diy solar

diy solar


This explains in detail why Im not the stupid one on the economy:

For instance, unemployment figures are low because Americans are working two jobs to make ends meet. Inflation is still outpacing real wages.

People working more than one job is "uniquely American" as George Bush put it nearly 20 years ago. And I agree, people should be able to get by comfortable by working a single job. Which candidate do you think is most likely to do something about that do you think assuming they do interfere in the free market...

In the article you linked to states "True, wage growth recently reached a rate just above inflation", but I would agree that it is not good enough as there is a serious income disparity considering we are talking about an advanced economy like the US. Again I ask, which candidate do you think is most likely to do something about that do you think?

Those are valid considerations when the time comes to vote. There are no reasons to invent things like some people have been doing.
People working more than one job is "uniquely American" as George Bush put it nearly 20 years ago. And I agree, people should be able to get by comfortable by working a single job. Which candidate do you think is most likely to do something about that do you think assuming they do interfere in the free market...

In the article you linked to states "True, wage growth recently reached a rate just above inflation", but I would agree that it is not good enough as there is a serious income disparity considering we are talking about an advanced economy like the US. Again I ask, which candidate do you think is most likely to do something about that do you think?

Those are valid considerations when the time comes to vote. There are no reasons to invent things like some people have been doing.

Firing people who didn't get the jab is a good way to increase income disparity. That's the whole idea behind firing them is to impoverish them for not doing what Biden told them to do.
YOU are the one who is seriously stupid.

Clearly you do not understand the market.

It won't solve the border issues but it will help slow it down.

It wasn't laws it was "regulation's" created by mostly unelected bureaucrats in our bloated government. They had to remove two to enact one new regulation.

Go ahead and suck on the nipple of the media....
Quote by Donald Trump in 2016; "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" It looks like he is talking about you.

It is true that I don't understand the market, not many people do. But I am not stupid enough to claim that the market is not doing well while it is at record levels.

Ok, you believe the while the wall is a good idea, it's not enough. That is still a valid reason who to vote for, there is no reason to make things up.

Thanks for correcting me on the regulations, I still think it is a good thing Trump did.

We all get our information somewhere, some media outlets are reliable and most are more reliable than politicians an social media. Claiming the economy is doing poorly... Really?
Quote by Donald Trump in 2016; "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" It looks like he is talking about you.

Hopefully he actually does this.

It is true that I don't understand the market, not many people do. But I am not stupid enough to claim that the market is not doing well while it is at record levels.

You don't need to tell anybody that you don't understand anything. That's not something you ever need to say ever. It's obvious from your first few utterances. It's the reason you're a libtard.
Ok, you believe the while the wall is a good idea, it's not enough. That is still a valid reason who to vote for, there is no reason to make things up.

Yes we already know you think countries without borders are good idea. The democrat party of the prior decades was against illegal immigration and open borders but they flipped, why?

Please note, you're a libtard so im not expecting an answer here or any real thoughts.

Thanks for correcting me on the regulations, I still think it is a good thing Trump did.

We all get our information somewhere, some media outlets are reliable and most are more reliable than politicians an social media. Claiming the economy is doing poorly... Really?

Yes dipshit, it's called a bubble.

It's akin to you taking out a loan and thinking you're rich cuz you have so much money but you're too stupid to understand that you have to pay the money back.

Not surprising given as how libtards can't even pay their student debt off.
Quote by Donald Trump in 2016; "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" It looks like he is talking about you.
This just proves my point, a snippet without the full context. It proves how gullible you are to the mainstream's manipulative behaviors. Thank you could not have found a better example.
It is true that I don't understand the market, not many people do. But I am not stupid enough to claim that the market is not doing well while it is at record levels.
The blind who will not see.
Ok, you believe the while the wall is a good idea, it's not enough.
I agree but it is a start.
That is still a valid reason who to vote for, there is no reason to make things up.
That is small thinking on your part. There are many reasons this is just one and your manipulation's continue.
Thanks for correcting me on the regulations, I still think it is a good thing Trump did.
We agree on this. Look yet another reason to vote for him.
We all get our information somewhere, some media outlets are reliable and most are more reliable than politicians an social media.
First I use media on the left and the right. Then Congress and the house also I watch what the pres. and his administration says and done against what Trump has said and done. I read the executive orders that both have signed. How do you research the truth CNN?
Claiming the economy is doing poorly... Really?
I rest my case.

