeps looking at him like he wants to jump his bones .... What a pair.
These creepy bastards always have crazy weird eyes. Adam Schiff is example too. The child molesting stories on him are a plenty too. There is hotel in California like Eagles song some check in but never check out.
These ppl are definitely strange. Marilyn Manson has been charged 5-6 times for sex crimes. All these weirdos use to stay at private hotel for Stars in California. Schiff has perverted weird friends - multiple sex charges on them. These ppl are whole other World…..

Manson did a tell all video about these so called Elites and this hotel.


Lot of famous ppl have went to this place and seen stuff. Bourdain was part of the mass suicide by hanging crowd that got a bunch of ppl like Robin Williams, David Carradine ….and several other died by suicide hangings. 🤪😳👀 Hmmmm…. Always seem to be ones tied to weird Clinton like allegations…..that got suicided.

I am sure Mayorkas is into some weird shit too.

Listen to his video bs. The kids being exploited are flowing in from the open borders. CYA the sex trade has exploded with sexual transmitted disease under Biden and his open border policies too. Biden could close the border….Mayorkas works for him.

Hunter Biden fits right into these weirdos.
Total bullshit manipulated cherry picked figures. Gasoline up 55%. Costs twice as much to buy a house. Real income/ wages down. Rents are off the page. Municipal govts having huge budget shortfalls. The job creation numbers are about the same as the number of illegal entries!!! Did that escape you?
Why do you make things up?

Trump demanded that Saudi Arabia cut back production back in 2020. According to Trump, he worked out a deal where OPEC producers would all agree to reduce their output. The reason we now have high oil prices is that they have not returned their production to pre-pandemic levels. Hey, by the media’s standards of what makes a politician responsible for an event in the world, this is practically airtight.
It’s more than a bit bizarre that Donald Trump literally boasted about getting oil producers to cut production, but somehow President Biden is held responsible for high gas prices?

The average sales price of houses sold in the United States under Biden went from 417,000 to 513,000 earlier this year, that is an increase of less than 25% not 100% as you claim. (Under Trump the house prices went from 357,000 to 417,000)

The average wage under Biden has gone up from 24 dollars an hour to 30 dollars an hour. (Under Trump the average wage went up from 21 dollars per hour to 24 dollars per hour)

I don't see how municipal government having budget shortfalls is the problem of a president, I honestly don't know how that works in your country, maybe you can explain why you believe that a president is responsible for these shortfalls?

Last year, the Center for Immigration Studies, which supports tighter border control, gave a preliminary estimate that the number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. rose by 2.4 million (to 12.6 million total) in the first 27 months of the Biden presidency. In that period the US added about 10 million new jobs, 4 times the number of unauthorized immigrants.
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Why do you make things up?

Trump demanded that Saudi Arabia cut back production back in 2020. According to Trump, he worked out a deal where OPEC producers would all agree to reduce their output. The reason we now have high oil prices is that they have not returned their production to pre-pandemic levels. Hey, by the media’s standards of what makes a politician responsible for an event in the world, this is practically airtight.
It’s more than a bit bizarre that Donald Trump literally boasted about getting oil producers to cut production, but somehow President Biden is held responsible for high gas prices?

The average sales price of houses sold in the United States under Biden went from 417,000 to 513,000 earlier this year, that is an increase of less than 25% not 100% as you claim. (Under Trump the house prices went from 357,000 to 417,000)

The average wage under Biden has gone up from 24 dollars an hour to 30 dollars an hour. (Under Trump the average wage went up from 21 dollars per hour to 24 dollars per hour)

I don't see how municipal government having budget shortfalls is the problem of a president, I honestly don't know how that works in your country, maybe you can explain why you believe that a president is responsible for these shortfalls?

Last year, the Center for Immigration Studies, which supports tighter border control, gave a preliminary estimate that the number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. rose by 2.4 million (to 12.6 million total) in the first 27 months of the Biden presidency. In that period the US added about 10 million new jobs, 4 times the number of unauthorized immigrants.

Glad to hear you lost your anal virginity. That's a big step forward. So proud of you. 🥰🥰🥰
Why do you make things up?
A lie by omission is still a lie would you agree?
Trump demanded that Saudi Arabia cut back production back in 2020. According to Trump, he worked out a deal where OPEC producers would all agree to reduce their output.
Yes Trump upped oil production in the USA. This caused OPEC to lower their prices. This helped the world with energy prices. Biden severely restricted oil production in the USA. This gave OPEC the upper hand.
The reason we now have high oil prices is that they have not returned their production to pre-pandemic levels. Hey, by the media’s standards of what makes a politician responsible for an event in the world, this is practically airtight.
OPEC took advantage of the change.
It’s more than a bit bizarre that Donald Trump literally boasted about getting oil producers to cut production, but somehow President Biden is held responsible for high gas prices?
Absolutely Biden is responsible for increased oil prices, remember it is the blind who will "not" see.
The average sales price of houses sold in the United States under Biden went from 417,000 to 513,000 earlier this year, that is an increase of less than 25% not 100% as you claim. (Under Trump the house prices went from 357,000 to 417,000)

