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diy solar

Portable solar panel fire hazard

I’m really looking for documentation and recorded history in support or opposition (Internet) Not somebody’s imaginary opinion, etc
Welcome to the forum.
I’m really looking for documentation and recorded history in support or opposition (Internet) Not somebody’s imaginary opinion, etc

Save your money, save your time trying to argue with the owner of the building and use it to search for a house or land to build one on. Install as many panels as you'd like, I wouldn't recommend flexible though.
The question is not some astronomical 10 trillion to one historical documentation. I can’t find no no no recorded history of a portable solar panel causing a fire. Apt. Management Randomly starts saying no DVDs players, no neon lights, no electric guitars, Smart phones, no laptops (left in the sunlight) allowed,etc. Christopher Columbus Showed Native Americans a mirror. They jumped their knees and started bowing down ranting and Raven this is Black magic gods out of ignorance.
I've seen a video of portable panels causing a problem on youtube once ... looked like the guy had a bad connection where he plugged it into the solar generator and it melted the connector and smoked -- didn't appear to come from the panels themselves...

In any case unless you have deep pockets to fight a legal battle or enjoy house hunting you are stuck taking them down.
Once again, consider solar panels to be charging my cell phone or maybe even a laptop? The landlord management stated in their certified letter that the portable solar panels can overheat and burst into flames. I’m not asking for anybody’s imagination speculation of facts. I’m asking for specific documentation in any form newspaper article, University experiment, manufacture a warning, etc of any portable solar panel Themselves over heating presumably from sunlight exposure (whether or not in a desert or or an arctic Iceland) Ignition into flamesEven if they started smoking. Facts Portable solar panels
This sets a precedent for everybody to be concerned with You might start a forest fire mayhem and destruction and death throw your portable solar panels away chopped them up and put them in the recycle bin
Once again, consider solar panels to be charging my cell phone or maybe even a laptop? The landlord management stated in their certified letter that the portable solar panels can overheat and burst into flames. I’m not asking for anybody’s imagination speculation of facts. I’m asking for specific documentation in any form newspaper article, University experiment, manufacture a warning, etc of any portable solar panel Themselves over heating presumably from sunlight exposure (whether or not in a desert or or an arctic Iceland) Ignition into flamesEven if they started smoking. Facts Portable solar panels

To what end? What will it gain you?
panels overheat and cause a fires
Correct. The cell interconnections can partially fail and overheat. This has happened of numerous occasions with extensive burn marks on RV roofs. Whilst very unlikely to happen where the panel is free mounted, it's still possible.

A Internet search will provide more info on this.
A car has wheels, A tricycle has wheels, A car transport you from point a to point B, a tricycle will transfer you from point a to point B. Yes similarities oh wait outweighed by the differences. A car can May cause death damage mayhem and destruction, 8 Tricycle may not. Trying to compare some mega kilowatt solar panel installation 223 pound portable solar panel Wang sweet or 4 pounds at most, designed specifically to carry in your arms or on your backpack into the woods Walking on the Foote Trail while camping, with a realistic output of 18 V and 30 watch is a very big stretch of the imagination. I still will get extensive electrical access and use of dirty Electrical output from the wall sockets to do is whatever I please. The landlord is insisting that I do not have access to clean energy only from a misnomer with out any basis in specific Focus exact details based in absolute facts. Not something in your opinion or philosophy that is slightly similar in reference. I’m asking to be directed to a link or something similar that will test apply to documentation for or against the question? Please not something similar.This can be applied to anyone anywhere at any time
I have little doubt there are all kind of things you could have in your apartment that are a greater fire risk than the portable solar panel. I however would not want to make an issue of any of them with your landlord or you may get another certified letter. This a battle that you can not win and even if you did likely it would cost you more than any gain made.

Sometimes in life you encounter stuff that seems unfair and unjust. Take the panels down and put them away against a time of need. Or until you find a place where no one cares that you have them.
Moreover the landlord management specifically stated in certified letter that the (portable) solar panels overheat anime catch fire. That’s a portable solar panels Black access to escape the apartment in case of fires, etc…
Someone posted a picture of a girl holding up a solar panel that has Combusted into flames from being exposed to sunlight. One would think that the whole solar panel itself would be entirely too hot for somebody just lift up with their Bear Hands and Hold it to rest on their chest? Maybe it might explode and blow them into pieces to kingdom Kome/Sithereens ?
You guys all have great points in your responses (and great patience). I’m pretty sure this thread won’t end until someone confirms that the OP is “correct”. So, never.

If you rent, read the lease agreement that you signed. It probably prohibits a lot of items and activities that you might think couldn’t possibly be harmful. Landlords always have and always will restrict things they consider dangerous to the tenants or the property.

Take down the panels. You won’t win the fight.
This whole thread just screams lawsuit. Facts don't matter.

Tenants get free counsel in progressive states; I would think New York qualifies for this label. Probably similar cases have been heard and tried already.
This one has really been a big waste of time and energy and aggravation. I learned no relevant real substantiated information to weigh my options of legal action. Just a bunch of Philosophy and irrelevant gibberish. My registration to this website is filled with cookies, malware and pop-up advertisements. I actually mistakenly thought it was pro solar energy or pro-clean energy alternatives Community I am at co-op Owner of my apartment. And this is very opinionated gibberish of people who don’t know all of the my unnecessarily explained facts. If anybody call XTAR What are some similar competitor portable solar panel provider to do the research and provide me with relevant info on portable solar panel suppose fire hazard history only, I would be very grateful. Everything else you can say for open mic comedy club
This one has really been a big waste of time and energy and aggravation. I learned no relevant real substantiated information to weigh my options of legal action. Just a bunch of Philosophy and irrelevant gibberish. My registration to this website is filled with cookies, malware and pop-up advertisements. I actually mistakenly thought it was pro solar energy or pro-clean energy alternatives Community I am at co-op Owner of my apartment. And this is very opinionated gibberish of people who don’t know all of the my unnecessarily explained facts. If anybody call XTAR What are some similar competitor portable solar panel provider to do the research and provide me with relevant info on portable solar panel suppose fire hazard history only, I would be very grateful. Everything else you can say for open mic comedy club
I like how portable solar panel advertisements ALL have a seen with panels in the forest on a camping trip. OMG it will burn down the forest!
Yeah, its not fair. I fvcking hate this kinda stuff.
But would it be fair to you If I lived above you and decided a 500 gallon fish tank was necessary for my apartment?
It most likely wont leak.

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diy solar