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Charging a 8s 24v 280ah


New Member
Sep 19, 2021
Okay I'm trying to increase my top balance time on a 16s48v 280ah pack. I broke them down in a 8s 24v with a 8s 24v overkill bms. I set the parameters to the picture shown. When I went attach the power wire from my DC power supply sparks flew and melted the positive terminal on the charger. Have I got a parameter wrong?View attachment 67266
When I went attach the power wire from my DC power supply sparks flew and melted the positive terminal on the charger.
That sounds exactly like what happened to me when I got the polarity wrong on the power supply.

Is the power supply still working?
Keep in mind.... for some unknown reason, the black pads on the aluminum cells are Positive!
Thats exactly what I did! Never realized that! It's not letting me set the Volts just amps20211002_170637.jpg
Can't believe I didn't realize that! Thanks!!!
Well I turned the amps up to 10 all the way and connected. It didn't spark. And bms hasn't shut it down.
Welcome to the club. I about shit my pants when that happened to me.

Is the power supply putting out volts and current now?
Something looks wrong there. Are you sure the power supply is pumping out any current? That looks like there is an internal short.
I blew up a nearly identical power supply when I did it.... but the symptom was that it would do voltage and no current. I was able to trace it down to a diode on the output that turned into a fuse. Current and no voltage sounds like something different.
I blew up a nearly identical power supply when I did it.... but the symptom was that it would do voltage and no current. I was able to trace it down to a diode on the output that turned into a fuse. Current and no voltage sounds like something different.
Clarification: the power supply was nearly identical to the black 30V supply you pictured. It was white but otherwise identicle.
Heck yeah that's awesome!!! I already ordered another and it'll be here Monday for final top balance! That'll let me get them ready this weekend! Thanks man I really appreciate it. I'll get everything ready. And yeah I about crapped three times. I didn't learn the first 2 times I touched it lol.
Live and learn. Would it hurt to do this with a 16s 48v set up. I have a EG4 charger.
I have several 16s48v overkill bms.
Hi @bushi12. If you don't mind me asking, how is your EG4 charger working out for you? I'm building a 16s 48v setup and I'm looking for a charger. I will be using an Overkill 16s BMS. Do you just let the EG4 charge it up to its max voltage of 58.4V? Or do you set the Overkill to go into overvoltage protection at a lower voltage? I'm new to this and trying to learn best practices. Thanks!
Thanks for asking and I have done 2 battery packs this way and will do another 2 in the near future! It's so easy! I had one pack totally top balance in a weekend. Set your overkill on 3550 maximum cell charge. I did the first pack at 3500. That made the other 15 in the 3.4 range. The 3550 setting made them all come up to about 3500 still enough cushion to not have a surge go up over 3.65. I monitored it on my computer. Took about 6-7 hrs I believe. They all showed about 3.30 in the beginning Then I disassembled and ran them in parallel with the smaller charger set at 3.65. It took about a day. But that was not on full time. I didn't leave it unattended.
Hi @bushi12. If you don't mind me asking, how is your EG4 charger working out for you? I'm building a 16s 48v setup and I'm looking for a charger. I will be using an Overkill 16s BMS. Do you just let the EG4 charge it up to its max voltage of 58.4V? Or do you set the Overkill to go into overvoltage protection at a lower voltage? I'm new to this and trying to learn best practices. Thanks!
All I changed on the program was the 3650 to 3550. I didn't mess with the max voltage of 58.4v
Oh I see, you're using the EG4 just to top balance. I have a DC power supply that I was planning on using for this (though much less powerful and will take a little longer even for my 100Ah pack). But my plan is to do the same: bring them up to about 3.55V in series then do the last bit in parallel.
But my application is a little different, it's not for solar. I'm putting these cells in an electric ride-on lawnmower (replacing old AGMs with LiFePO). And so I'm looking for an everyday charger, not just for top balancing. Do you think it's ok to routinely let the Overkill to set the top voltage?
Thanks for the quick response!
View attachment 68503
This one. I changed it to 3550.

Oh I see, you're using the EG4 just to top balance. I have a DC power supply that I was planning on using for this (though much less powerful and will take a little longer even for my 100Ah pack). But my plan is to do the same: bring them up to about 3.55V in series then do the last bit in parallel.
But my application is a little different, it's not for solar. I'm putting these cells in an electric ride-on lawnmower (replacing old AGMs with LiFePO). And so I'm looking for an everyday charger, not just for top balancing. Do you think it's ok to routinely let the Overkill to set the top voltage?
Thanks for the quick response!
I don't have much knowledge in this as well but I know these BMS are very popular with solar applications. They have to constantly stop a over charge to protect the batteries. I would ask some of the other people that helped me on this thread. They have alot more knowledge. But I think it would. It would at least stop a problem that comes up. Then you'd have to figure out why.

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