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diy solar


Look up the cases and let me know how many of them did not specify the underlying crime that elevated the misdemeanor crime of falsifying business records to a felony, or allowed the jury to decide [without agreeing] on what the underlying crime might have been.

You're asking for too much sophistication from an effete moron like DingDong.

If he did what you said, then he wouldn't think and say the things he does.

Rational decision making isn't in a libtards character.

That's why they are libtards.
I’m starting to think that cocaine found in the white house - white powder was not hunter’s but maybe it is Joe Biden’s? Are they doping the life long politician up with cocaine. That look he has on his face looks like a person high on cocaine. Bug eye. Matter of fact AOC Schiff and several politicians get that bug eye look.

Think We the Ppl need to drug test those govt employees. ….Biden on Down.
Are you sure Hitler was that irrational?
Hitler was only leader to lock up 2 Rothschild family members and get ransom.

He went on war path with both usury bankers and communist. Lot of actual history is not talked about. Spoils of war victor teaches history. I bet in Russia they teach that they won WW2. USA was minimum. Funny but Russia waited until after we dropped bomb on Japan to see if it worked before declaring war on japan The russian wanted spoils of war claim in asia. Why we fought so much in those areas after WW2. Cold War.

Russia was in Poland and England only declared war on Germany for being in poland. I suspect england made deal to give half of europe to communist in exchange for fighting Germany. Lot of Russian defected to fight Russian - Communist. After end of War those Russians in german uniforms were sent back to russia to be worked to death ….no asylum. We helped communist murder anticommunist. Then for 50 years we fought cold War. Sounds like Industrial military complex made out like fat cats.

How is it this known history is not well known?

Tesla wasn’t really known until Musk used his name on car. How can that be?
Hitler was only leader to lock up 2 Rothschild family members and get ransom.

He went on war path with both usury bankers and communist. Lot of actual history is not talked about. Spoils of war victor teaches history. I bet in Russia they teach that they won WW2. USA was minimum. Funny but Russia waited until after we dropped bomb on Japan to see if it worked before declaring war on japan The russian wanted spoils of war claim in asia. Why we fought so much in those areas after WW2. Cold War.

Russia was in Poland and England only declared war on Germany for being in poland. I suspect england made deal to give half of europe to communist in exchange for fighting Germany. Lot of Russian defected to fight Russian - Communist. After end of War those Russians in german uniforms were sent back to russia to be worked to death ….no asylum. We helped communist murder anticommunist. Then for 50 years we fought cold War. Sounds like Industrial military complex made out like fat cats.

How is it this known history is not well known?

Tesla wasn’t really known until Musk used his name on car. How can that be?


The other aspects of Hitler are largely overlooked because the people who own everything want to ride that victimhood narrative as long as possible. Somehow the other 50 million people killed in a similar matter are irrelevant.

Youtube used to have speeches Hitler gave translated but have since been taken down.

It's fascinating to watch.

Edit: They were fascinating to watch. It's so much different to see/hear these people firsthand rather than just being told by they "crazy" "evil" "racist" etc.

Only people with shit for brains would take that information at face value over firsthand observation.
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There are no other candidates than Biden or Trump? I honestly do not know.

The US is thriving under the current policies, job numbers are up, the stock market is up, the problem is that the wages are not keeping up with the profits companies make and the bonuses the CEO's get, although there is some movement in wages. Will it be enough, time will tell. Lets pretend that you are not just here to partake in the circle jerk and that you are genuinely concerned about wages, what will you do about it, cut taxes for the wealthy? THINK!

The same goes for border policies, how do you deal with refugees, send them back to be killed by the gangs or politicians in their countries. How do you deal with family reunion's. How about people trying to make a better life for their kids. How about employers who need workers? The issue is not a simple one and there is no perfect solution, but please explain your comprehensive plan. Trump's 3rd and latest wife worked in the US illegally, Trump even brought her parents in. So get of your high horse and think how would you fix things, how would you want to be treated if you were in their situation. It is not evil to run away from violence, or to look for greener pastures to provide for your families. THINK!

At the moment Trump is a convicted criminal and like I said, that might not disqualify him in your eyes, but if it isn't, accusing Biden of being a criminal shouldn't be a disqualifying factor either, even if he was a convict (he isn't, at least not yet). Get it?

