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diy solar

Gas-Powered Lawn Equipment Will Soon Be Banned In Cali, a broad category that includes generators.

Rod bearings fail in my JD last spring, picked up a EGO Z6 zero turn mower to mow my acre with 30 foot rise from to back. Didn’t by the range promise so picked up 2 extra 10 ah batteries, I use 82% battery capacity when done. Works for me.
Also got the Ego weed eater, blower, edger, and hedge trimmer, don’t regret.
No more gas smell in garage from leaking weed wackers.
thank you for the chuckle.
i put hooks on the wall to hang my gas powered equipment, used them once and most of the gas leaked out (new equipment) so i never used them until now. i use to have to lay my equipment on the ground...
The Toro corded blower I've used for a number of years just started to smell burnt.
It has a variable speed control, and I think I kept it on high longer than usual blowing leaves off a rock pile. Normally on the driveway I only use high briefly for under cars or where bushes hang down. I guess an overtemperature shutdown would be too much to ask for in a consumer product. First indication was sound of running slower, which suggests either mechanical binding or windings shorting.

My "new" (used/"refurbished") Echo cordless blower is due to arrive today.

It is apparently not a current model (though still in stock at that retailer), but I looked for it because I already have a weed wacker of the same family and a spare battery.

Obviously I'm going the middleweight/convenient route, to not mess with gas for infrequently used equipment, or extension cords for long runs. I don't have to make my living with these gadgets.
State didn't open up until closer to June. How do I know this? I live in the state and actually know this. It isn't actually wide open either still if you count mask mandates and covid vaccination requirements....

What he did do is lift a stay at home order that nobody even followed except for may be one month in March of 2020.
Stop watching Fox, Newsmax and Oann

What happened to Sen Cancun Cruz's prediction that covid would disappear after the election.
I live in California too big deal so do 40 million others.
The fact is businesses like fitness centers, barber shops, beauty salons, indoor dining, bars, nightclubs, movie theatres, shopping malls etc were closed by emergency orders of Gavin Newsom until he inexplicably lifted them the week Biden was inaugurated.
This has nothing to do with stay at home orders which expired long before.
I live in California too big deal so do 40 million others.
The fact is businesses like fitness centers, barber shops, beauty salons, indoor dining, bars, nightclubs, movie theatres, shopping malls etc were closed by emergency orders of Gavin Newsom until he inexplicably lifted them the week Biden was inaugurated.
This has nothing to do with stay at home orders which expired long before.
LOL....I thought we were done going off topic.
LOL....I thought we were done going off topic.
Interesting way to admit you were wrong, but okay...
In the broader topic of misguided legislation by California's clueless leftist leaders, I just went to Stihl's website and perused their battery and corded electric offerings. The best chainsaw manufacturer in the world offers a maximum bar size of 16" in either, thats a goddamn toy unsuitable for any professional work.

Maybe this has a hidden agenda, you wont be able to buy a chainsaw thatll cut down a decent sized tree.
I live in California too big deal so do 40 million others.
The fact is businesses like fitness centers, barber shops, beauty salons, indoor dining, bars, nightclubs, movie theatres, shopping malls etc were closed by emergency orders of Gavin Newsom until he inexplicably lifted them the week Biden was inaugurated.
This has nothing to do with stay at home orders which expired long before.
Are you suggesting that you don't understand why those orders were lifted or that it had something to do with Biden's inauguration?
The best chainsaw manufacturer in the world offers a maximum bar size of 16" in either, thats a goddamn toy unsuitable for any professional work.

Maybe this has a hidden agenda, you wont be able to buy a chainsaw thatll cut down a decent sized tree.

Exception for Weed Wacker is if it takes saw blades.
Exception for generator is diesel.

For chain saws, may I suggest this?

and this

Interesting way to admit you were wrong, but okay...
In the broader topic of misguided legislation by California's clueless leftist leaders, I just went to Stihl's website and perused their battery and corded electric offerings. The best chainsaw manufacturer in the world offers a maximum bar size of 16" in either, thats a goddamn toy unsuitable for any professional work.

Maybe this has a hidden agenda, you wont be able to buy a chainsaw thatll cut down a decent sized tree.

Stihl makes fantastic chainsaws.. I have two of them.. Not sure if I would say they're the best though as Husqvarna XP series are probably slightly better.. But leaving that alone for another day, it is actually Makita that makes the best electric chainsaw on the market so far.. But to be honest, I do believe that Stihl will not put up with that for long and those Germans will put their brain power to use and make a better unit.
Are you suggesting that you don't understand why those orders were lifted or that it had something to do with Biden's inauguration?

