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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

IF your god is omnibenevolent, omnipotent and all knowing, "he" would have created us perfect and wouldn't need to intervene to begin with.

Of course we are not even close to perfect and secondly people have been murdered and raped in "his" name according to your scriptures, it makes your god evil by any reasonable observer.

You want to claim your god created everything, than your god created everything evil as well, including covid.
He did create us perfect, thats why we have free will. He didn't want a bunch of robots serving him with no choices but to fall their predetermined fate, but rather to choose to love him and devote our lives to him. It was with this perfect love that he sacrificed his son to a bad weekend.

Of course that requires him to be a bit evil, and the argument of pain vs suffering can lead to antinatalism, but Apologetics in general are somewhat of a joke, they just do a good job at knocking down the weak arguments.
I definitely never said that the Christian God is my God. I also happen to agree that there's some issues there, but I raised that same point with somebody who knew what they were talking about, and I was completely schooled. Keep in mind too, it doesn't need make sense in the outside world, it only needs to make sense within the confines of their own religion.
I don't mind when people choose to follow any religion or none. Just try to be a decent human being and don't force others to follow. But if someone wants to claim their god(s) exist and created everything, they better accept that this means their god(s) also created evil.
LOL.. Now I understand. But your statement wasn't quite correct for "any group". They revise the tests on a societal level..

And since the average for the USA is 97-98, they're going to have to dumb it down a few points on the next revision.
The steady rising of IQ scores over the last century – known as the Flynn effect – causes IQ tests norms to become obsolete over time. To counter this effect, IQ tests are "renormed" (made harder) every 15-20 years by resetting the mean score to 100 to account for the previous gains in IQ scores
Sorry, not really how it works. It is a bit more complex than that, there are multiple tests and the average is usually given a range within one standard deviation. I could pretend I know more, but my wife does this for a living and has corrected me numerous times, only reason I even know this little bit.
If you test the world, then the average I.Q. of the world would be 100, if you want to compare people from one country, for example America, to the world, you can get a number above or below 100. But if you tested only Americans then the average would be 100 again .
If you test the world, then the average I.Q. of the world would be 100, if you want to compare people from one country, for example America, to the world, you can get a number above or below 100. But if you tested only Americans then the average would be 100 again .
I won't argue, my wife is the expert not me. It makes sense to me that over time it can shift and require re-normalization of the tests to bring the median back to 100, but again, I don't know anything about this for certain.
Wont work, they will keep repeating the line , "wear a mask if your so afraid", when the reality is you are wearing most masks to protect others. Most of these people have better common courtesy in their day to day lives but somehow draw the line at a flimsy piece of 3 ply that keeps their spit from flying into the air.
Vaccine is available for any one who wants it. If they prefer risking death from suffocation by getting "natural" immunity, that is fine by me, as long as they don't burden normal people.
I won't argue, my wife is the expert not me. It makes sense to me that over time it can shift and require re-normalization of the tests to bring the median back to 100, but again, I don't know anything about this for certain.
It is a moving target and far from accurate. It depends on how you ask the questions and what subjects you test. Men tend to do better in map reading, while women tend to do better in language. Of course either sex could improve those skills.
Err... Does BMcL really think most people don't understand electricity generation and that they couldn't because they never stepped foot inside a plant? That explains a lot about his posts.

Also I wouldn't try serious apologetics and theological debate here, won't get anywhere with this format. Just sleep well knowing that we can't know for certain if there is a god who hides himself with omnipotent powers, but if he does exist he is a monster for creating the world we live and suffer in. If this was the best he could do he is either limited in some major wawy or enjoys our suffering. Amen.
That last statement, word for word, summarizes my agnostic anti theist ideologies. If I could add to it I would say "there is little scientific evidence for a God, but plenty for humans' propensity to bull**** and mislead each other for ulterior motives."
I dont go out of my way to question anyones faith. If it keeps em off the streets at night maybe its a good thing.
Political Payback Coming in November

Democrats are dropping out of Congress this year ahead of a rough midterm. 25 Democrats already have said they won't seek re-election. After 4 years of being Pelosied, Republicans are promising paybacks that include kicking Adam Schiff off the intelligence committee, investigating Tony the Phony Fauci, and of course, impeaching Biden.