The average wage under Biden has gone up from 24 dollars an hour to 30 dollars an hour. (Under Trump the average wage went up from 21 dollars per hour to 24 dollars per hour)
To bad it is not keeping up with the inflation that Biden's policies has caused.
I don't see how municipal government having budget shortfalls is the problem of a president, I honestly don't know how that works in your country, maybe you can explain why you believe that a president is responsible for these shortfalls?
It appears that you are omitting ( Remember I can be considered a lie ) All the policies that the Biden administration have enacted on business that hurts local businesses.
Last year, the Center for Immigration Studies, which supports tighter border control, gave a preliminary estimate that the number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. rose by 2.4 million (to 12.6 million total) in the first 27 months of the Biden presidency.
This is yet another lie. Replacing jobs that were lost due to the COVID-19 fraud does NOT count. And as a side note they are"ILLEGAL" Aliens NOT " unauthorized . Yet another lie......
In that period the US added about 10 million new jobs, 4 times the number of unauthorized immigrants.
See above. It's called the "Replacement Theory"
A lie by omission is still a lie would you agree?

Yes Trump upped oil production in the USA. This caused OPEC to lower their prices. This helped the world with energy prices. Biden severely restricted oil production in the USA. This gave OPEC the upper hand.

OPEC took advantage of the change.

Absolutely Biden is responsible for increased oil prices, remember it is the blind who will "not" see.

To bad it is not keeping up with the inflation that Biden's policies has caused.

It appears that you are omitting ( Remember I can be considered a lie ) All the policies that the Biden administration have enacted on business that hurts local businesses.

This is yet another lie. Replacing jobs that were lost due to the COVID-19 fraud does NOT count. And as a side note they are"ILLEGAL" Aliens NOT " unauthorized . Yet another lie......

See above. It's called the "Replacement Theory"
During President George W. Bush’s last year in office, U.S. oil production was 5.0 million BPD. By the end of President Obama’s term in office, oil production was 8.9 million BPD. During Trump’s last month in office, production was 11.1 million BPD. Currently, under Biden, the US produces 12.9 million BPD. So what is the basis for your claim that Biden is restricting oil production? Drilling permits are up, oil production is up, oil jobs are up, share prices are up, profits are up... What am I missing?

And for the record, I don't like Biden, I want political leaders all over the world to end oil subsidies, I want them to add carbon tax, which would reduce consumption and thus production. I also want to end subsidies for solar and wind at the same time.
During President George W. Bush’s last year in office, U.S. oil production was 5.0 million BPD. By the end of President Obama’s term in office, oil production was 8.9 million BPD. During Trump’s last month in office, production was 11.1 million BPD. Currently, under Biden, the US produces 12.9 million BPD. So what is the basis for your claim that Biden is restricting oil production? Drilling permits are up, oil production is up, oil jobs are up, share prices are up, profits are up... What am I missing?
The truth.
And for the record, I don't like Biden,
Nor do I
I want political leaders all over the world to end oil subsidies,
I agree.
I want them to add carbon tax, which would reduce consumption and thus production.
This is just a money grab, total bullshit, exactly like subsidies..........
I also want to end subsidies for solar and wind at the same time.
Agreed, feds need to stay the hell out of business.
See we have some things in common.
Bongbong aka Leo is full of shit.

The house market pricing basically priced young ppl out here. To be clear a cheap SMALL OLD starter home ~$150,000 home jumped to ~$275,000 - $300,000+. Mostly that fault to Black Rock buying up homes that are now being rented. Black Rock used investor money to make the housing market go crazy. It has always amazed me at ppl that can’t afford to purchase a home but can pay rent way more then monthly house payments.

Biden did his import tarrifs coincided with Covid and ran building supply prices through the roof. Mostly Canada lost money until readjusted which was immediate and passed cost onto customers - consumers. Ppl are dumb asf and always get the cost of govt involvement such as company taxes passed to them as consumers. The automakers got govt - tax payer monies for years. The prices on them soared too. Govt involvement is never good for consumers. The tax breaks and incentive shit offered go on National debt for USA ppl to pay - communism. That is common knowledge.

Food has soared in prices ….. some as much as 50%.

Social security a money taken from ppl to which they are entitled has been robbed. Often to cover the crime politician after politician steal from it. Money taken from employee and employer. That Social Security money will buy those poor ppl about half what it did before Biden. The illegals are making more money from our govt then Social Security.