Newsom's actions have been more about Newsom, trying to beat the recall election.
Staring down the barrel of "Delta", be damned!
Are you suggesting that you don't understand why those orders were lifted or that it had something to do with Biden's inauguration?
Can you explain why those orders were lifted when they were? (Since you seem to imply if I dont understand I shouldnt question it)

Obviously Biden can cite statistics taking credit for an economic recovery that was artificially induced by Newsoms timing of orders.
When I said inexplicably, its that Newsom has constantly shifted the metrics of what determined his actions. Going from new cases, to deaths, to intensive care bed availability, and back and forth. The logic used to close the businesses wasnt the same as used to reopen them and this calls into question the timing as it was long after other states had opened theirs.
These businesses were closed for 10 months then allowed to reopen the week Biden took office. As democrats have taken every opportunity to politically capitalize on this pandemic its a sure bet this was no accident.
If youre a democrat dont pretend your agreement with the premise is necessary.
Can you explain why those orders were lifted when they were? (Since you seem to imply if I dont understand I shouldnt question it)
Sure.. that's easy..
1) They were going to be lifted at some point. If a person is a conspiracy theorist, then that point will absolutely coincide with some other event.. in your argument, that event is Biden's inauguration..

2) Perhaps someone made a judgement call considering the risk/reward profile. The consequences of the order were no longer beneficial enough to continue.. maybe this was based on science, or statistics, public opinion, or good old self interest (see #3)?

3) Per Hedges comment above, it was a political move to save his position as governor.

Any of these could be true or false. The trick is to learn the phrase "I don't know".. which doesn't imply some grand conspiracy to enslave you.

I'm kind of with Hedges on this one.. the guy saw the axe coming down and decided it was better for his career to lift the order.. Politicians will always do what is in THEIR best interest. Unfortunately, due to the mass ignorance of most of our population, what is in OUR best interest is not always what we want or demand. What is in our best interest sometimes conflicts with our feedom and liberty, sometimes it conflicts with our greed, and sometimes it conflicts with our silly beliefs. Our greatest strengths are also our greatest weakness in this regard.

Obviously Biden can cite statistics taking credit for an economic recovery that was artificially induced by Newsoms timing of orders.
Biden's citation of economic recovery are mostly hog wash.. Just more political blabbering to the ignorant masses. The federal government handed out billions in stimulus checks and every president for the past 25 years has put this country further into debt than the president before them. While the patient might feel like they have more energy, that's only because they were pumped up with amphetamines.. Heck, they even called it a "stimulus check".. When it wears off, we will crash.

When I said inexplicably, its that Newsom has constantly shifted the metrics of what determined his actions. Going from new cases, to deaths, to intensive care bed availability, and back and forth. The logic used to close the businesses wasnt the same as used to reopen them and this calls into question the timing as it was long after other states had opened theirs.
The truth is, running and managing an economy like California is so cosmically complex that no single human can grasp it. People go to college and get masters degrees and Ph.Ds in economics and they still don't understand it all.
Our politicians, regardless of their stature, all put their pants on one leg at a time.. they all fart in bed, they all read and write at about the same rate, and they all have human limitations that fall far short of what most people believe.. or want to believe. And in our culture of shallow, self-entitled, snowflake mentalities, it isn't the smart that gets elected.. it isn't the moral or honest, its the most charismatic.. We asked for this, we shouldn't complain about what we get.
Americans will never again elect a president in a wheel chair like Roosevelt.. we will never elect an outright ugly president, or one that doesn't fit our stupid ideals of what a man should be, even if it is in our best interest to do so.

These businesses were closed for 10 months then allowed to reopen the week Biden took office. As democrats have taken every opportunity to politically capitalize on this pandemic its a sure bet this was no accident.
If youre a democrat dont pretend your agreement with the premise is necessary.
I am not a democrat or a republican.. While I understand that most of the masses of our country have been conditioned into thinking in such rigid terms that have been created for them to follow, I do not fall under that definition. As someone like yourself would see me, I have both liberal and conservative views. How do I know I'm not a democrat or a republican? 1) I have voted for both parties in the past and continue to vote for both parties.. (just not at the same time! LOL) 2) Both sides, via social media interactions, hate me.

Unfortunately for me, after old man Bush, I have not been able to vote for the best candidate anymore.. Instead, I'm voting for the candidate who I think will do the least amount of damage to this country.
Sure.. that's easy..
1) They were going to be lifted at some point. If a person is a conspiracy theorist, then that point will absolutely coincide with some other event.. in your argument, that event is Biden's inauguration..