The Daily Wire reported, "House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in an interview that was published on Monday that if Republicans win control of the House in 2022 that he is kicking at least three Democrats off of certain committees.

"McCarthy made the remarks in an interview with Breitbart News and said that the move comes in light of Democrats kicking two Republicans — Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ) — off their committees."

Republicans will kick Schiff off the intelligence committee, Ilhan Omar off the foreign affairs committee, and Fang Fang banger Eric Swalwell off the homeland security committee.

McCarthy said, "You look at Adam Schiff—he should not be serving on Intel when he has openly, knowingly now used a fake dossier, [and] lied to the American public in the process."

Why stop at 3?

Pelosi's childish behavior during the last two State of the Union addresses by President Trump warrant her being barred from any committee assignment.

Maxine Waters's repeated calls for violence also deserve a ban.

Democrats set the standards. Let Democrats live by them.

I also want MTG and Gosar to be chairman of the committees of their own choosing.

But wait. There's more.

Real Clear Politics reported, "Sen. Rand Paul predicted the 81-year-old Dr. Anthony Fauci will retire if Republicans take control of the House or Senate following the 2022 midterm elections. In an interview with his father on Ron Paul Liberty Report, Paul said he would investigate Fauci in his role as chairman of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions."

Senator Paul is a medical doctor.

Democrats are wetting themselves over the prospect of Republicans impeaching Biden because unlike President Trump, Biden is a crook.

Columnist Will Bunch wrote about an imaginary impeachment, "The impeachment of President Biden and other American nightmares coming in 2023."

He hypocritically wrote, "With polls, gerrymandering making a GOP House all but inevitable in 2023, Americans need to ponder a year that could tear the nation apart."

The nation already is torn apart by four years of a seditious resistance, a summer of rioting and looting, and two impeachments over a phone call and holding a peaceful rally on the National Mall.

The victims of this unAmerican House activity must get satisfaction. Examples must be made. Those who refused to accept the results of the 2016 election must pay. If Republicans somehow manage to take 290 seats in the House -- a two-thirds majority -- expulsions of Democrat congressmen must begin.

Republicans need to show the 75 million people who voted for Donald Trump in 2020 that they will fight for truth, justice, and the American way. Biden's charity for none and malice for all approach to governance leaves no other choice.

All that sounds fine to me but why is the author ignoring that a Biden impeachment leaves Kamala Harris President?
Biden certainly can be impeached on the border issue alone, if not then any fair reporting of the meetings between him and individuals who put his son on their payrolls to do nothing of substance should suffice.
Harris in the oval office would be an unprecedented disaster, the best we can do is hope mean, senile puppet Joe remains asleep at the switch for another 3 years then we get him out.
[WASHINGTON, D.C. – Jan. 10, 2022] Project Veritas has obtained startling never-before-seen documents regarding the origins of COVID-19, gain of function research, vaccines, potential treatments which have been suppressed, and the government’s effort to conceal all of this.

DARPA is an agency under the U.S. Department of Defense in charge of facilitating research in technology with potential military applications.
Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.

Major Murphy’s report goes on to detail great concern over the COVID-19 gain of function program, the concealment of documents, the suppression of potential curatives, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and the mRNA vaccines.

“Who at DARPA made the decision to bury the original report? They could have raised red flags to the Pentagon, the White House, or Congress, which may have prevented this entire pandemic that has led to the deaths of 5.4 million people worldwide and caused much pain and suffering to many millions more.”

