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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

The pandemic was an unprecedented va
The pandemic was not unprecedented, there have been pandemics before, for example the Spanish flu, and there will be pandemics in the future.

"The 1918 Spanish flu was the first of three flu pandemics caused by H1N1 influenza A virus; the most recent one was the 2009 swine flu pandemic. The 1977 Russian flu was also caused by H1N1 virus."

Besides Biden has reduced unemployment since taking office at a faster rate than any other president before, while he, like Obama was handed a bad situation and Biden did so during the same ongoing pandemic.

Regardless of the reasons, the fact remains that Trump left office with more people unemployed than when he entered office. Which is the opposite of what Bob stated and refuses to admit. How about you? Do you admit that Trump left office with higher unemployment than when he entered office, or are you going to deny that as well? (I would love to kill 2 birds with one stone)

As for the politics of it all, let me repeat, I have not voted in decades, I am having a front row seat to the freak show going on down South. (You guys REALLY need to settle down, get away from the stupid attack politics and start discussing your future using facts and science)
The pandemic was an unprecedented variable to unemployment stats, and arguing over the stats becomes a pointless game of who is better at manipulating stats.
You can play that game but a more productive discussion might be found in whose policies were better for the economy, Joe Bidens or Donald Trumps?

Thats probably a discussion Democrats dont want to have. Joe was so focused on appeasing the environmentalist faction he triggered the worst inflation in modern history. While he doesnt own all the issues, like the supply chain problems, he got what he wanted. Americans using less fossil fuels. Even if only because theyre too broke.
lets look back at the past a bit...
so far every democrat since the 70's left tue us economy in a better state than it was and reduced the national debt, only for republicans to enlarge that debt, and spoil their "friends"

just look it up
The pandemic was not unprecedented, there have been pandemics before, for example the Spanish flu, and there will be pandemics in the future.

"The 1918 Spanish flu was the first of three flu pandemics caused by H1N1 influenza A virus; the most recent one was the 2009 swine flu pandemic. The 1977 Russian flu was also caused by H1N1 virus."

Besides Biden has reduced unemployment since taking office at a faster rate than any other president before, while he, like Obama was handed a bad situation and Biden did so during the same ongoing pandemic.

Regardless of the reasons, the fact remains that Trump left office with more people unemployed than when he entered office. Which is the opposite of what Bob stated and refuses to admit. How about you? Do you admit that Trump left office with higher unemployment than when he entered office, or are you going to deny that as well? (I would love to kill 2 birds with one stone)

As for the politics of it all, let me repeat, I have not voted in decades, I am having a front row seat to the freak show going on down South. (You guys REALLY need to settle down, get away from the stupid attack politics and start discussing your future using facts and science)
This isnt a serious attempt at rebuttal.
AKA dont patronize me with your bullshyte.
Which is why you cut my quote short, thats intellectual dishonesty.
I did not say the pandemic was unprecedented. I said it was an unprecedented variable to unemployment stats.
So you intentionally misquote me to make a point that I did not need to be educated on. Yes I have heard of the 1918 pandemic.
As for Bidens employment figures, how convenient for him that fellow democrat Gavin Newsom had virtually all of Californias businesses shuttered until the weekend after Bidens inauguration. At which time he inexplicably allowed them to open, with no rhyme or reason according to the metrics he used to close them. Biden hasnt done anything good for our economy unless youre a corporate shareholder.

I dont have to admit a god damned thing and your obvious intellectual dishonesty above indicates you arent someone I am worried about earning respect from.

The pandemic completely f***ed up any ability to judge a presidents record on jobs and Bob is 100% correct for isolating Trumps record to the pre pandemic period.

If you reply to this dont bother snipping my reply short.

Canadians really should find another hobby besides paying attention to our politics.
lets look back at the past a bit...
so far every democrat since the 70's left tue us economy in a better state than it was and reduced the national debt, only for republicans to enlarge that debt, and spoil their "friends"

just look it up
Clintons legacy was the wholesale transfer of our manufacturing jobs sector to China, facilitating the theft of our patents and other intellectual properties. Millions of service jobs created, millions of manufacturing jobs lost. His supposed elimination of debt was because of all the capital gains taxes paid by corporate shareholders as they moved production to China and sold brick and mortar manufacturing facilities.