There is no pure process in the judicial system, the rich can afford lawyers that you and I can't afford and rarely get jail time. People who have been executed were later found to be innocent. Biden could pardon his son. Trump, if elected, could pardon himself, although as I understand it only in the case of federal convictions,. The question is how will you fix it and should a president be above the law?

I follow the judicial system because it is the best system nations have while I recognize that there are flaws that can and should be fixed. Even then there won't be a perfect system.

What I am trying to tell you guys is that you can choose to vote for a convict, claiming, without evidence, that Biden is a criminal while your guy who is a convict, is pointless. If you want to argue that a criminal reccord is an important consideration for you not to vote for the candidate, you are not showing it by ignoring Trump's convictions. The same goes for the economic records under Biden and Trump. You can call me ignorant because I am not letting myself be blinded by the rethoric (on either side).

If Trump had these economic successes that Biden has and if Biden had been convicted on 34 counts by a jury, would you feel the same way about the convictions and economic reccords?

If you recognize that the system has flaws then you should take that into consideration before you condemn someone for being convicted, and you should be able to recognize a contrived case when you see it.

After the special prosecutor interviewed Biden in his classified documents case and decided not the charge him even though laws were broken...

But in explaining how he had arrived at his decision, Hur wrote that Biden would likely present himself to a jury “as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” He suggested Biden could not even remember during questioning when his adult son Beau had died.

What economic successes has Biden had? Are you even aware of what is going on in the US? I'm starting to think that you're nothing more than a troll here.
This just proves my point, a snippet without the full context. It proves how gullible you are to the mainstream's manipulative behaviors. Thank you could not have found a better example.

The blind who will not see.

I agree but it is a start.

That is small thinking on your part. There are many reasons this is just one and your manipulation's continue.

We agree on this. Look yet another reason to vote for him.

First I use media on the left and the right. Then Congress and the house also I watch what the pres. and his administration says and done against what Trump has said and done. I read the executive orders that both have signed. How do you research the truth CNN?

I rest my case.

I don't follow the media much, I hate advertising. I spend about 5 - 15 minutes a day on the regular news from around the world and once a month I read reports on the surprisingly high job reports coming out of the US. If Trump got those numbers, and there is no obvious reason why they wouldn't continue in the next few years and he does become president, he and his followers would be extremely happy and rightly so. If you want to pick on Biden, there are plenty of valid criticisms to be had. Tariffs on solar and batteries, (while increasing oil production) for example.

So now you are worried about the national debt?
Come on now, pick on Biden all you want, but at least use valid arguments as to why you believe your guy will be better in your view.
If you recognize that the system has flaws then you should take that into consideration before you condemn someone for being convicted, and you should be able to recognize a contrived case when you see it.

After the special prosecutor interviewed Biden in his classified documents case and decided not the charge him even though laws were broken...

But in explaining how he had arrived at his decision, Hur wrote that Biden would likely present himself to a jury “as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” He suggested Biden could not even remember during questioning when his adult son Beau had died.

What economic successes has Biden had? Are you even aware of what is going on in the US? I'm starting to think that you're nothing more than a troll here.
Everything we do has flaws, humans have biases, you guys love Trump and he can't do anything wrong. Others love Biden and for them he can't do anything wrong, it's fucking annoying. Plenty of people will ignore Trump's convictions and vote for him anyway. Claiming (without evidence) that the other guy is a criminal and that people shouldn't vote for criminals, while your guy is a convicted criminal is stupid.

As for the economic sucesses, the stock market is at a record high, employent numbers are at a record high and as was pointed out in a link a Trump supporter posted, wages are now keeping up with inflation (even thiough I don't think that keeping is enough) Wealth disparity is a serious problem, the bottom 50% of Americans own less than 3% of the wealth and Biden isn't doing anything to fix that.
Claiming (without evidence) that the other guy is a criminal

There is plenty of evidence, including witness statements.

you guys love Trump and he can't do anything wrong

I think you're wrong about that. Many people think he is a terrible person, but they will hold their noses and vote for him anyway because we are voting for policies and the future of the US, not personalities.

Now think about that for a moment - people are going to vote for a dickhead instead of Biden. That should tell you something about Biden.