Highlights in the report :

– Ivermectin has been known by the government to be ‘curative’ during ‘all phases’ of COVID-19 illness since April 2020
– Someone at the DoD put Eco Health’s unclassified proposal on a classified network drive (presumably so it wouldn’t show up in FOIA requests)
– the DoD says SARS-CoV-2 begins spreading in August 2019, months before previously acknowledged

This is page 4 of the report (the entire report is attached)



  • Proj Veritas DOD.pdf
    7.4 MB · Views: 3
Covid, Omni... why are we waisting our time with this fake virus?

There are other real stuff that keeps me awake at night and franklely what should be keeping you awake at night too: "Alien Abduction" and not only being abducted in your sleep, how about the subsequent "Deep probing" by aliens?

I know most of you have not experience deep probing and not sure if you look forward to it, some suggestions have flown around to wear multiple under clothing.

[flame off]
Some people might like that.

All that sounds fine to me but why is the author ignoring that a Biden impeachment leaves Kamala Harris President?
Biden certainly can be impeached on the border issue alone, if not then any fair reporting of the meetings between him and individuals who put his son on their payrolls to do nothing of substance should suffice.
Harris in the oval office would be an unprecedented disaster, the best we can do is hope mean, senile puppet Joe remains asleep at the switch for another 3 years then we get him out.
I don't think this will happen, but many think the republicans will place someone they want to be president in the Speaker-of-the-House job, and then impeach the VP too.
But this can only happen with a 2/3 vote. Pretty far-fetched.
Did you see where the government admitted ivermectin worked all thru the stages of covid and they hid the report ?
[WASHINGTON, D.C. – Jan. 10, 2022] Project Veritas has obtained startling never-before-seen documents regarding the origins of COVID-19, gain of function research, vaccines, potential treatments which have been suppressed, and the government’s effort to conceal all of this.

DARPA is an agency under the U.S. Department of Defense in charge of facilitating research in technology with potential military applications.
Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.

Major Murphy’s report goes on to detail great concern over the COVID-19 gain of function program, the concealment of documents, the suppression of potential curatives, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and the mRNA vaccines.

“Who at DARPA made the decision to bury the original report? They could have raised red flags to the Pentagon, the White House, or Congress, which may have prevented this entire pandemic that has led to the deaths of 5.4 million people worldwide and caused much pain and suffering to many millions more.”

Highlights in the report :

– Ivermectin has been known by the government to be ‘curative’ during ‘all phases’ of COVID-19 illness since April 2020
– Someone at the DoD put Eco Health’s unclassified proposal on a classified network drive (presumably so it wouldn’t show up in FOIA requests)
– the DoD says SARS-CoV-2 begins spreading in August 2019, months before previously acknowledged

This is page 4 of the report (the entire report is attached)

View attachment 79399
Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups. Project Veritas also uses entrapment to generate bad publicity for its targets, and has propagated disinformation and conspiracy theories in its videos and operations.

Why am I not surprised that is the source of your nonsense.
Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups. Project Veritas also uses entrapment to generate bad publicity for its targets, and has propagated disinformation and conspiracy theories in its videos and operations.

Why am I not surprised that is the source of your nonsense.
LOL right ! Ignore a DOD document by discrediting the person it was given to.
Sorry that everything you believed was false. Ivermectin works and Fauci is a lying fraud.
LOL right ! Ignore a DOD document by discrediting the person it was given to.
Sorry that everything you believed was false. Ivermectin works and Fauci is a lying fraud.
Sarcasm doesn't work for conspiracy theorists, to normal people it only reinforces their opinion of them, but please keep up the good work.
Sarcasm doesn't work for conspiracy theorists, to normal people it only reinforces their opinion of them, but please keep up the good work.
So you claim the DOD document isn't real ? Is this how you shape your opinions, just ignore what doesn't fit your narrative ?
So you claim the DOD document isn't real ? Is this how you shape your opinions, just ignore what doesn't fit your narrative ?
Were you not aware that there were experimental infections and tracking/monitoring of coronavirus within the bat population as a pre-emptive attempt at preventing something like this due to the reduced immune system of a bat and their ability to harbor a virus and allow it to mutate until it might jump species?

