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diy solar

Can you hook 2 XP 6000's together like this...?


New Member
Mar 23, 2024
I bought one and was thinking of getting another. I am in the process of building a mobile set up. Is it possible to have 1 XP 6000 on one cart with 2 EG4 48 Volt 100AH batteries and another cart with a XP6000 with 6 or 8 ECO Worthy 48 V 50 Ah batteries and have them setup to where you can easily tie them together for double the power when you need it to run high inductive loads and if not what changes would I have to make to make this work... Thanks...
Communication cable.
Reprogram to be in parallel (or separate).
Parallel load and battery.
I am not sure you would need to parallel the battery. It is ALWAYS a good idea but I dont think its absolutely necessary if the age and Amp hours are simmilar.
Thanks , so you are saying it is no problem. Now I believe this is a problem. There is no way to tie another model inverter in with the EG4 XP 6000? I want to use the 6000 on a bigger battery 4 wheel cart but want a smaller one on the hand truck with the 2 EG4 48 volt batteries. Like say a Lux/Pow EG4 3000 watter or something. The way to go would be have 2 4 wheeled carts with 2 XP 6000's and like 15 to 25 KWH on each cart but that is a little chunk of change...
I am not sure you would need to parallel the battery. It is ALWAYS a good idea but I dont think its absolutely necessary if the age and Amp hours are simmilar.
There are several inverters that throw a fit if they do not see similar voltage. I don't know if the 6000XP does this.
Thanks , so you are saying it is no problem. Now I believe this is a problem. There is no way to tie another model inverter in with the EG4 XP 6000? I want to use the 6000 on a bigger battery 4 wheel cart but want a smaller one on the hand truck with the 2 EG4 48 volt batteries. Like say a Lux/Pow EG4 3000 watter or something. The way to go would be have 2 4 wheeled carts with 2 XP 6000's and like 15 to 25 KWH on each cart but that is a little chunk of change...
Inverter 1 is grid forming inverter. On the load side is the grid input of Inverter 2. Load is on the load connection of Inverter 2. Both inverters connect to the same battery bank.

Inverter 2 will take from the grid input what it needs to supply load.

Put pv on inverter 1, so AC coupling of pv isn't an issue. You get some inefficiency of inverter 1 charging batteries that inverter 2 immediately inverts to supply load.

Any thoughts when it doesn't work?
I'm stupid, I don't know what you are telling me. When it's all said and done I will probably electrocute myself and burn the house down. I am looking for an inverter say like 3000 watts that will make 9000 watts total when tied in with the XP 6000 and I can use the power of both working together to start larger inductive loads than a single XP 6000. So I guess the best thing to do is just use 2 XP 6000's? 2 of those have a good bit of power to drive descent sized inductive loads? I do not want to tie a XP 6000 to a hand truck is why I am asking for something smaller to integrate...
I am buying all this stuff now so I have it for future use. I am going to hire somebody who knows what they are doing to help me put it all together correctly. This is for when I move in the future. With the way things are going it's very uncertain as to whether you will be able to buy these items in the future here in America so might as well get it all now..
Inverter 1 is grid forming inverter. On the load side is the grid input of Inverter 2. Load is on the load connection of Inverter 2. Both inverters connect to the same battery bank.

Inverter 2 will take from the grid input what it needs to supply load.

Put pv on inverter 1, so AC coupling of pv isn't an issue. You get some inefficiency of inverter 1 charging batteries that inverter 2 immediately inverts to supply load.

Any thoughts when it doesn't work?
Thanks for taking the time, should I just buy 2 of the same inverter?
Thanks you handsome space monster, this is where I'm at on this. Break the violins out or whatever aliens use to make sad music. I want a good mobile system #1. This is because I do not know if I will be using it in the house I am living in now. I want to get it now because I do not know if it will be available in the future. I researched and it made sense to go all Victron so I bought a 450/200 charge controller to start. Then I was going to buy 2 5000 multi 2's from Dan at Trophy Battery but he is so honest he talked himself out of a sell. He told me the 5000 UL rating was pending and if your house burnt down the insurance could likely use it as an excuse to not pay. He suggested an XP 6000 so I went to SS and made a modest purchase of equipment and bought 1 XP 6000 , 20 panels and 2 EG4 batteries. Dan told me the good LF inverters will last decades and he figures it is a ratio of about 2 to 3 to 1 over a HF inverter. The reading I have done pretty much says go LF.... This is why I am very hesitant about buying another XP 6000 so I am looking for a cheap fill in until I get a good buy on good LF UL listed inverter. I was looking at the SMA 6048 US. The EG4 stuff seems to have great support now and that is what SS solar promotes but I have talked with people who have been doing this for decades and they say do not be fooled the LF stuff is much better than the HF. I am going to have a professional assemble this because I know my limitations... Any thoughts are very welcome and thank you...
My time on earth with solar has been limited. As such, I do not have any real earthly experience with Lf inverters.
I do note however, that being nice to inverters is always the best idea in this realm.

I bought my second xp for my nest not because I needed it, but because I was at 80 percent of max usage on one.

This will make out 40 percent on 2. A very happy spot for HF inverters to live a long and productive earthly existence.
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No you hit it on the head, so you just get 2 for the price of 1 LF, I was reading the really good LF ones are like really hard to kill as in you can beat the crap out of them.... Thanks....
No you hit it on the head, so you just get 2 for the price of 1 LF, I was reading the really good LF ones are like really hard to kill as in you can beat the crap out of them.... Thanks....
That is the word on the street. Seems like people have been saying that for a decade or more.

It's only about peaks tho. How often did that really matter?

A 3000 watt
Lf could start a 3000 watt ac unit. It can handle the surge.

A 3000 watt Hf could never.

That's the benefit.
I believe that you simply need to know what you are doing with them.

I don't think a 3000 watt Lf would be happy running a 3300 watt ac for more than 10 minutes.

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