Wealth disparity is a serious problem, the bottom 50% of Americans own less than 3% of the wealth and Biden isn't doing anything to fix that.

That's because government cannot fix that. See, that's the problem with democrats; they think more government is the answer to everything.

And I agree, people should be able to get by comfortable by working a single job.

When I was young my wife and I worked full time and cleaned offices in the evenings, and waxed floors in office buildings on the weekends. Both of our parents worked when we were growing up. We knew the difference between a luxury and a necessity and didn't borrow money we couldn't pay back [no student loan debt]. We did this because we believed it was important to save money for the future and to strive for financial independence. We didn't buy anything we didn't have the money for except for our first two homes. If we were in a job that we didn't feel treated us fairly, we left and found a better job. That philosophy made it possible for early retirement, zero debt, and no financial worries for the rest of our lives.

Young people think they should be able to live like kings with no meaningful or marketable education and a job at the drive thru. They simply aren't willing to make the sacrifices early in life so they can have a future. They want someone to do it all for them.

As for the economic sucesses, the stock market is at a record high, employent numbers are at a record high

Tell me what Biden has done to affect stock market performance. As far as employment goes, most of it is pandemic recovery that would have occurred regardless of who was president, and minimum wage jobs which cannot support an individual let alone a family.
I don't follow the media much, I hate advertising. I spend about 5 - 15 minutes a day on the regular news from around the world and once a month I read reports on the surprisingly high job reports coming out of the US. If Trump got those numbers, and there is no obvious reason why they wouldn't continue in the next few years and he does become president, he and his followers would be extremely happy and rightly so. If you want to pick on Biden, there are plenty of valid criticisms to be had. Tariffs on solar and batteries, (while increasing oil production) for example.

So now you are worried about the national debt?
Come on now, pick on Biden all you want, but at least use valid arguments as to why you believe your guy will be better in your view.

Everything we do has flaws, humans have biases, you guys love Trump and he can't do anything wrong. Others love Biden and for them he can't do anything wrong, it's fucking annoying. Plenty of people will ignore Trump's convictions and vote for him anyway. Claiming (without evidence) that the other guy is a criminal and that people shouldn't vote for criminals, while your guy is a convicted criminal is stupid.

As for the economic sucesses, the stock market is at a record high, employent numbers are at a record high and as was pointed out in a link a Trump supporter posted, wages are now keeping up with inflation (even thiough I don't think that keeping is enough) Wealth disparity is a serious problem, the bottom 50% of Americans own less than 3% of the wealth and Biden isn't doing anything to fix that.
Lolz at the suggestion youre some pillar of unbiased objectivity, then claiming theres no evidence of criminal activity by Biden. Not only did Joe commit the same classified docs offenses theyve filed charges on Trump for, but theres a laundry list of evidence of his familys influence peddling schemes.

Lets not pretend your lies accomplish anything more than exposing you as another dishonest shill for the DNC.
We gotta get this administration out before it's too late ..... All our adversaries are banding together .... Thanks Joe.

We gotta get this administration out before it's too late ..... All our adversaries are banding together .... Thanks Joe.

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The way Biden came in then he signed stacks of EO’s afterwords - like a dic taster.
The process

Bob the whole idea with these ppl is ~8 billion population against ~330 million population here in USA. Major Problem is out of our ~330 million population estimate a supposed ~50 million are not USA here and that number is growing everyday for military age foreigners coming across border to here. 😁🤪

It’ll be alright though. Those 50+ million are here as our friends. Do the Chinese still have their police station in NY? Illegal Medical labs
Especially the china lab with known deadly virus and rumor ebola out in the open….news media put all this to rest stating before and after - just baseless and rumor. Even still with arrest and charges media still picks up as just rumors. The level of attention by Joe’s Public is sub par but still they vote.

We are not the country that we once were and ppl still refuse to get it. Most ppl are so polluted there is no way to cleanse them…not salvageable.




The bs reads:
Wang’s comment prompted Reedley authorities to hire Nina Hahn, an attending veterinarian at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, to examine the mice. Hahn found they had not been injected with any infectious agent and were simply used to grow COVID-19 antibody cells to make testing kits. She also determined they were not subjected to experimentation, Harper said.

