diy solar

diy solar

Why doesn't my daly smart bms start balancing?

The DALY balancing sucks only does it when charging. I am running 2 48VDC 400 Ah Lithium packs each with its own BMS and active balancer.
The packs before the active balancers would start to drift. I connected a 16S active balancer to each pack in within a day the cells in each pack were balanced. .004 of a volt. Now when charging (inverters can put out 45 amps each) they do drift but the active balancers bring the cells back in order within an hour after the charge is done. They do not drift enough to trip the BMS when charging as the cells are of good quality.
Narada 80ah cells parallel 5 to make a 400 ah cell of 3.2 volts 400ah.
There is a trick to turn on the balancer all the time:

There is a hidden parameter available in sinowealth called ‘Balance open current’ that must be changed to 0 (or even negative) if you want to balance at low or zero current. It was set to 30mA on mine. Changing this to 0 will give you maximum balance time. This parameter kind of acts like a balance enable switch.

Unfortunately the balance on Daly is a very small current (the advertised value of 30-35mA appears to be a peak current, with an average current much less), so the more time you can spend balancing the better….. With this setting, the Daly will even balance after high voltage disconnect before the mosfet turns back on, which will maximize your balance time.

I use ‘Balance voltage’ parameter of 3.4V – meaning that the balance will turn off below this voltage and all is well. I use a ‘balance voltage difference’ of .005V.

While you are in there set ‘DfilterCur’ to 200mA or something reasonable. Any current below this value will be changed to (and displayed as) 0. Note that this parameter is the primary reason why the ‘Balance open current’ acts like an on-off switch for balance.

Why Daly would ship their BMS with these settings is a mystery to me.
After fiddling with this software for quite some time, I read that Sinowealth does not work with batteries larger than 10s. So it will not work with my 16s BMS. Everything just returns 0's in the results.

I can open it with "DalyBMSMonitor" that I found. But it has no "Balance open current" settings, and frankly is no different from the Andriod/iOS apps. Pitiful.

diy solar

diy solar