I am not telling you to vote for Biden, or Trump, I am telling you to look at what is going on, do away with partisan politics and vote for whoever you think is best or least bad...

Just another foreigner .... or maybe the SAME foreigner ..... trying to interfere in US politics.

Stick to the politics in your own country ..... What is your own country?
There are no other candidates than Biden or Trump? I honestly do not know.

The US is thriving under the current policies, job numbers are up, the stock market is up, the problem is that the wages are not keeping up with the profits companies make and the bonuses the CEO's get, although there is some movement in wages. Will it be enough, time will tell. Lets pretend that you are not just here to partake in the circle jerk and that you are genuinely concerned about wages, what will you do about it, cut taxes for the wealthy? THINK!

The same goes for border policies, how do you deal with refugees, send them back to be killed by the gangs or politicians in their countries. How do you deal with family reunion's. How about people trying to make a better life for their kids. How about employers who need workers? The issue is not a simple one and there is no perfect solution, but please explain your comprehensive plan. Trump's 3rd and latest wife worked in the US illegally, Trump even brought her parents in. So get of your high horse and think how would you fix things, how would you want to be treated if you were in their situation. It is not evil to run away from violence, or to look for greener pastures to provide for your families. THINK!

At the moment Trump is a convicted criminal and like I said, that might not disqualify him in your eyes, but if it isn't, accusing Biden of being a criminal shouldn't be a disqualifying factor either, even if he was a convict (he isn't, at least not yet). Get it?

I am not telling you to vote for Biden, or Trump, I am telling you to look at what is going on, do away with partisan politics and vote for whoever you think is best or least bad...
Nelson Mandela was convicted of many serious felonies.

OJ was not. Do you really believe that means he didnt kill his ex wife and her new lover?
The trial was a setup.
Why do you care? You are obviously ignorant about the facts surrounding most of your opinions, and I suspect your main fear of Trump is the possibility of losing some of the subsidies your country receives from the US.
I don't give a flying fuck how you vote, or even if you vote at all, I am telling you to use your brain when you vote. Claiming that the other guy, who is not convicted of a single criminal offence, is a criminal, when your guy who is convicted on 34 counts, is innocent, is seriously stupid. The same goes for claiming that your economy is doing poorly when both the stock market is at a record high as well as record high employment numbers is equally stupid. Instead try to find valid reasons why you vote the way you do. For example, you might think that building a wall will solve all, or most immigration problems. After you build that wall the smart thing to do would be to do an independent study to see how cost effective that single measure was.

You might feel immigration is a more important issue for your reason to vote and that a criminal record, economy and job numbers are only secondary in importance to that. I am not judging that, as we all have things we feel are more important. I value freedom and individuality and while there clearly is a need for laws, I want to keep them to a minimum. On that note I like that Trump made congress strip to laws for every new law they made. Can you verify if that was actually carried out? What I don't understand is why you would make things up about any of the candidates, when there are always plenty of valid reasons to like or dislike any one.

You have no idea if "my" country does or doesn't get subsidies from the US (nor do I) , are you perhaps a fan of the writings of Miguel de Cervantes?
Nelson Mandela was convicted of many serious felonies.

OJ was not. Do you really believe that means he didnt kill his ex wife and her new lover?
The trial was a setup.
Regarding Nelson Mandela, that is exactly my point when it comes to Trump's convictions.

Regarding OJ, if I recall correctly, he was convicted in civil court of the wrongful deaths, so he probably did kill them, is he running for president as well and if so, would that affect your vote?
I don't give a flying fuck how you vote, or even if you vote at all, I am telling you to use your brain when you vote. Claiming that the other guy, who is not convicted of a single criminal offence, is a criminal, when your guy who is convicted on 34 counts, is innocent, is seriously stupid. The same goes for claiming that your economy is doing poorly when both the stock market is at a record high as well as record high employment numbers is equally stupid. Instead try to find valid reasons why you vote the way you do. For example, you might think that building a wall will solve all, or most immigration problems. After you build that wall the smart thing to do would be to do an independent study to see how cost effective that single measure was.

You might feel immigration is a more important issue for your reason to vote and that a criminal record, economy and job numbers are only secondary in importance to that. I am not judging that, as we all have things we feel are more important. I value freedom and individuality and while there clearly is a need for laws, I want to keep them to a minimum. On that note I like that Trump made congress strip to laws for every new law they made. Can you verify if that was actually carried out? What I don't understand is why you would make things up about any of the candidates, when there are always plenty of valid reasons to like or dislike any one.