“My concern is to get to the bottom of what happened here but to also look at where this is happening in other parts of this country as well,” McCarthy said.

Lok Siu, a professor of Asian American and Asian diaspora studies at the University of California, Berkeley, said the fears being fanned online reflect anti-Chinese sentiments that have existed in the United States for centuries and were heightened during the pandemic.

“Ultimately all Chinese people are connected to the Chinese state. They’re not given the ability to act as responsible or irresponsible individuals and they are seen as agents, and the only reason for that is because ethnic Chinese people are seen as not loyal and always foreign,” Siu said.
In Reedley, where the laboratory failed to officially register, officials took a dim view of the operation.

CDC has taken no further action in this matter,” the agency said in an email to The Associated Press, referring further questions to county and state officials.

After company representatives stopped communicating with city and county officials, they got a court order to shut down the operation, euthanized the mice and cleaned the biological materials. Officials thought that would be the end of it.

Then on July 25, the Mid Valley Times, a local online news outlet, published a story about the lab that quoted court documents saying a representative of Prestige Biotech, which makes pregnancy and coronavirus tests sold online, told officials in March that the mice had been genetically modified to catch and carry the virus that causes COVID-19.

That was likely a miscommunication by Prestige Biotech representative Wang Zhaolin, whose English is not perfect, Harper said.

“She stated that the mice were bred, and then she hesitated and said they were modified to carry COVID,” Harper said Zhaolin told her and other officials. After the lab was shut down, she added, Wang stopped cooperating with them.

The chinese playing the race cardS like regular full blown communist. If you call them out they call you racist. There are other groups with blue white double triangle flag doing the same thing. They are also very communist like and play the race cards. The Chinese Moved in like thieves in the night setup unmonitored unlicensed covert illegal labs. This shit was found all over the USA. Now these stories were manufactured as CLEAN UP. DAMAGE CONTROL Still calling ppl conspiracy. White ppl which are 5%-6% of the World population are not the problem. They will be replaced though. Won’t stand up. So into the ground they will go.

We have been under attack for a while. A regime Change was carried out. We were are considered lab rats not humanity not ppl. Once our ppl realize we are not viewed as individual humans - trait of by gone era of Americans then might realize the replacement is order in and placed - being done. Biden has told ppl in news as open declarations. OPEN DECLARATIONS UNCHALLENGED BECOME NORMS AND STANDARDS. We had a DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 😁🤓☑️ past tense.

The best Ninja unlike the movie-tv versions never fought ppl …..they snuck in and got jobs such as cooks to which they used opportunities to poison their employers. In these cases the Ninja also got jobs in news media to calm the mass until their turn to drink the kool aid is up.. ☑️🎶🙈

In Vietnam era we called it “winning hearts and minds” We also bombed and shot them and said here need a band aid? Russia supported Vietnam in our War. As did china. Both supported North Korea in conflict too
The USA choice was China and Russia as partners in ALLIED PARTNERSHIP during WW2. Russia did not declare War on Japan until we dropped the first nuke on Japan and ensured we would end the War. Their - Russia’s spoils of war was set in the Asian part of the World as a result. They have been partners every since. The Japanese were built up by ppl like Jacob Schiff in early1900’s to beat up Russia then communist moved in to over throw Russia Tzar-murder the Royals and convert the Kingdom to communist.
This is not newS to history just show for ppl that don’t know. These things are FACTS.. liberal fact checkers be damned and doing cover ups. Ppl that simply look at real history can see the obvious. Problem history was being destroyed in our color revolution in 2020 and Trump did not declare Martial Law. He allowed it. Now we are in world of shit.

Trump’s redeem - he is not in this picture.

I guess ppl won’t get it until the Chinese come on tv and say we are foreclosed on America. It is Ours and runs their flag up. We should never have partnershipped up against the japanese and germans. We should have stayed neutral. We gained nothing from WW2 but current - present misery.

My own family there is a devout communist trained by the college he attended graduated….. he was also a supporter of BLM at ground zero Floyd zone where he resided. He complained when build back better didn’t happen and had to move out of the burned out areas around him.. Useful Idiots. …educated, fostered, and trained by our systems. Biden voters. I know the boy took after the other side of his gene pool - milk shake. The methods they used has turned and corrupted family core values into self destruction.

