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diy solar

6000xp questions


New Member
Aug 17, 2023
So, I'd like to cobble together my own system and I don't want to mess with net metering at all.
I'd like to use this inverter with their large 15kwh battery and solar.
I was watching a YouTuber who I'm not sure understood it correctly and I haven't been able to google up an answer myself.
He was under the impression that is you put a load on it over 6kw it would simply use the grid to make up the difference for as long as it was needed. (I'm not talking about an AC unit needing some surge capacity)
I would like to have the inverter power my house off the solar pv/battery until it wore the battery down to say 15% and then have the grid charge the battery.
I homebrew beer in an electric setup which can use 5500w on its own for awhile.
Would the inverter just pass through grid power as needed in concert with the inverter using battery power? (And then revert to only using the inverter)
Is there any concern with having the grid solely fed through the inverter?

Could one inverter be enough in this use case or are 2 recommended?
Help a newb out
not exactly,
The 6000xp will NEVER supplement. It will only replace.

Example :
Load is 5800 watts, AC compressor starts, load peaks at 6400 watts, XP switches to grid for the WHOLE load for 5 minutes hoping the overload goes away.

This also pertains to line imbalances. You cant go over 3000 per leg without it fully switching to grid.
You can do AC First which can pass up to 50a of grid power through or just use up to 6000w of inverter(battery/pv). Can’t blend grid and PV/battery with this inverter and you wouldn’t want to unless you have a grid interconnect agreement.

I have a 25% SOC End of Discharge when grid will then pick up and power loads and charge battery if needed.

Is your 5500 watts 240v? Assume it is. If you go over 6000w and grid is connected you will get an EPS overload which will enable grid passthrough until the loads decrease.
not exactly,
The 6000xp will NEVER supplement. It will only replace.

Example :
Load is 5800 watts, AC compressor starts, load peaks at 6400 watts, XP switches to grid for the WHOLE load for 5 minutes hoping the overload goes away.
Interesting. I suppose that's just fine too, really
You can do AC First which can pass up to 50a of grid power through or just use up to 6000w of inverter(battery/pv). Can’t blend grid and PV/battery with this inverter and you wouldn’t want to unless you have a grid interconnect agreement.

I have a 25% SOC End of Discharge when grid will then pick up and power loads and charge battery if needed.

Is your 5500 watts 240v? Assume it is. If you go over 6000w and grid is connected you will get an EPS overload which will enable grid passthrough until the loads decrease.
It is 240v, but that was just an example.
So, if you have two of these will they be able to pass through 100a?

If you have an 18k would that be able to use grid AND inverter to power a load?

I have become somewhat familiar with this stuff after watching who knows how many hours of YouTube content and reading, but this kinda hands on stuff eludes me.
Yes two 6k xp will pass through 100a from grid.

18k can merge grid and PV/battery but really should have an interconnect agreement if doing so.

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diy solar