diy solar

diy solar

Deye stops charging after first 100% SoC per Day, restart at 95%


New Member
Jun 23, 2024
Hi, i did not have this on any other configuration...
Yesterday we had the first time (after Setup) a lot of Sunshine and clouds (changing) AFTER the first 100% SoC at 10:40 (am). (Starting to charge at SoC 55% at 6:15)
The Battery staid at 100% SoC until 12:10, House was supported by Solar only (no Grid needed).
Then some Clouds run up, and the Deye uses the Battery & remaining Solar, so the SoC goes down a little bit.
Then Sun comes back again, enough Sun for recharging Batteries and supply for the house load... But the deye only uses Solar for House load, NOT for recharging the Batteries (Calidat 51.2V 200Ah). Sunshine: SoC remains on 97% from 12:45 (pm) till 14:00 (2 pm).
Clouds comes, Deye uses Battery, SoC goes down to 95%. Sun comes back, SoC stays at 95%. (only listed the main plateaus).

My 2nd Deye 6 km (4 miles) away uses Battery, recharge, uses Battery, recharge, so the 2nd Deye started with 100% SoC into the afternoon/Night.
The first Deye started with 91% into afternoon/Night.
The Day before the 1st Deye reached 100% SoC at 12:10, so it is nothing with the Time schedule. He reaches 100% every Days with a little bit of Sunlight, so it is nothing with a charging limit. He only stops charging for the rest of the day after he reaches once the 100% SoC per Day.
If there is enough Sunlight, the SoC keeps on 100% until Afternoon.
Most times in the past there are cloudy sky, but it is always the same: If the Deye stops charging the Batteries, he will not go on to start charging again this day, even if there is Sun Electricity available.

"Charging on Grid" is disabled in the general settings and also in the time of use.

Maybe, but only maybe, he restart charging at 15:05 (3:05 pm) after having Sunlight and the SoC% reaches 95%, but at this time the sun is already weak on the flat Panels. In the Graph i have no "charging Kw" Value between 10:35 and 15:05 (3:05 pm).
Update: We have today the next Day with Sunny Morning (-> 100%), Cloudy Noon (using Battery) and Sunny Afternoon. Yes, this Inverter will not charge after he reaches once the 100% SoC. He waits until going down to 95%, and then start again to charge. This was 14:50 (2:50 pm). So i'M losing the option to start with 100 SoC into the afternoon. Here the sun is after 3pm not so strong like at noon and afternoon. And... The two other inverters don't do that! They keep the 100% SoC as long as possible.

I checked all parameters for a "Restart charging after SoC degrades bellow..." or a "95"... nothing.
All three Deye have current Firmware (updated last week).

I can only check this behaviour on Sunny/Cloudy days, because on very cloudy days the Battery don't reach 100% SoC, on Sunny Day the Panels deliver enough to not using the Battery until afternoon.

Do you have an idea why he (The Deye) is doing this?
Don't trust the green Charging Power graph on the screenshot: The 2nd last value is from 10:35 (am), reaching close to the 100% SoC, then there is no other "Charging Power" Value until 15:05 (3:05 pm). The Green line between this two points are interpolated w/o charging. You can see on the pink SoC Line decreasing slowly continuously.
Compared to the 2nd Deye (6 km Distance) last screenshot: He uses a little bit Solar, a little bit battery, recharge the battery, uses Solar etc. etc. He tries to keep the Battery on Daylight up to 100%. I would expect this. All three Deye are the same Model type.
Details of this screenshot:
1719190120122.png 1719190144277.png 1719190170555.png

The 2nd Deye (Tandem) 6km Distance:
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diy solar

diy solar