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diy solar

"Grid down" Alert


New Member
Mar 26, 2023
Puerto rico
Looking for a solution to get notified when the grid goes down. Unfortunately my Megarevo with Solarman does not push a notification if the grid goes down - even though it monitors it.

I've seen some options in the past with wifi relays like Sonoff but cannot find them again.

Were predominantly off grid but have grid tie if our batteries get too low. We'd like to know if the grid is down while we still have time to adjust our usage habits.

Any suggestions?
Hey @Kemmer ... LUMA never goes down...😆. Notifying grid changes is something the schneider did really well while I was living there but most of the aio's don't offer it. I belive solar assistant is working on notifications for a September release update. I know this is a topic discussion somewhere or at least a question I've seen several times in different threads...

Where are you on the island?

If you have an outlet that is not connected to the Inverter you can try this device: Amazon Link
It seems to work for most people.
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Hey @Kemmer ... LUMA never goes down...😆. Notifying grid changes is something the schneider did really well while I was living there but most of the aio's don't offer it. I belive solar assistant is working on notifications for a September release update. I know this is a topic discussion somewhere or at least a question I've seen several times in different threads...

Where are you on the island?

If you have an outlet that is not connected to the Inverter you can try this device: Amazon Link
It seems to work for most people.
Haha, exactly. I’m out in Vieques.

Thanks I’ll take a look and see how it works
I have an old radio shack security system alarm dialer. It is powered by a 12v battery on a float charge. I wired a relay to a 12v dc adapter powered from the grid and the alarm input to the phone dialer. When the power goes out it calls me and plays the message I recorded. I'm sure there are other ways to accomplish the same thing.
Hey @Kemmer ... LUMA never goes down...😆. Notifying grid changes is something the schneider did really well while I was living there but most of the aio's don't offer it. I belive solar assistant is working on notifications for a September release update. I know this is a topic discussion somewhere or at least a question I've seen several times in different threads...

Where are you on the island?

If you have an outlet that is not connected to the Inverter you can try this device: Amazon Link
It seems to work for most people.
Interesting. I built something that does the same thing using an ESP8266 with an built-in 18650 battery holder, and a wall adapter that keeps the 18650 charged but also I can sense when it drops out. Of course I have to have working internet - which my equipment stays up so I should, but Spectrum doesn't maintain their systems and I've been burned when they go down instantly.
I use two emporia vue energy meters. One is on my main panel grid connection, the second is in my critical loads panel. If they don’t “phone home” after so many minutes I get an alert.

Why 2meters?: #1 If main panel goes down, no grid and not worried since inverter is there taking care of critical loads but nice to know. #2 If critical loads panel goes down and is not reporting, I need to get in a vehicle and drive to my cabin to figure out WTF happened quickly.

For internet to rule that out as a suspect, I have two load balanced Mikrotik systems one on Verizon and one on ATT that is POE powered from critical loads panel.


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