diy solar

diy solar

My WIP build


New Member
Mar 20, 2024
Arlington TX
As an abiding new member (long time reader) of the forum, I'll start sharing my progress on this my first whole house build.
The initial configuration is based on a single EG4 18kPV platform, with 28x 440W Aptos panels and 30kWH EG4 LL-S batteries.
My main goal with this endeavor is to reach energy independence, and use the grid as a last resort source. The system is located in Central AR and the panels will be fixed on the roof oriented SE.

This is the current diagram, I'll try to keep it updated as it changes.

I'm implementing this setup with expansion in mind, probably more batteries, with an additional inverter and/or strings, but that's way down the road when I figure out what's the best expansion path for my needs.
As of today, all components (except the final panels) are setup and running, I'm connected to the grid and dealing with the net metering authorization.


I've set up 5 temporary panels on an attached carport roof, so that I can play around with the settings before having the final panels set up. Don't worry, the final panels will be better oriented with no shade :) ). I don't plan to export to the grid and set the inverter appropriately, however, due to the known issue of Zero Export not being Zero, my POCO wants me to fill up the forms anyway, and get the system inspected by them. The house is out of the city limits, so I don't need permits nor licensed inspectors to be involved.


Other than the panels install, I'm now working on installing the outdoors RSD switch close to the Main Disconnect / Meter to make Entergy happy.

I'll try to keep up posting new stuff as it comes and banging with more questions on this excellent forum!

diy solar

diy solar