I think you are confusing the fact that we studied something with creating and releasing a human-compatible coronavirus. Could this have been a result of an experiment and breach in protocols? Sure, I don't see why not. Was it? Not that we have evidence for at the moment. Like everything you fall for, you are jumping ahead and assuming things.
So you claim the DOD document isn't real ? Is this how you shape your opinions, just ignore what doesn't fit your narrative ?
Really really hard to believe someone is this stupid but I believe you sincerely are.
Were you not aware that there were experimental infections and tracking/monitoring of coronavirus within the bat population as a pre-emptive attempt at preventing something like this due to the reduced immune system of a bat and their ability to harbor a virus and allow it to mutate until it might jump species?

I think you are confusing the fact that we studied something with creating and releasing a human-compatible coronavirus. Could this have been a result of an experiment and breach in protocols? Sure, I don't see why not. Was it? Not that we have evidence for at the moment. Like everything you fall for, you are jumping ahead and assuming things.
No, the point is the DOD knew Fauci was doing gain-of-function research.
And now we have a document saying they knew ivermectin worked in every stage of the disease. How many died ?
Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups. Project Veritas also uses entrapment to generate bad publicity for its targets, and has propagated disinformation and conspiracy theories in its videos and operations.

Why am I not surprised that is the source of your nonsense.
TBH there are shady sources on both sides of the spectrum and while some of the accusations against veritas in the past were true just as many were false.
In the end dismissing a source for its bias only dismisses ones self for their own bias.
Project Veritas has had revelations with merit, and if the report contains actual documents at the very least those documents and their content should be considered and then you should make an informed decision on what they mean.
I often cringe when certain sources on my side of an argument (which Im not really involved with in the case of these drugs) are used that have questionable credentials.
However I cant pretend that issues would be reported at all by sources populated by the other side.
No, the point is the DOD knew Fauci was doing gain-of-function research.
And now we have a document saying they knew ivermectin worked in every stage of the disease. How many died ?
Hm,,,,,,,,,, How convincing. Who was President in April 2020 anyway?
Were you not aware that there were experimental infections and tracking/monitoring of coronavirus within the bat population as a pre-emptive attempt at preventing something like this due to the reduced immune system of a bat and their ability to harbor a virus and allow it to mutate until it might jump species?

I think you are confusing the fact that we studied something with creating and releasing a human-compatible coronavirus. Could this have been a result of an experiment and breach in protocols? Sure, I don't see why not. Was it? Not that we have evidence for at the moment. Like everything you fall for, you are jumping ahead and assuming things.
From what I understand the gain of function research was legitimate and had positive intentions. It was a good thing.
If I have a Fauci problem its not that in his professional capacity he knew about gain of function research or was involved with its official funding.
Its that he is personally financially vested in some of the pharmaceutical companies working on vaccines. Not to mention so many of his public statements on policy have been contradictory and politically manipulitive.
Lets remember this was the guy who went on network TV in late january 2020 and said the American public had nothing to worry about. Several days later Trump shut down travel from China anyway.
Fauci has been playing this like he thinks he is a rock star.
From what I understand the gain of function research was legitimate and had positive intentions. It was a good thing.
If I have a Fauci problem its not that in his professional capacity he knew about gain of function research or was involved with its official funding.
Its that he is personally financially vested in some of the pharmaceutical companies working on vaccines. Not to mention so many of his public statements on policy have been contradictory and politically manipulitive.
Lets remember this was the guy who went on network TV in late january 2020 and said the American public had nothing to worry about. Several days later Trump shut down travel from China anyway.
Fauci has been playing this like he thinks he is a rock star.
The problem I have with the gain of function research that Fauci indirectly funded in Wuhan was that it had been made illegal in the US so he did it the sneaky way thinking he would never be found out ..... and then tried to divert attention away from the lab leak theory.
We can't let the leaders of our health agencies act in this manner .... he is so used to manipulating the truth that he does it routinely.

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