diy solar

diy solar

Storage of panels


New Member
Jul 11, 2024

I guess the real question was, would there be any issues in storing them in the roof cavity?

I'll have to store them flat as not enough head room to have them on the side

I need to remove and store my current solar panels from my residential house as im doing a renovation.
From reading threads here, I figured my best option was to store them flat, on top of each other divided into 2 piles (I only have 15) in the back yard.

But I had the thought of storing them under my terracotta tiled roof. I figured there would be less chance of damage (no need to transfer off the roof, and they would be protected from other outdoor things like debris) and it would make my life easier if i could use the space in the cavity of the roof.

Has anybody tried this or can envisage any issues with doing this?

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I don't know if there is a "best" way to store solar panels. I think the best way to store them is standing on edge, exactly the way windows are shipped and stored. Leaning against a wall, with the top glass surface facing the wall, is ideal.
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When I removed for re-shingling, I stacked them on edge ( with bungee cords to keep in place ), less surface area from above was my logic. The panels are pretty robust though, doubt it is any different than being exposed on a roof.

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diy solar