diy solar

diy solar

Called supply house for a quote...


Staff member
Sep 21, 2019
Belmont, NC
I get the clerk on the phone and I ask him for a price on a 16 and a 20 kW standby generator with transfer switch and he says are you sure it's not gigawatt He puts me on hold and walks back and comes back to the phone and says are you sure it's not gigawatt and I assure him that I am positive it's not gigawatt and so he puts me on hold again comes back to the phone and says he'll have to get back with me because he can't find a 20 kW generator...

I'm not doing time travel here...
Obviously the guy had no idea what I was asking for... but wow... imagine if they actually sold GW standby generators for home use...
I saw an article about a 9000 watt portable genny about the size of a shoebox... Powered by a "microturbine". It linked to the company that actually does produce it.
No price.
Wild guess. $40,000. Just based on the cost of aircraft APUs which are similar.

diy solar

diy solar