diy solar

diy solar

Clean up: off topic conversation from another post shifted to its own post

Yes exactly...the 70 watt co-inverter and Milt Rice...... There are exactly two people that knew that.....boB at midnite and you must be that boB.....
Yes exactly...the 70 watt co-inverter and Milt Rice...... There are exactly two people that knew that.....boB at midnite and you must be that boB.....

Yep ! I spell my name backwards to avoid confusion with all the other Bob's out there. Did that at OutBack and Magnum too and I think I started that at Trace ?
yes, I knew that you were at Trace and Outback but this is the first that I have heard that you were at Magnum...
yes, I knew that you were at Trace and Outback but this is the first that I have heard that you were at Magnum...

Yes, when we had a falling out with our OB co-owners, I worked at Magnum for about 3.5 years while doing some night time and weekend charge controller development. Magnum was old friends and co-workers and owners at Trace Engineering. Two of the Magnum owners also worked where this whole PNW inverter industry started which was in the early 1970s with Phase Linear (Bob Carver) which also was a seed for pacific northwest audio companies which Robin and I worked at as well.

Incestuous electronics industry up here but makes it fun except for the cold and rainy weather.
I am still using those old Dynamote Brutus Inverters, mine have the Dynamote name on the front panel but do have the Vanner name on the back. Way back then I was a communications tech with General Electric and saw quite a few of those Brutus and Vanner Dynamic Inverters in the L.A. county fire truchs and quite a few Ambulances as well, They were true tanks that always worked when needed the most.

Unfair comparison, When my water level in my deep well drops down below -320 feet my MagnaSine MS4024AE stumbles starting the pump but the Brutus starts it with ease.....(using a Trace autotransformer)

MagnaSine MS4024AE 4000 watts 120/240 surge capacity 5,800 watts
Brutus TB 32-24 3200 watts 120 volt only surge capacity 11,900 watts

The MagnaSine is a heavy brute but Brutus out weighs it by 20 pounds.
Very familiar with Bob Carver, I have a whole stack of Carver including the TX-11 which now has a problem with the multiplexer, so now i am using a lesser tuner but my main amplifier is the 200 watt unit with the Carver tuner /preamp.
Cant remember the model numbers but I have allways appreciated very well built gear. Have a David Hafler DH-500 as well.
Dumb moves....I sold my fishing boat complete with the Trace SW4024.....dumb,dumb,dumb......The guy still is using it

really an unfair question on a public forum......was it the investors that took down Trace and Outback? I always felt that that was the case. But you do not need to answer that here.....I will understand...

really an unfair question on a public forum......was it the investors that took down Trace and Outback? I always felt that that was the case. But you do not need to answer that here.....I will understand...

There were no investors at OB. Started by investment from Robin, my brother and Greg, the engineer that designed the Trace SW inverters back in the early 1990s.. It was just a difference of opinions that led to our leaving but went a bit further than that... If you are ever in the area, please come up and we will take you to lunch and give you the grand tour and tell you the story and history of the inverter companies. It could make a small book with the audio industry included as well.

Trace was fine. Xantrex was OK too but Schneider is doing OK with the inverter industry now too. There were some weird and funny times during the "merger" as well.

Also, ham radio is another of my hobbies. Maybe there are some hams on this DIY forum ?

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Have been wanting to visit MidNite home base for quite a while now

Being from the backwoods of Alaska I was exposed to ham radio at a very early age being that my uncle was a ham and that was mainstream communications for us Sougherdoughs. When I traveled to Anchorage to get my amateur general the code guy was not there and I did not want to waste the day so I took the 2nd class RTO license and scored it and started fixing and tuning bush plane and fishing boat radios. Then the big earthquake happened (3/27/64) and I was at civil defense headquarters in Anchorage for the duration building “Radio Anchorage” and running message traffic on the ham bands with no ham ticket. The FCC inspector signed me off for the 1st RTO but i never got around to the code test for my General. Doing professional communications kinda ruined my desire to spend time on Amateur radio after a day in professional communications. Did the most time at G-E but did time at Motorola as well as RCA, Canadian Marconi as well as a few others. Too much EMI/RFI and I retired to power systems management at GE for a while until I jumped into computers. Long since retired but I still freelance as an electrical contractor and consultant here on the left coast

diy solar

diy solar