diy solar

diy solar

Woot! Xuba just received payment!


New Member
Jan 28, 2020
First off, the customer service has been perfect! Amy Wan has been very responsive and prompt about any questions I had.

I never was able to get my debit card to work even after the appeal process. Never heard anything back?‍♂️
I just went online and did a wire transfer from BofA to Xuba’s Citibank ($10.00).

I am excited about them taking my money and look forward to getting my order processed.
I’ll post my videos and pix that Amy has promised.

And btw, I feel these cells are a good value.
I’m happy about my bang/buck ratio?

First off, the customer service has been perfect! Amy Wan has been very responsive and prompt about any questions I had.

I never was able to get my debit card to work even after the appeal process. Never heard anything back?‍♂️
I just went online and did a wire transfer from BofA to Xuba’s Citibank ($10.00).

I am excited about them taking my money and look forward to getting my order processed.
I’ll post my videos and pix that Amy has promised.

And btw, I feel these cells are a good value.
I’m happy about my bang/buck ratio?

??:LOL: That's a FIRST "I am excited about them taking my money" ! If your that happy, I'll take some too just to make you happier ! hehehe ;-)

Amy is quite a Gem really, she is simply one of the best Reps I have dealt with in a couple of years and quite proactive. There are a LOT of vendors who should look at her as a Model in order to improve their business. Actually, I think Xuba is lucky to have her, a very good hire IMO. I hope you mentioned that you are a DIYSolarForm aficionado and learned from them through here.... ask, and she may toss in the busbars or ? never hurts to ask.... Tell her Steve suggested it ! LOL (I get nothing from them, I'm just a customer, no other assicoations)
First off, the customer service has been perfect! Amy Wan has been very responsive and prompt about any questions I had.

I never was able to get my debit card to work even after the appeal process. Never heard anything back?‍♂️
I just went online and did a wire transfer from BofA to Xuba’s Citibank ($10.00).

I am excited about them taking my money and look forward to getting my order processed.
I’ll post my videos and pix that Amy has promised.

And btw, I feel these cells are a good value.
I’m happy about my bang/buck ratio?

Afraid i would bottle it, if i couldn't do it through CC. That is really the only guarantee/insurance i trust with commerce, simply because my transaction is with the CC and has proven to be reliable in the past.....of course i'm a cynical old

diy solar

diy solar