These things are to deep for most ppl to wrap their head. Revive you previous thread about communism and it is there. 😞 i think Trump which acts so screwed up just never pushed it and maybe he didn’t truly have real support - the American ppl. McCarthy for 1950’s fame after fighting communist was shunned broken and died alone. The American ppl did not rise up and thank nor support McCarthy or Trump as they should have. I still have reservation concerning Trump’s true authenticity.
Most ppl will never read that ….. to long.

It is like hot sauce burning their mouth making their eyes water than being rubbed on their butt hole still caustic hot while expelling with a turd.
New headlines .... well, unless you are watching or reading MSM .... every day now of another woman or child raped and brutally killed by an illegal.

Yesterday was 2 illegals that raped and choked to death a 12 year old girl.

Places like Venezuela emptied their prisons and herded them to the US border ..... MS13 gangs going ballistic .... Terrorists planning attacks. People trying to sneak onto military bases pretty much every day also.

Regardless of who wins the next election, it's going to be a melee .... No way to deport them fast enough.
New headlines .... well, unless you are watching or reading MSM .... every day now of another woman or child raped and brutally killed by an illegal.

Yesterday was 2 illegals that raped and choked to death a 12 year old girl.

Places like Venezuela emptied their prisons and herded them to the US border ..... MS13 gangs going ballistic .... Terrorists planning attacks. People trying to sneak onto military bases pretty much every day also.

Regardless of who wins the next election, it's going to be a melee .... No way to deport them fast enough.
Ya and if Trump wins the Communist's will send out their "Brown Coat" warriors to rain out havoc. ( again )
New headlines .... well, unless you are watching or reading MSM .... every day now of another woman or child raped and brutally killed by an illegal.

Yesterday was 2 illegals that raped and choked to death a 12 year old girl.

Places like Venezuela emptied their prisons and herded them to the US border ..... MS13 gangs going ballistic .... Terrorists planning attacks. People trying to sneak onto military bases pretty much every day also.

Regardless of who wins the next election, it's going to be a melee .... No way to deport them fast enough.

Why doesn't the MSM cover this shit with abandon?

When the fuck did this nation go full commietard?

Democrats didn't used to be this way.
New headlines .... well, unless you are watching or reading MSM .... every day now of another woman or child raped and brutally killed by an illegal.

Yesterday was 2 illegals that raped and choked to death a 12 year old girl.

Places like Venezuela emptied their prisons and herded them to the US border ..... MS13 gangs going ballistic .... Terrorists planning attacks. People trying to sneak onto military bases pretty much every day also.

Regardless of who wins the next election, it's going to be a melee .... No way to deport them fast enough.
MS13 the last time chased them were California based by illegals that came here and grew multinationals. We screwed up and let them in. 😞

As you and grizz - we all know the BLM and Antifa will come back the second, Trump is announced. We are stated have ~50+ million ppl here that most need deported. That is huge.

The Democrats-Communist will do a 6 jan 21 event out in the open vs mixed in with trump supporters like last time.
Why doesn't the MSM cover this shit with abandon?

When the fuck did this nation go full commietard?

Democrats didn't used to be this way.

I think Dan Rather started it .... with MSM ..... at least that's the first time it was obvious to me.

They dedicated a full news hour to interviewing Bush #1 ..... Rather went straight after Bush with the obvious attempt to take him out of the election. What Rather didn't know is that Bush #1 was a sly fox himself and was prepared for the onslaught ..... he took it back to Rather in a personal sort of way.
I remember my jaw dropping to the ground when I realized they weren't there to report the news .... they were there to try to control the outcome of the election.
Haven't trusted any MSM news source since that day.

I think with Rather it was more of a personal vendetta he had with the Bushes .... It's crazy how the MSM was completely taken over by the Democrat party .... or maybe the people behind the Democrats.
The RINOS just sat around and let it happen. I think I despise RINOS more than they despise Trump.

I don't know exactly when the Dems went full commie mode ..... just don't want to see it happen to the Republicans also.
It used to be that "politics ended at the border." No politician would ever go to another country and badmouth another US politician or the other party ..... It was America first. We could have out internal differences, but never took them abroad .... That's been broken for a while now too.
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To be accurate the news busted the shit out of Biden. The news was more fair…years ago. They would bust on everyone. I seen them go after Republicans more after Clintons 2 terms.
Listen to Biden lying.