You have no idea if "my" country does or doesn't get subsidies from the US (nor do I) , are you perhaps a fan of the writings of Miguel de Cervantes?

Regarding Nelson Mandela, that is exactly my point when it comes to Trump's convictions.

Regarding OJ, if I recall correctly, he was convicted in civil court of the wrongful deaths, so he probably did kill them, is he running for president as well and if so, would that affect your vote?
Oj be dead You flunky dunky Bet he still votes as democrat

Claiming that the other guy, who is not convicted of a single criminal offence, is a criminal, when your guy who is convicted on 34 counts, is innocent, is seriously stupid.

You say this because you are naive and therefore believe that the process is pure and without corruption.

You are willing to take the result at face value without knowing anything about the process, or any details of the serious secondary crime that was required in order to remove the statute of limitations on the misdemeanors and raise them to the level of felony.

And yes, the issues the US is currently facing - many due to the removal of EOs by the former president - are far more important than the minor crime the left has momentarily convicted the opposing party leader of.
I don't give a flying fuck how you vote, or even if you vote at all, I am telling you to use your brain when you vote. Claiming that the other guy, who is not convicted of a single criminal offence, is a criminal, when your guy who is convicted on 34 counts, is innocent, is seriously stupid.
YOU are the one who is seriously stupid.
The same goes for claiming that your economy is doing poorly when both the stock market is at a record high as well as record high employment numbers is equally stupid.
Clearly you do not understand the market.
Instead try to find valid reasons why you vote the way you do. For example, you might think that building a wall will solve all, or most immigration problems. After you build that wall the smart thing to do would be to do an independent study to see how cost effective that single measure was.
It won't solve the border issues but it will help slow it down.
You might feel immigration is a more important issue for your reason to vote and that a criminal record, economy and job numbers are only secondary in importance to that. I am not judging that, as we all have things we feel are more important. I value freedom and individuality and while there clearly is a need for laws, I want to keep them to a minimum. On that note I like that Trump made congress strip to laws for every new law they made.
It wasn't laws it was "regulation's" created by mostly unelected bureaucrats in our bloated government. They had to remove two to enact one new regulation.
Can you verify if that was actually carried out? What I don't understand is why you would make things up about any of the candidates, when there are always plenty of valid reasons to like or dislike any one.

You have no idea if "my" country does or doesn't get subsidies from the US (nor do I) , are you perhaps a fan of the writings of Miguel de Cervantes?

Regarding Nelson Mandela, that is exactly my point when it comes to Trump's convictions.
Go ahead and suck on the nipple of the media....
Regarding OJ, if I recall correctly, he was convicted in civil court of the wrongful deaths, so he probably did kill them, is he running for president as well and if so, would that affect your vote?
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You say this because you are naive and therefore believe that the process is pure and without corruption.

No, he is saying that because he is effette libtard. Male libtards are "mean girls". They are looking for a reason to hate someone. Accusations they know are false will do just fine.

It's tribal behavior.

He is a card-carrying member of the Fucktard coalition.

You are willing to take the result at face value without knowing anything about the process, or any details of the serious secondary crime that was required in order to remove the statute of limitations on the misdemeanors and raise them to the level of felony.

And yes, the issues the US is currently facing - many due to the removal of EOs by the former president - are far more important than the minor crime the left has momentarily convicted the opposing party leader of.

You're giving he/fucktard way too much credit. Waayyyyyyy too much credit.

They literally put no thought into anything. It/dipshit is just a slave to his emotions. People "feel" based on facts. Card-carrying members of the fucktard coalition "feel" and then invent reasons as to why they "feel".
I don't give a flying fuck how you vote, or even if you vote at all, I am telling you to use your brain when you vote. Claiming that the other guy, who is not convicted of a single criminal offence, is a criminal, when your guy who is convicted on 34 counts, is innocent, is seriously stupid. The same goes for claiming that your economy is doing poorly when both the stock market is at a record high as well as record high employment numbers is equally stupid. Instead try to find valid reasons why you vote the way you do. For example, you might think that building a wall will solve all, or most immigration problems. After you build that wall the smart thing to do would be to do an independent study to see how cost effective that single measure was.