I didnt have to look that up.

Shall we go on with Carter... His story is a little more complex as when he took office we were deeply in trouble after the Vietnam war but there was little positive with his policies and the stain he created by directly causing the hostage crisis in Iran overshadows all other aspects of his presidency.
It would be as much high comedy to defend Carter as it would be to say Clinton was good for the economy.
Bill Clinton sold tickets on planes for trade junkets to China for executives who made contributions to the DNC. Now everything in every store is filled with "made in China" .
Its far worse than that. Chinas ICBMs can more accurately target US cities because of Clintons corruption with Loral Space Systems. And the nuclear weapons on them are more powerful and reliable, because Clinton looked the other way while Chinas spies stole nuclear weapons secrets.

Everything I claimed in this post is 100% true and I challenge anyone to refute it.
This isnt a serious attempt at rebuttal.
My aim is not to convert you.

AKA dont patronize me with your bullshyte.
I will do as I please.

Which is why you cut my quote short, thats intellectual dishonesty.
I started my reply quoting in full what was there, you have edited it since, that is not my fault.edit.png

I did not say the pandemic was unprecedented. I said it was an unprecedented variable to unemployment stats.

So you intentionally misquote me to make a point that I did not need to be educated on. Yes I have heard of the 1918 pandemic.
Lol, you edit your post and claim I intentionally misquote you? Now there is dishonesty for you.


As for Bidens employment figures, how convenient for him that fellow democrat Gavin Newsom had virtually all of Californias businesses shuttered until the weekend after Bidens inauguration. At which time he inexplicably allowed them to open, with no rhyme or reason according to the metrics he used to close them. Biden hasnt done anything good for our economy unless youre a corporate shareholder.
Like I said, I don't care for the reasons, I care that you guys are unable to accept facts. Which makes you unreliable.

I dont have to admit a god damned thing and your obvious intellectual dishonesty above indicates you arent someone I am worried about earning respect from.
Thank you, 2 birds, one stone ;)

The pandemic completely f***ed up any ability to judge a presidents record on jobs and Bob is 100% correct for isolating Trumps record to the pre pandemic period.
That is called cherry picking. (Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position. Cherry picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally.)

If you reply to this dont bother snipping my reply short.
Again, you edited your post after I started my reply, but you blame me, how delusional can you get?

Canadians really should find another hobby besides paying attention to our politics.
I don't give a hoot about your politics (or the politics in Canada), What I have noticed is that you guys have lost the plot a long time ago and I expect the states to seperate into different countries. Bob made a statement that was demonstrably false and I used it and his refusal to admit that it is wrong as yet another example how unreliable his information is. The interesting and sad part is that it seems a common affliction with conspiracy theorists.
Clintons legacy was the wholesale transfer of our manufacturing jobs sector to China, facilitating the theft of our patents and other intellectual properties. Millions of service jobs created, millions of manufacturing jobs lost. His supposed elimination of debt was because of all the capital gains taxes paid by corporate shareholders as they moved production to China and sold brick and mortar manufacturing facilities.

I didnt have to look that up.

Shall we go on with Carter... His story is a little more complex as when he took office we were deeply in trouble after the Vietnam war but there was little positive with his policies and the stain he created by directly causing the hostage crisis in Iran overshadows all other aspects of his presidency.
It would be as much high comedy to defend Carter as it would be to say Clinton was good for the economy.
Bill Clinton sold tickets on planes for trade junkets to China for executives who made contributions to the DNC. Now everything in every store is filled with "made in China" .
Its far worse than that. Chinas ICBMs can more accurately target US cities because of Clintons corruption with Loral Space Systems. And the nuclear weapons on them are more powerful and reliable, because Clinton looked the other way while Chinas spies stole nuclear weapons secrets.