Why am sure 2020 was a robbery Dan Rather goes after Biden
After the run in with Bush #1 where Bush turned the tables on Rather .... He absolutely hated the Bushes after that.

It ended up getting him fired. He tried to take Bush #2 out of the election by producing a document from Bush #2's National Guard service that turned out to be fake ..... Rather got fired over that, and never did admit that the document wasn't real.
As I recall, they proved it was fake because a type font was used to create the document that didn't exist at the time the document was supposed to have been created.
This whole thing was more of a personal war between Rather and the Bushes instead of the corporate level fake news that is non stop now days.

I think CNN was the first that was taken over at the corporate level .... everyone decided CNN stood for "Clinton News Network" ..... It wasn't too long after that ALL of MSM was co-opted.

That's the reason the Musk Twitter take over is so important. Musk may be using Twitter to advance his own agendas, but it sure put the hurt on the censorship train ..... also showed us that the media take over can be turned around.
There is plenty of evidence, including witness statements.

I think you're wrong about that. Many people think he is a terrible person, but they will hold their noses and vote for him anyway because we are voting for policies and the future of the US, not personalities.

Now think about that for a moment - people are going to vote for a dickhead instead of Biden. That should tell you something about Biden.

That's because government cannot fix that. See, that's the problem with democrats; they think more government is the answer to everything.

When I was young my wife and I worked full time and cleaned offices in the evenings, and waxed floors in office buildings on the weekends. Both of our parents worked when we were growing up. We knew the difference between a luxury and a necessity and didn't borrow money we couldn't pay back [no student loan debt]. We did this because we believed it was important to save money for the future and to strive for financial independence. We didn't buy anything we didn't have the money for except for our first two homes. If we were in a job that we didn't feel treated us fairly, we left and found a better job. That philosophy made it possible for early retirement, zero debt, and no financial worries for the rest of our lives.

Young people think they should be able to live like kings with no meaningful or marketable education and a job at the drive thru. They simply aren't willing to make the sacrifices early in life so they can have a future. They want someone to do it all for them.

Tell me what Biden has done to affect stock market performance. As far as employment goes, most of it is pandemic recovery that would have occurred regardless of who was president, and minimum wage jobs which cannot support an individual let alone a family.
If there is evidence, take him to court, that is where civilized societies determine if some one broke any of the laws. But you are still not getting it, you will still vote for a convict, so how can you judge the other side when they vote for some one who has not been convicted?

I commend you on working hard to get to where you are today and I agree that some people, not just some young people, are lazy. The reason I don't look at the news much, except for some quality publications, is that there is just way too much petty stuff in the news. Trump himself made the news when he went on and on about Obama's birth certificate, it's amusing for about 5 minutes and besides the populist news outlets, I blame Obama for not releasing it way earlier than he did.

I don't know what Biden, or Trump, or Obama, or Bush did to affect the stock market, I am pointing out that the stock market as well as job numbers are at a record high, contrary to the claims some people have made here. When the facts contradict the claims, the people making those false claims make themselves look stupid.

As I keep saying, there is valid criticisms and praise to be had of both candidates, just think...

Lolz at the suggestion youre some pillar of unbiased objectivity, then claiming theres no evidence of criminal activity by Biden. Not only did Joe commit the same classified docs offenses theyve filed charges on Trump for, but theres a laundry list of evidence of his familys influence peddling schemes.

Lets not pretend your lies accomplish anything more than exposing you as another dishonest shill for the DNC.

I never suggested that I was a pillar of objectivity, no one is. But I am not the one claiming that the stock market is down when it is in fact at a record level, I am not the one claiming oil production is down while in fact it is up, I am not the one claiming job numbers are down when they are in fact at a record level. I am trying to tell you that instead of making things up, you could pretend to keep some air of dignity by finding at least some semi valid reasons to justify your vote for Trump, Biden or any other candidate.

The reason I leave it up to the courts to judge if there is enough evidence to convict people of crimes, is because they are far better equipped to deal with the problem of establishing guilt then I am. IF the house feels there is enough evidence, maybe they could pass on the evidence to the courts? Why haven't they done that yet? If they have done that, lets wait for the outcome of the court case.

