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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Get vaccinated and boosted. If you do get symptoms, isolate so you don't infect others. There is no need for supplements if you eat healthy, but if you do take them take them in moderation.

People who are vaccinated have a far lower chance of needing hospital treatment than the people who don't get vaccinated for the same risk groups.

Just follow the advise of your doctor.
This strategy has killed hundreds of thousands of people.

In the winter it is impossible to get enough sunshine for sufficient vitamin D ..... as some latitudes it is impossible even in summer .... drinking a little fortified milk won't cut it.
This strategy has killed hundreds of thousands of people.
The fast majority of the people who have died have been unvaccinated. There sound strategy is to get vaccinated, unless you want to be a contender for the "Herman Cain award". (Even though he died from cancer)
The fast majority of the people who have died have been unvaccinated. There sound strategy is to get vaccinated, unless you want to be a contender for the "Herman Cain award". (Even though he died from cancer)
That is OLD news .... The virus is mutating .... Wake up
The official HHS spokes people have recently given interviews where they have admitted that a lot of people listed as dying of covid actually died with covid.
If someone had an accident .... got tested for Covid ... and died from the accident injuries, they were listed as covid deaths if they also tested positive. This may have been as high as 40% of what was listed as Covid deaths.
This is not disputed ... even CNN has reported on this.
Of course that is disputed moron.
The official HHS spokes people have recently given interviews where they have admitted that a lot of people listed as dying of covid actually died with covid.
If someone had an accident .... got tested for Covid ... and died from the accident injuries, they were listed as covid deaths if they also tested positive. This may have been as high as 40% of what was listed as Covid deaths.
This is not disputed ... even CNN has reported on this.
The idea it would take a secret plot for this to be common or even widespread when financial need and basic human greed are all thats necessary is moronic.
You are correct. Zuckerbergs directly contributed money to underfunded counties, allow as many peoples votes to count as possible. This is the opposite of what Republican controlled states did, which was to reduce the ability of high-density democratic counties to vote.

Pretty sure one side tried to steal, and the other side got donations to allow votes to happen. If you define allowing everyone who wanted to vote, the ability to vote, then you are correct, it was stolen.
Yeah right Pollyanna.

That is hardly the limit of what they did.
Its clear that the best course of treatment for Biden voters is to find the nearest subway and jump in front of the train as it arrives. Anything else is misinformation.
FLCC / Math recommends 200 ug/kg This study was testing the high dose safey at 600 ug/Kg and 1200 ug/Kg as the initial efficacy in vitro was at much higher concentrations than possible.

High concentrations of ivermectin demonstrated antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. Aim of this study was to assess safety and efficacy of high-dose ivermectin in reducing viral load in individuals with early SARS-CoV-2 infection.

High-dose ivermectin was safe, but did not prove efficacy to reduce viral load. A high proportion of dropouts, albeit for mild or moderate side effects, was observed in the high-dose treatment arm.

The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of high doses of ivermectin (namely: one arm with 600 and another with 1200 µg/Kg dose, for five consecutive days) for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The 4 participants whose disease worsened enough to cause hospitalization were all in the treatment arms, and 3 of these in the high-dose arm. (not statistically significant)
Very very interesting. This is worth reading just to see how an actual study is conducted.

BOB B. This IS a double-blind randomized controlled trial. If you look at the questions I asked about your kooky Honduras Doctor you will see they are all answered here. This is the real deal.

The positive for ivermectin proponents. Ivermectin can be used at higher doses. They are trying to meet the dosage used in the Caly lab study. The one that kicked this whole nutty thing off. The study says this was the highest human dose ever used in a clinical trial. Before concluding this dosage is safe for everyone without consulting with a doctor please read the portion of the study listing those they excluded with underlying conditions and the number that withdrew from the study due to side effects. (They call these mild but BMcl finds masks extremely uncomfortable).

The bad part for ivermectin lovers is that we now have used high-dose ivermectin in live humans and we know it does NOT reduce the viral load. The study concludes by saying:

"We believe that our findings further support the recommendation of the WHO[25], suggesting that it is currently advisable to refrain from administrating ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 outside clinical trials. Considering the reduced tolerability, large, high-dose clinical trials should not be recommended."
So.. 3 days, you took some proven things to help with it, and then almost immediately after you added some new medications, you got better? Do these medicines have the ability to be taken by mouth, be dissolved, enter the blood stream, and act on a virus this quickly?
Right. BMcl somehow fails to mention he is also vaccinated and that millions who get Omicron are asymptomatic.
Yeah right Pollyanna.