Everything I claimed in this post is 100% true and I challenge anyone to refute it.
please read some wallstreet journal, and to be very frank, the only reason jobs moved abroad has and always will be sheer greed...
by moving jobs abroad, they wont have to pay american, and their bonuses rise.

not much of a realist, nor good at reading history i gather ?
Clintons legacy was the wholesale transfer of our manufacturing jobs sector to China, facilitating the theft of our patents and other intellectual properties. Millions of service jobs created, millions of manufacturing jobs lost. His supposed elimination of debt was because of all the capital gains taxes paid by corporate shareholders as they moved production to China and sold brick and mortar manufacturing facilities.
They are not YOUR jobs. Under free market capitalism, manufacturing will go to the lowest cost.

I didnt have to look that up.
You should have.

Shall we go on with Carter... His story is a little more complex as when he took office we were deeply in trouble after the Vietnam war but there was little positive with his policies and the stain he created by directly causing the hostage crisis in Iran overshadows all other aspects of his presidency.
It would be as much high comedy to defend Carter as it would be to say Clinton was good for the economy.
Carter also lowered unemployment.


Correction, Carter also left office with higher unemployment.

Bill Clinton sold tickets on planes for trade junkets to China for executives who made contributions to the DNC. Now everything in every store is filled with "made in China" .
You really don't understand free market economics?

Its far worse than that. Chinas ICBMs can more accurately target US cities because of Clintons corruption with Loral Space Systems. And the nuclear weapons on them are more powerful and reliable, because Clinton looked the other way while Chinas spies stole nuclear weapons secrets.
Chinese students have been studying in US universities, funded by the Chinese government. China is now producing more scientists then the US.

Everything I claimed in this post is 100% true and I challenge anyone to refute it.
It was hardly a challenge, in fact it was too easy to refute most of that.


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My aim is not to convert you.

I will do as I please.

I started my reply quoting in full what was there, you have edited it since, that is not my fault.View attachment 84537

Lol, you edit your post and claim I intentionally misquote you? Now there is dishonesty for you.

View attachment 84537

Like I said, I don't care for the reasons, I care that you guys are unable to accept facts. Which makes you unreliable.

Thank you, 2 birds, one stone ;)

That is called cherry picking. (Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position. Cherry picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally.)

Again, you edited your post after I started my reply, but you blame me, how delusional can you get?

I don't give a hoot about your politics (or the politics in Canada), What I have noticed is that you guys have lost the plot a long time ago and I expect the states to seperate into different countries. Bob made a statement that was demonstrably false and I used it and his refusal to admit that it is wrong as yet another example how unreliable his information is. The interesting and sad part is that it seems a common affliction with conspiracy theorists.
Ok fair enough about the editing, you replied before I was done with the post. I was wrong.
The point youre arguing with bob about re: trumps unemployment figures is DUMB. The pandemic throws it out rthe window.
please read some wallstreet journal, and to be very frank, the only reason jobs moved abroad has and always will be sheer greed...
by moving jobs abroad, they wont have to pay american, and their bonuses rise.

not much of a realist, nor good at reading history i gather ?
Clinton facilitated it. Fact.

Perhaps is it you who should read the WSJ.

Ad hominem, nice. Welcome to the topic.
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Ok fair enough about the editing, you replied before I was done with the post. I was wrong.
Apology accepted.

The point youre arguing with bob about re: trumps unemployment figures is DUMB. The pandemic throws it out rthe window.
It doesn't throw it out of the window, it is really simple, Bob argued that Trump massively lowered unemployment, the fact is that Trump left office with higher unemployment then when he entered office. That shows (again) that his statements are unreliable. Lets put it in another way. I don't care if Trump raised or lowered unemployment, I care that Bob is not a reliable source for information.
They are not YOUR jobs. Under free market capitalism, manufacturing will go to the lowest cost.

You should have.

Carter also lowered unemployment.

You really don't understand free market economics?

Chinese students have been studying in US universities, funded by the Chinese government. China is now producing more scientists then the US.

