diy solar

diy solar

Inconspicuous Ebay seller in Sulphur Springs Tx

I assume this is maybe an alias for Signature Solar?

Don’t hate the player, hate the game

Renvu does the same thing with its ebay store (has two or three names, that isn’t Renvu). Honestly it’s easier to use their ebay store than their regular shopping cart for small purchases
I assume this is maybe an alias for Signature Solar?

Don’t hate the player, hate the game

Renvu does the same thing with its ebay store (has two or three names, that isn’t Renvu). Honestly it’s easier to use their ebay store than their regular shopping cart for small purchases
yeah its the point that they have to use an alias to get sales :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I wouldn't chastise them too much simply having a different name, in fact, it's quite common for businesses to have different subsidiaries for different platforms. It separates liability and keeps the individuals responsible for those sales channels focused on their job at hand. For example, if support is required, the customer would contact through the ebay channel versus calling Signature Solar then get frustrated when someone can't look up the sale because it took place outside of their main ecommerce system.
I wouldn't chastise them too much simply having a different name, in fact, it's quite common for businesses to have different subsidiaries for different platforms. It separates liability and keeps the individuals responsible for those sales channels focused on their job at hand. For example, if support is required, the customer would contact through the ebay channel versus calling Signature Solar then get frustrated when someone can't look up the sale because it took place outside of their main ecommerce system.
while I understand the concept and the reasoning behind it when you have had a CEO level member lose his stuff on the forum and then all of the other stuff that has repeatedly popped up with this company you will have to excuse us all for a bit of Schadenfreude...
Actually - there are a few different "names" selling inconspicuous Megarevo equipment... it is common to have a *couple* of different names ie to market retail and another for wholesale... this situation is more than likely being done for other reasons... ie "name expendability".
while I understand the concept and the reasoning behind it when you have had a CEO level member lose his stuff on the forum and then all of the other stuff that has repeatedly popped up with this company you will have to excuse us all for a bit of Schadenfreude...
I think he peaced out on doing that? So there's a positive character development arc.
These have just become unavailable in their clearance section. I suspect they want to close the book on this model and would not like to be affiliated with this sale. It's really not a bad price and I would consider one if I wanted another project.
I wouldn't chastise them too much simply having a different name, in fact, it's quite common for businesses to have different subsidiaries for different platforms. It separates liability and keeps the individuals responsible for those sales channels focused on their job at hand. For example, if support is required, the customer would contact through the ebay channel versus calling Signature Solar then get frustrated when someone can't look up the sale because it took place outside of their main ecommerce system.
Yes but then the buyer gets stuck with a Bad product and no method of getting customer support or warranty service.
I’m thinking I’ve seen that Vestwoods inverter on other sites at least a year or so.
Oops NEVER MIND - MY ERROR nope the one I saw was a 3k. 🤦🏽‍♂️

BTW Vestwoods doesn’t really appear to be a fly by night co, they have numerous more commercial oriented products.
I have one of their 250ah 12v batteries, not the greatest (the bt is lame), probably not the worst either.
I can confirm the low temp control works. @Will Prowse did a review on one of their 100ah batteries a while back and the build quality was very nice for the price point… but the low temp cutoff was mia.

Anyway aren’t a lot of the more commonly seen inverters made by a certain co, like LUX or something?
Of course some brands can maybe spec different components / features in some identical cases, right?
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Have you used ebay much?
Yes, twice last week.
Once that package arrives and a few weeks have passed without you filing a complaint it's then yours for life.
Most people don't get their inverters installed and fully tested until several weeks or months have passed after purchasing them.
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Once that package arrives and a week or two have passed without you filing a complaint it's yours for life.

Even then. Last year I bought a brand new cell phone from some place, even with all the help from Ebay it took this joker almost 6 months to return my money.

Not entirely related to this post, but an astute observation about buying things from Ebay in general.
Even then. Last year I bought a brand new cell phone from some place, even with all the help from Ebay it took this joker almost 6 months to return my money.

Not entirely related to this post, but an astute observation about buying things from Ebay in general.
i ordered what was supposed to be a used midnite solar E panel for a magnum PAE 4448 and what the seller sent was a used E Panel for a magnum 4048. (not compatible in any way shape or form.) I contested sent photos the whole nine yards and EBAY and the seller tried to drag it out past the paypal complaint date.... I filed a paypal complaint on the next to the last day, and then paypal found in my favor... but was like ship it back... I was like OK who is paying for the shipping? 83.00 according to what the idiot seller charged me. unfortunately paypal does not offer you the ability to ask them questions like this, just send it back... so a few days later, they were like you never sent it screw you. I was contemplating having Navy Federal credit union pull my money back from paypal. but the end result would be that paypal bans me and then I am still fucked in the long run. so paypal, ebay and of course the scam seller can all go and fuck off. these days if I cannot pay directly via CC on a secure sight I am pretty sure I am not interested in what you are scamming on. 850 dollars down the drain, I have that shitbags home address and one day on leave or vacation I might just pay him a visit with a baseball bat.
What a frustrating experience.
That last part is not a good long term plan unless you want your housing and meals taken care of, living in “a very tiny home” within a much larger home with a “roomate” and like wearing a orange onesie. All while meeting lots of new acquaintances in the yard. And showers.

I mean, it’s kind of like the military, but different recreational activities and no leave.

Some might say actually going on a vacation might be a better plan overall…
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diy solar

diy solar