You might feel immigration is a more important issue for your reason to vote and that a criminal record, economy and job numbers are only secondary in importance to that. I am not judging that, as we all have things we feel are more important. I value freedom and individuality and while there clearly is a need for laws, I want to keep them to a minimum. On that note I like that Trump made congress strip to laws for every new law they made. Can you verify if that was actually carried out? What I don't understand is why you would make things up about any of the candidates, when there are always plenty of valid reasons to like or dislike any one.

You have no idea if "my" country does or doesn't get subsidies from the US (nor do I) , are you perhaps a fan of the writings of Miguel de Cervantes?

Regarding Nelson Mandela, that is exactly my point when it comes to Trump's convictions.

Regarding OJ, if I recall correctly, he was convicted in civil court of the wrongful deaths, so he probably did kill them, is he running for president as well and if so, would that affect your vote?
This explains in detail why Im not the stupid one on the economy:

For instance, unemployment figures are low because Americans are working two jobs to make ends meet. Inflation is still outpacing real wages.
For instance, unemployment figures are low because Americans are working two jobs to make ends meet. Inflation is still outpacing real wages.

I'm old enough to remember when normal was when the woman stayed home an ran the household for a job ..... Now that is a rare thing. 1 job with a middle class income was enough.

Funny how when things change slowly the new way seems normal. My next door neighbor is working 2 full time jobs ..... the guy who took a tree down for me is working full time and running a tree business ..... Won't be too long before only the rich will be able to afford a home and most people will only know renting an apartment their entire life.

Inflation is kicking our butt and wages aren't keeping up ..... That got WAY worse the last 4 years.

Oh, and Bongdong ..... go meddle in some other countries business.
Internet is key to the digital prison. I assure you that it will absolutely be built

Why does this woman keep popping up on youtube wanting to buy everyone’s home. Every other commercial is her. She has way to much money if she can buy all the homes she claims. Who is she?
I don’t see an Adam’s Apple.
You say this because you are naive and therefore believe that the process is pure and without corruption.

You are willing to take the result at face value without knowing anything about the process, or any details of the serious secondary crime that was required in order to remove the statute of limitations on the misdemeanors and raise them to the level of felony.

And yes, the issues the US is currently facing - many due to the removal of EOs by the former president - are far more important than the minor crime the left has momentarily convicted the opposing party leader of.
There is no pure process in the judicial system, the rich can afford lawyers that you and I can't afford and rarely get jail time. People who have been executed were later found to be innocent. Biden could pardon his son. Trump, if elected, could pardon himself, although as I understand it only in the case of federal convictions,. The question is how will you fix it and should a president be above the law?

I follow the judicial system because it is the best system nations have while I recognize that there are flaws that can and should be fixed. Even then there won't be a perfect system.

What I am trying to tell you guys is that you can choose to vote for a convict, claiming, without evidence, that Biden is a criminal while your guy who is a convict, is pointless. If you want to argue that a criminal reccord is an important consideration for you not to vote for the candidate, you are not showing it by ignoring Trump's convictions. The same goes for the economic records under Biden and Trump. You can call me ignorant because I am not letting myself be blinded by the rethoric (on either side).

If Trump had these economic successes that Biden has and if Biden had been convicted on 34 counts by a jury, would you feel the same way about the convictions and economic reccords?
There is no pure process in the judicial system, the rich can afford lawyers that you and I can't afford and rarely get jail time. People who have been executed were later found to be innocent. Biden could pardon his son. Trump, if elected, could pardon himself, although as I understand it only in the case of federal convictions,. The question is how will you fix it and should a president be above the law?

I follow the judicial system because it is the best system nations have while I recognize that there are flaws that can and should be fixed. Even then there won't be a perfect system.

What I am trying to tell you guys is that you can choose to vote for a convict, claiming, without evidence, that Biden is a criminal while your guy who is a convict, is pointless. If you want to argue that a criminal reccord is an important consideration for you not to vote for the candidate, you are not showing it by ignoring Trump's convictions. The same goes for the economic records under Biden and Trump. You can call me ignorant because I am not letting myself be blinded by the rethoric (on either side).

If Trump had these economic successes that Biden has and if Biden had been convicted on 34 counts by a jury, would you feel the same way about the convictions and economic reccords?

10% for the big guy.

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diy solar