My own bank account is about half what it was due to inflation. They have lot of ways now to make us keep our money in investments or in bank’s control so our wealth can be leveraged and used as USURY. Why if you have over X amount of money in your possession the Govt will try to seize it. Wait until digital dollar gets here going to be even worse. Ppl wanting digital money are absolute idiots especially for handing over control. My family that lived through the Great Depression survived because they had gold and silver. They knew how to trade back then but not anymore. How does a person use a gold bar to get a loaf of bread now? Back in day the gold bar was given to the store owner which used it to buy consumer goods to resale….the person with gold bar had line of agreed upon credit. All was good unless store owner cheated or went bust. The store owners made lines of credit out to ppl with no gold and some did not pay up. So…. Enter banking.

If young person buys home they by usury are buying the finance company a home the interest and time to pay back is that expensive…. The finance company are using our money in their possession and in their control to make themselves money. Why we can’t all run to bank and draw our money out. Our money is loaned out. The police would be called and bank closed if we did run on banks for with draw. When a bank crashes the national debt is popped again regardless because the monies held are also being used. Foreign investor pull out and or won’t invest into the machine which causes hell too.

China is largest debt collector in World unlike the USA the Chinese do not offer bad debt bad loan forgiveness and write it off on their own ppl as a tax burden owed….for rising National Debt…Ponzi scheme

Bong bong is full of shit. He is a dope head
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Why do you make things up?

Trump demanded that Saudi Arabia cut back production back in 2020. According to Trump, he worked out a deal where OPEC producers would all agree to reduce their output. The reason we now have high oil prices is that they have not returned their production to pre-pandemic levels. Hey, by the media’s standards of what makes a politician responsible for an event in the world, this is practically airtight.
It’s more than a bit bizarre that Donald Trump literally boasted about getting oil producers to cut production, but somehow President Biden is held responsible for high gas prices?

The average sales price of houses sold in the United States under Biden went from 417,000 to 513,000 earlier this year, that is an increase of less than 25% not 100% as you claim. (Under Trump the house prices went from 357,000 to 417,000)

The average wage under Biden has gone up from 24 dollars an hour to 30 dollars an hour. (Under Trump the average wage went up from 21 dollars per hour to 24 dollars per hour)

I don't see how municipal government having budget shortfalls is the problem of a president, I honestly don't know how that works in your country, maybe you can explain why you believe that a president is responsible for these shortfalls?

Last year, the Center for Immigration Studies, which supports tighter border control, gave a preliminary estimate that the number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. rose by 2.4 million (to 12.6 million total) in the first 27 months of the Biden presidency. In that period the US added about 10 million new jobs, 4 times the number of unauthorized immigrants.
I said the cost to buy a house and thats largely been driven by interest rates. Your citing of only real estate prices is typical cherry picking like i mentioned! Dishonest.

Trumps deal with the saudis was during the pandemic lockdown when demand was low to stabilize prices.

Prices began a long steep rise upon the announcement of Bidens "win" which increased more on his executive orders.

Most estimates put the number of illegals in 3.5 years at 9-10 million..

I made up nothing.
During President George W. Bush’s last year in office, U.S. oil production was 5.0 million BPD. By the end of President Obama’s term in office, oil production was 8.9 million BPD. During Trump’s last month in office, production was 11.1 million BPD. Currently, under Biden, the US produces 12.9 million BPD. So what is the basis for your claim that Biden is restricting oil production? Drilling permits are up, oil production is up, oil jobs are up, share prices are up, profits are up... What am I missing?

And for the record, I don't like Biden, I want political leaders all over the world to end oil subsidies, I want them to add carbon tax, which would reduce consumption and thus production. I also want to end subsidies for solar and wind at the same time.
US oil production goes up when crude prices go up and leases take years to develop. Market apprehension drives increases. Biden can throw some leases at the industry but it does nothing. Carrying out his war on fossil fuels scares the hell out of the industry, driving crude prices up, so they expand production in areas with high lift costs like the Bakken because they can then make money. It doesnt mean its good for the consumer. What we need to know about Biden is WAR ON FOSSIL FUELS DRIVES MARKET APPREHENSION.

Biden directly caused high fuel prices thus inflation.

This is pretty easy to document. Look what happened in november 2000. Just announcing his presidency caused a spike. Then another in late january-feb when he got to work.

This guy fucks up everything he touches. Ill note gas prices were a bit higher in october and september, going to an all time low the first week of november and that is surely because a Trump win was predicted.

Gas would be cheap today because a Trump win = no Putin invasion and no Gaza war. Your hate for Trump prevents you from seeing this.

Its interesting that defense of Biden ultimate revolves around "he is powerless to do anything about it." While thats just stupidly false when we can document his destructive executive orders on energy, immigration, etc, if it were even true youre just arguing one more reason to get rid of the idiot and elect someone that can do something about it. Look back at your posts. Youve made that point. Biden doesnt CONTROL gas prices but his policies and even the expectation of them directly drive the industry.

Is that all clear now? I have an 11th grade education with a GED, literally live in a van by the river, and I have to explain all this to you?
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diy solar

diy solar