Influence peddling is common in the US from what I understand, politicians need a ton of money to pay for political advertising, they will take phone calls and meetings with donors and I imagine that at least not all those donors are looking for a friendly chat about the weather. I don't understand why you guys (both sides) allow political advertising. And for what it is worth, both Trump and Biden have been accused of influence peddling, are you willing to have the FBI investigate both and represent the evidence to the courts?

We are going around in circles and I have no idea what else I could possible add to get you guys to understand that I encourage you guys to vote your conviction, just don't make things up.
But you are still not getting it, you will still vote for a convict, so how can you judge the other side when they vote for some one who has not been convicted?

No, you are still not getting it. I never claimed that I was voting for Trump because Biden has committed crimes. I am voting for Trump because of his policies versus Biden's policies, regardless of personality, and despite the fact that Trump was prosecuted and convicted for a "crime" that was conjured up solely for political reasons. You can add to that the fact that Biden is feeble, infirm, and borderline senile.

The invasion of the US by hordes of illegals will ultimately destroy the country. It is sad to realize that the left is willing to do so just so that they can have a permanent voting majority.
If there is evidence, take him to court, that is where civilized societies determine if some one broke any of the laws. But you are still not getting it, you will still vote for a convict, so how can you judge the other side when they vote for some one who has not been convicted?

I commend you on working hard to get to where you are today and I agree that some people, not just some young people, are lazy. The reason I don't look at the news much, except for some quality publications, is that there is just way too much petty stuff in the news. Trump himself made the news when he went on and on about Obama's birth certificate, it's amusing for about 5 minutes and besides the populist news outlets, I blame Obama for not releasing it way earlier than he did.

I don't know what Biden, or Trump, or Obama, or Bush did to affect the stock market, I am pointing out that the stock market as well as job numbers are at a record high, contrary to the claims some people have made here. When the facts contradict the claims, the people making those false claims make themselves look stupid.

As I keep saying, there is valid criticisms and praise to be had of both candidates, just think...

I never suggested that I was a pillar of objectivity, no one is. But I am not the one claiming that the stock market is down when it is in fact at a record level, I am not the one claiming oil production is down while in fact it is up, I am not the one claiming job numbers are down when they are in fact at a record level. I am trying to tell you that instead of making things up, you could pretend to keep some air of dignity by finding at least some semi valid reasons to justify your vote for Trump, Biden or any other candidate.

The reason I leave it up to the courts to judge if there is enough evidence to convict people of crimes, is because they are far better equipped to deal with the problem of establishing guilt then I am. IF the house feels there is enough evidence, maybe they could pass on the evidence to the courts? Why haven't they done that yet? If they have done that, lets wait for the outcome of the court case.

Influence peddling is common in the US from what I understand, politicians need a ton of money to pay for political advertising, they will take phone calls and meetings with donors and I imagine that at least not all those donors are looking for a friendly chat about the weather. I don't understand why you guys (both sides) allow political advertising. And for what it is worth, both Trump and Biden have been accused of influence peddling, are you willing to have the FBI investigate both and represent the evidence to the courts?

We are going around in circles and I have no idea what else I could possible add to get you guys to understand that I encourage you guys to vote your conviction, just don't make things up.

Ah, well there it is. You're not a U.S. citizen.

For fucks sake will you shitmongers make that clear before commenting on our politics.

This has to be LEO.
Given the new forum rules that allow the OP to delete posts from their thread .... I'm wondering if @johnnysolar is willing to delete posts attempting foreign influence in US elections.

If not ..... maybe a new Biden thread would be in order.

I'm not keen on censorship, but seems to me this is one case where it would be justified given that foreign influence in our elections is illegal.

Who thinks this is a good idea?
Given the new forum rules that allow the OP to delete posts from their thread .... I'm wondering if @johnnysolar is willing to delete posts attempting foreign influence in US elections.

If not ..... maybe a new Biden thread would be in order.

I'm not keen on censorship, but seems to me this is one case where it would be justified given that foreign influence in our elections is illegal.

Who thinks this is a good idea?
The thing about forums if ppl talked to other ppl like they were locked in same mma cage match then might be more respectful. I’ve never used a word on here would not say directly to someone face to face. 😁☑️ Problem is ….hard to look a pillow biter in the face.

diy solar

diy solar