It was hardly a challenge, in fact it was too easy to refute most of that.
You refuted nothing, and "free market economics" is not absolute.
You refuted nothing
I refuted plenty.

and "free market economics" is not absolute.
I am a proponent of capitalism in certain areas, but I am not a proponent of Laissez-faire capitalism, not even close. For that I am called a Marxist, a Communist and a socialist. Happy to discus all that in a calm way, but this is not the place.

The point is that Bob claimed that Trump lowered unemployment, which is not true and despite me providing multiple sources for that, Bob refused to correct his "mistake" and even doubled down. It just shows that Bob is unable to accept facts and is unreliable as a source for information regardless if it is about medication or economics.
Clinton facilitated it. Fact.

Perhaps is it you who should read the WSJ.

Ad hominem, nice. Welcome to the topic.
"one should not argue with the blind, nor the stupid"
This isnt a serious attempt at rebuttal.
AKA dont patronize me with your bullshyte.
Which is why you cut my quote short, thats intellectual dishonesty.
I did not say the pandemic was unprecedented. I said it was an unprecedented variable to unemployment stats.
So you intentionally misquote me to make a point that I did not need to be educated on. Yes I have heard of the 1918 pandemic.
As for Bidens employment figures, how convenient for him that fellow democrat Gavin Newsom had virtually all of Californias businesses shuttered until the weekend after Bidens inauguration. At which time he inexplicably allowed them to open, with no rhyme or reason according to the metrics he used to close them. Biden hasnt done anything good for our economy unless youre a corporate shareholder.

I dont have to admit a god damned thing and your obvious intellectual dishonesty above indicates you arent someone I am worried about earning respect from.

The pandemic completely f***ed up any ability to judge a presidents record on jobs and Bob is 100% correct for isolating Trumps record to the pre pandemic period.

If you reply to this dont bother snipping my reply short.

Canadians really should find another hobby besides paying attention to our politics.
You are making good points .... The only problem is Johnson is unwilling to listen to any information that is contrary to his chosen viewpoint.

I have written off Johnson and Mr Kipp as not worth my time to respond.
Rates of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by Vaccination Status per the CDC:
Unvaccinated: 2,054 cases per 100k
Vaccinated: 824 cases per 100k
Boosted: 642 cases per 100k

Unvaccinated: 12.0 deaths per 100k
Vaccinated: 1.8 deaths per 100k
Boosted: 0.4 deaths per 100k

Bob B sees no reason to get vaccinated.
You are making good points ....
He isn't, he is misundertanding the point I am making. He thinks it is about Trump raising unemployment figures during his time in office, which Trump did. It is about exposing you to the rest of the world that you are unable to recognize mistakes and as such are an unreliable source.

The only problem is Johnson is unwilling to listen to any information that is contrary to his chosen viewpoint.
I am willing to listen to any argument that is based on facts. Again I have shown that you are not, although you are unable to see that (which is extremely funny I might add)

I have written off Johnson and Mr Kipp as not worth my time to respond.
You are unable to deal with facts, but my response to you is not an attempt to convert you, it is an attempt to show to the rest of the world that you live in a fantasy world.

Your continued pushing of discredited sources doesn't help.

"Overall, we rate Rumble Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories and false information, use of poor sources, and a lack of transparency."

Rates of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by Vaccination Status per the CDC:
Unvaccinated: 2,054 cases per 100k
Vaccinated: 824 cases per 100k
Boosted: 642 cases per 100k

Unvaccinated: 12.0 deaths per 100k
Vaccinated: 1.8 deaths per 100k
Boosted: 0.4 deaths per 100k

Bob B sees no reason to get vaccinated.
Good grief....he "is" vaccinated.....A lie by any other name.....
Bob said he was vaccinated, but after the last few weeks, it is easy to suspect that he isn't.
Well I have to agree, trust in this thread does not seem warranted. The left vs. the right is just to divided to have any meaningful discussion. I have seen to many "conspiracy theories" become fact a year later.

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