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diy solar

Ground fault trips on inverter at times


New Member
Jun 1, 2024
Hello everyone I’m slowly getting into solar as a DIY. I designed a small system to run my greenhouse (fan and lights and water pump in pond) and wanted it to be fail safe in case something failed or system shut down. I have it setup with the load from solar controller operating a relay along with a 12 volt adapter coming from inverter to control a DPDT relay with AC and inverter outputs going to plug strip that goes to whatever I want to run. If relay is engaged then inverter powers everything but when battery gets low then relay will cut out switching everything back to grid AC. Works great but then the problem. Sometimes when it switches back to AC mode it will trip the ground fault breaker on the inverter. Reset the breaker and everything is fine until the next time it wants to trip. I remember reading somewhere about something like this and they mentioned that if the inverter and AC are not in sinc or in phase when the transfer switches modes then that can cause all kinds of things to happen. I was wondering if that’s the issue maybe if I had maybe a half second or so delay before the switch takes place so say the fan would loose inverter power and cut off and a second later the AC would engage and it would start back up. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great. Thanks
Perhaps the motors? Try turning them off (fan/pump) and see of the issue persists. Gradually add each back one at a time to see if you can isolate the trigger.
Perhaps the motors? Try turning them off (fan/pump) and see of the issue persists. Gradually add each back one at a time to see if you can isolate the trigger.
Right now the only thing thats running is a 16 in fan and it only pull 100 watts and just under 1 amp. I have a funny feeling that when the relay switches from inverter power to AC power or back those 2 sine wave are not matching up and the ground fault plug on the inverter doesn’t like it and trips

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