diy solar

diy solar

Prepped for an EMP

I'm not worried about an EMP and I'm not worried about my neighbors trying to steal my electrickery.
Your a clever knowledgeable person… if it ever gets to that point ,prepare a crash course introduction for them using 240v …
.why make em steal it, when you can just give them some free…..⚡⚡
Its what is hit .
A emp charge burst go miles for it thake of
A phone connection can be make if you miles away again
A id card is of you are dead and your body burn like hell.
So people know that you are dead for the family .
Thare will always in the future that people go looking in those space
De data on the phone can help them in the future to.
I'm in rural Thailand if an emp hits it won't change much maybe less tiktok, but if there's a emp pulse from a solar event I'd be inclined to think it will be global so mobile phones sat or radio will be useless and ill be with my wife more than likely so she should know who I am without any id, the rest of my family are 9000km away so Id or not they won't know.
I'd rather have a bunch of generators with fuel and repair parts stashed. But with solar you want to have your system made modular so you can break it down into many small simple 12 - 24v DC systems that can power basic things (LED lights, phones, laptops) so you can use those as currency to trade with other people. Having some extra panels stored away is good idea. You will become local solar power expert to your neighbors. Working together with your neighbors will be key to survival.
The best is a microwave.
A microwave is a Faraday cage .

So import stuf like a phone , radio , battery ,walkytalky and a id card .

You stick in dare and if you are a life you can use it.
If you are dead somebody els gone use it

Fallout baby yes (game)
Put your phone on your microwave, then call it…

The microwave shielding is tuned to some frequencies… not many… transparent to an emp…
Put your phone on your microwave, then call it…

The microwave shielding is tuned to some frequencies… not many… transparent to an emp…
Its learn if you have license for a boat for sea .
Its learn and the reason is easy .
Lightning hit a boat can kill stuf .
So its learn to stick the stuf in a microwave and thake out the plug
I'm in rural Thailand if an emp hits it won't change much maybe less tiktok, but if there's a emp pulse from a solar event I'd be inclined to think it will be global so mobile phones sat or radio will be useless and ill be with my wife more than likely so she should know who I am without any id, the rest of my family are 9000km away so Id or not they won't know.

Yup The less-developed regions will certainly come out ahead after EMP or CME event(s).

Modern conveniences can be a huge liability, as people become wholly dependent on them.
Where do you think all of the urban people will go when the SHTF?

Yep - figure about 15 miles a day to walk from the nearest population centers. Much faster initially when there are still working vehicles with gas, or even bicycles. Any major highways are basically population centers unless they get blocked far away from you. Railroad right of ways, power line and energy pipeline right of ways are just like highways for overland vehicles or walking or mountain bikes.
They'll eat their own in the suburbs first.

The smart (meaning... dangerous) ones will immediately get out as fast and as far as they can. They'll want to grab something defensible and prepped out in the sticks.

Waiting would just be stupid. Nothing is going to get better. The first couple of days might be somewhat civil, after which people will get more and more desperate, and behave accordingly.
The smart (meaning... dangerous) ones will immediately get out as fast and as far as they can. They'll want to grab something defensible and prepped out in the sticks.

Waiting would just be stupid. Nothing is going to get better. The first couple of days might be somewhat civil, after which people will get more and more desperate, and behave accordingly.

“Every society is three meals away from chaos”​

- Vladmir Lenin
I'd rather have a bunch of generators with fuel and repair parts stashed. But with solar you want to have your system made modular so you can break it down into many small simple 12 - 24v DC systems that can power basic things (LED lights, phones, laptops) so you can use those as currency to trade with other people. Having some extra panels stored away is good idea. You will become local solar power expert to your neighbors. Working together with your neighbors will be key to survival.
Exactly… componetize as best as possible , have spareS , have parts , have utility resources for everything you deem important and of course a surplus of tools.
…be able to jury rigg all sorts of work arounds.
Remember how Scotty always got Kirk and crew back home…. BY RIGGIN STUFF.
Solar panels self will not be damaged by emp wave
The cables connect on the panel will be killed.

Nice part about it

It even have a map to see the emp wave if Amerika i hid

And here a link to make your own detention of a nuke

diy solar

diy solar