diy solar

diy solar

SOK goes on sale on Sunday.... I am new here, I would like some reassurance from those who have ordered before.


New Member
Apr 3, 2021
I am very serious about ordering 4 of the SOK 206aH LiFePo4’s that go on sale on Sunday morning. The SOK FaceBook Messenger dialog I have had with them says that if I order on the 18th of April, they will ship on or about the 10th of May. I have read some threads that indicate that maybe they have not been so fourth coming on thier delivery schedules? I can afford to tie up the $4K for a few weeks, but I woudl like to know that the batteries will actually arrive on a reasonable schedule as published? The date is approaching fast, please help. Thank you in advance!
I think the biggest issue over the past 6 months has been with container ships getting held up (delayed, not robbed) in Long Beach port. If they are giving such specific dates now then my guess is that they are more sure about this shipment not getting held up. I ordered two of the 206Ah in mid-November and was lucky enough to get them in mid-January. The delay was (as told to me by Min at SOK) due to the hold up in Long Beach.

I suspect your biggest issue is actually getting in an order on April 18. A lot of people want these batteries and a lot of them now know exactly when they are going on sale. They will likely sell out very quickly.

Good luck getting in your order.
The news I have been seeing suggests shipping times will get worse before they get better. The problem isnt just the ships backing up now, there is also now a shortage of empty containers.
The news I have been seeing suggests shipping times will get worse before they get better. The problem isnt just the ships backing up now, there is also now a shortage of empty containers.

Will Prowse published a video about SOK batteries on April 18, shortly after SOK opened for new orders. He has a business affiliate relationship with SOK, and the video is about the availability of SOK batteries in the U.S. both in the short term and the medium term:

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diy solar

diy solar