That is hardly the limit of what they did.
Pollyanna? Sorry, I was making a statement on what I knew. If you have additional specific information of what they did I am more than open to listen. You stated 419 million, if 350 million went towards helping counties without enough budget, why not state they did something wrong with 69 million instead? Again, I don't have any love for Zuck, just falling for NPR articles I guess.
Very very interesting. This is worth reading just to see how an actual study is conducted.

BOB B. This IS a double-blind randomized controlled trial. If you look at the questions I asked about your kooky Honduras Doctor you will see they are all answered here. This is the real deal.

The positive for ivermectin proponents. Ivermectin can be used at higher doses. They are trying to meet the dosage used in the Caly lab study. The one that kicked this whole nutty thing off. The study says this was the highest human dose ever used in a clinical trial. Before concluding this dosage is safe for everyone without consulting with a doctor please read the portion of the study listing those they excluded with underlying conditions and the number that withdrew from the study due to side effects. (They call these mild but BMcl finds masks extremely uncomfortable).

The bad part for ivermectin lovers is that we now have used high-dose ivermectin in live humans and we know it does NOT reduce the viral load. The study concludes by saying:

"We believe that our findings further support the recommendation of the WHO[25], suggesting that it is currently advisable to refrain from administrating ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 outside clinical trials. Considering the reduced tolerability, large, high-dose clinical trials should not be recommended."
That study is moronic .... All these great front line doctors aren't using any SINGLE medicine .... they are using a cocktail of meds timed to phase of the illness where they are effective. .... This is NOT how a study should be conducted if you actually want to learn something useful.
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The vaccine remains effective against hospitalization and death. Wake up.
The vaccine is less and less effective with every new variant .... It is only effective against Omicron for a few weeks after a booster .... It probably won't be effective at all when the next variant lands ..... Wake up.
Oh .... by the time the next variant gets here they will have one for Omicron ... what a joke.
These treatment protocols are much more effective than the vaccine now .... treatments are where it's at going forward.

Actually, you are wide awake and are just spreading propaganda ..... That's a lot worse than people like Johnson who just don't know.
Right. BMcl somehow fails to mention he is also vaccinated and that millions who get Omicron are asymptomatic.
There have always been a large number of people who are asymptomatic.
That study is moronic .... All these great front line doctors aren't using any SINGLE medicine .... they are using a cocktail of meds timed to phase of the illness where they are effective. .... This is NOT how a study should be conducted if you actually want to learn something useful.
And they have done NO prospective randomized controlled studies of their protocol.
Show me anything from these 100's of thousands of doctors are that say these early treatment protocols don't work. They don't exist.
Nothing works that way BOB. You don't start with a drug and say "Prove it doesn't work".

"Acorns cure cancer" "Prove it doesn't work"

The thing is IF it worked especially as dramatically as what they claim, they would have proved it. They can't.
And they have done NO prospective randomized controlled studies of their protocol.
Why didn't they do that instead of a moronic high dose of a single medicine and a measure that is also moronic .... and people who tout studies as the end all be all of medicine ... who are also .....
Nothing works that way BOB. You don't start with a drug and say "Prove it doesn't work".

"Acorns cure cancer" "Prove it doesn't work"

The thing is IF it worked especially as dramatically as what they claim, they would have proved it. They can't.
Did you forget you are the one that said these 100's of thousands of doctors actually existed?
Why didn't they do that instead of a moronic high dose of a single medicine and a measure that is also moronic .... and people who tout studies as the end all be all of medicine ... who are also .....
So testing whether the viral load is reduced is moronic?????????? I guess you want something subjective so you can lie about it.

After four days the non-ivermectin group said they feel "okay". However, after the same four days the ivermectin group said they "pretty okay".

When you start calling people names .... is when there is something being said you can't refute. I don't CARE what you think or say .... I know you are just a propaganda artist .... I hope others see that as well.


I wouldn't engage you at all except to show a contrast of reasonable treatment protocols compared to ....... do nothing til you are about to die approach of the US healthcare system.

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