2) Perhaps someone made a judgement call considering the risk/reward profile. The consequences of the order were no longer beneficial enough to continue.. maybe this was based on science, or statistics, public opinion, or good old self interest (see #3)?

3) Per Hedges comment above, it was a political move to save his position as governor.

Any of these could be true or false. The trick is to learn the phrase "I don't know".. which doesn't imply some grand conspiracy to enslave you.

I'm kind of with Hedges on this one.. the guy saw the axe coming down and decided it was better for his career to lift the order.. Politicians will always do what is in THEIR best interest. Unfortunately, due to the mass ignorance of most of our population, what is in OUR best interest is not always what we want or demand. What is in our best interest sometimes conflicts with our feedom and liberty, sometimes it conflicts with our greed, and sometimes it conflicts with our silly beliefs. Our greatest strengths are also our greatest weakness in this regard.

Biden's citation of economic recovery are mostly hog wash.. Just more political blabbering to the ignorant masses. The federal government handed out billions in stimulus checks and every president for the past 25 years has put this country further into debt than the president before them. While the patient might feel like they have more energy, that's only because they were pumped up with amphetamines.. Heck, they even called it a "stimulus check".. When it wears off, we will crash.

The truth is, running and managing an economy like California is so cosmically complex that no single human can grasp it. People go to college and get masters degrees and Ph.Ds in economics and they still don't understand it all.
Our politicians, regardless of their stature, all put their pants on one leg at a time.. they all fart in bed, they all read and write at about the same rate, and they all have human limitations that fall far short of what most people believe.. or want to believe. And in our culture of shallow, self-entitled, snowflake mentalities, it isn't the smart that gets elected.. it isn't the moral or honest, its the most charismatic.. We asked for this, we shouldn't complain about what we get.
Americans will never again elect a president in a wheel chair like Roosevelt.. we will never elect an outright ugly president, or one that doesn't fit our stupid ideals of what a man should be, even if it is in our best interest to do so.

I am not a democrat or a republican.. While I understand that most of the masses of our country have been conditioned into thinking in such rigid terms that have been created for them to follow, I do not fall under that definition. As someone like yourself would see me, I have both liberal and conservative views. How do I know I'm not a democrat or a republican? 1) I have voted for both parties in the past and continue to vote for both parties.. (just not at the same time! LOL) 2) Both sides, via social media interactions, hate me.

Unfortunately for me, after old man Bush, I have not been able to vote for the best candidate anymore.. Instead, I'm voting for the candidate who I think will do the least amount of damage to this country.
So you cannot offer an explanation why the order was lifted when it was either.
I merely speculated there would be political capital for their party to do it when he did, and Biden has indeed attempted to utilize that political capital.
I dont see you arguing that the premise is impossible so Im not sure what your point is but to be argumentive.
Have a great day.
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So you cannot offer an explanation why the order was lifted when it was either.
I merely speculated there would be political capital for their party to do it when he did, and Biden has indeed attempted to utilize that political capital.
I dont see you arguing that the premise is impossible so Im not sure what your point is but to be argumentive.
Have a great day.
Of course they use such things as political capital.. I would think that goes without saying, but you implied it had something to do with Biden's inauguration as if it was a conspiracy or something.
Our friends just bought an EGO 56V 18" chainsaw. They live in Maine and do a lot of tree cutting.

Here is a picture of wood that was cut with the chainsaw on the lowes site that a customer submittedf31c81f5-4cf9-52cc-9f89-28931f52cb2b.jpg

Our friends just bought an EGO 56V 18" chainsaw. They live in Maine and do a lot of tree cutting.

Here is a picture of wood that was cut with the chainsaw on the lowes site that a customer submittedView attachment 77705

View attachment 77706
If thats oak or similar hardwood.... Where I grew up (Tuolumne county, California foothills) that is a very young and small tree. We had several old live oaks on our 5 acre property whose lower trunks were around 42" diameter. Ive seen them above 48". I guess you can fell such a tree with a small saw with the right technique but cutting it into rounds to split would be near impossible and dangerous. My dad used a 24" bar saw and that was considered small, most of our neighbors used 28".
Here is a picture of wood that was cut with the chainsaw on the lowes site
And they use a brick chisel to split wood, too! I have a small 18” gas chainsaw. I wouldn’t want a smaller bar or an electron saw.or a brick chisel on a woodpile :)

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diy solar