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Panel Monitor Before Inverter

Alex Wolf

New Member
Jun 14, 2024
I have 11kw of panels and would like to monitor what they are sending to the inverter all together. Before it gets to the inverter, Can anyone suggest a good monitor for this? Non Hybrid Grid Tie, Net meter not installed yet.
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Your Inverter will tell you this? What other info are you looking for?
You er correct it would, or its suppose to. I dont have a net meter installed right now bc it takes like 3 months for the company to get one in place. So the inverter is set up showing only what we consume bc of its very erratic readings. The Home meter is also all over the place bc of this. I just want to monitor what my panels are actually producing so I can gauge what we have available for use. Instead of using my meter to check at the panel breakers. Im not sure if that made sense? I just added that this a Non Hybrid Grid Tie
Sound like your inverter is in some type of zero export mode since your net metering isn't setup yet. If that's the case, that works by the inverter not drawing more power from the panels than your house is using. And in that case, you can't measure how much the panels are capable of producing. Because they will only produce what the inverter is pulling from the panels. That's also why power reading are "all over the place". When an inverter is in an Zero Export mode, the power production is very sporadic because the inverter can't react quickly enough to the changing load of the house quickly enough.
Sound like your inverter is in some type of zero export mode since your net metering isn't setup yet. If that's the case, that works by the inverter not drawing more power from the panels than your house is using. And in that case, you can't measure how much the panels are capable of producing. Because they will only produce what the inverter is pulling from the panels. That's also why power reading are "all over the place". When an inverter is in an Zero Export mode, the power production is very sporadic because the inverter can't react quickly enough to the changing load of the house quickly enough.
Thank you for explaining so the panels dont produce power unless the inverter tells them too?
Thank you for explaining so the panels dont produce power unless the inverter tells them too?

In effect that's correct. The MPPT inputs on the inverter can control the amount of power the panels produce by altering the current draw from the panels. In effect, it only optimizes the panels to the extent it needs to to generate the power needed. When the power needed is more than the panels can produce, then it optimizes the panels to their maximum power output.
In effect that's correct. The MPPT inputs on the inverter can control the amount of power the panels produce by altering the current draw from the panels. In effect, it only optimizes the panels to the extent it needs to to generate the power needed. When the power needed is more than the panels can produce, then it optimizes the panels to their maximum power output.
I appreciate the explanation very much, I thought they produced as long as they had the correct circumstances. I had no idea the inverter controlled that aspect also. Thank You
In effect that's correct. The MPPT inputs on the inverter can control the amount of power the panels produce by altering the current draw from the panels. In effect, it only optimizes the panels to the extent it needs to to generate the power needed. When the power needed is more than the panels can produce, then it optimizes the panels to their maximum power output.
Sorry to bother you again, I shut down the inverter and the panels where still producing DC power which I could measure with my meter. I took the reading directly from the breaker the panels feed. So I should be able to put a monitor inline with that and calculate wattage with the volts and amps? Well the monitor itself probably would do that for me. Thank You for your help on this BTW
Sorry to bother you again, I shut down the inverter and the panels where still producing DC power which I could measure with my meter. I took the reading directly from the breaker the panels feed. So I should be able to put a monitor inline with that and calculate wattage with the volts and amps? Well the monitor itself probably would do that for me. Thank You for your help on this BTW

Yes, they will produce voltage. But no current flow. Power = voltage x current. When current is zero, power will be zero.

You can install a meter between the panel and the inverter if you want. And when the inverter is drawing current, it'll show the power coming from the panels. But the reading you get will be the same as the power reading the inverter already provides.

I'm assuming you want to know how much energy your panels will produce if they weren't limited by the lack of being able to export power to the grid yet. If that's not your intent, then maybe I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish.
Yes, they will produce voltage. But no current flow. Power = voltage x current. When current is zero, power will be zero.

You can install a meter between the panel and the inverter if you want. And when the inverter is drawing current, it'll show the power coming from the panels. But the reading you get will be the same as the power reading the inverter already provides.

I'm assuming you want to know how much energy your panels will produce if they weren't limited by the lack of being able to export power to the grid yet. If that's not your intent, then maybe I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish.
You er correct on what Im trying to see or do, and I understand what you er saying. I made a mistake when researching how solar panels work all together. Its just annoying trying to guess what the heck is going on with my panels. We invested in this for a little more comfort besides sweating all day bc we cant afford(dont want crazy bills) to run an AC during the daytime. Now Im running out side every time we have clouds to see if the meter is jumping from 0-900, if that makes sense. Until we get the net meter installed anyway. Thank You for your patience.
It's alot of work and I really mean days and days of research to get set up effectively but it solves the running about, I use home assistant and automate my load control. So depending on how much power I draw from the grid a computer in the house switches on and off devices to constantly keep my grid draw low and my panels producing as much power as they physically can.
There's plenty of smart home platforms that can help you do this but it's the only way I see you can prevent the leg work.

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