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diy solar

Recommended approach for grid tie and hybrid inverter combination


New Member
Jun 24, 2024

We have an existing SE 17k grid tie inverter with 13,2kWp panels installed.
For the purpose of peak shaving (but now also maybe backup in case of grid failure) I plan to add a Deye hybrid 12k inverter with a 10kWh LiFePo battery.
Solar panels would remain connected to SE inverter.

Energy meter used is SE 3 phase inline energy meter.

Initially i was going for paralel connection: just connect the deye to the grid in paralel with SE.
But the more i read the more i wonder if it would be better to turn everything around and:

-connect the SE to Deye GEN port (step 1), as inunderstand this would mean that in case of grid outage SE would be able to continue working and supply power to house/battery theough PV - is it better to do this through 1-0-2 switch where i can select wheter itnis conected to grid directly or to GEN port? Or have it permanently connected to GEN port?

- and maybe also connect the entire house to the LOAD port of Deye (step 2 - for backup purpose).

My questions:
- would Deye be able to handle SE connected to GEN port (what is the max current it would be able to handle)?
- would Deye be able to handle entire house connected to LOAD port (what is the max current it would be able to handle)?
- in case i connect the SE to deye GEN port can existing SE energy meter remain in the same position or do i need to move it?
- can deye read the SE energy meter?
- if i connect Deye to grid in paralel with existing SE, can it be set to charge batteries primarily during PV generation?
- if i connect Deye to grid in paralel with existing SE, how do i set it for peak shaving?

Thank you in advance for any thoughts and suggestions!
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When you get a grid outage then what will be the mechanism for the Deye to control the output of the SE to control any excess over the house load and the battery requirements.

I was under the impression that Deye does that through freq. manipulation? Does it not?
But that only works if the SE responds, and based on the linked thread SE support are the ones to answer. I would also check with Deye.

Even if the SE works then you have the issue of getting the settings altered.
Ok so SE connected to Deye GEN port is a NO GO?
What about all the other things?

Anybody here with SE an deye in similar config?
Ok so SE connected to Deye GEN port is a NO GO?
What about all the other things?

Anybody here with SE an deye in similar config?
did you find a way to make it work?
I have a similar 40 kWP with huawei inverter and a 20 kW hybrid with 40 kWh and I struggle with setting it up on paralel. I cannot use the gen input due to higher PV .

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