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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Are you really serious? President gets elected in the even year every 4 years and then inaugurated on Jan 20th in the following "odd" year. I hope you were drunk when you wrote this.
You know what I meant. Why is Reagan excluded?
@Batvette , you haven't understood the news item. It doesn't say what you're insinuating. It cites Trump and one his lawyers claiming what's written the headline. That's a common technique to put sketchy claims forward to distract those willing to believe without questioning. That's part of propaganda. But read on.

Fox (who are by no means a reliable source) cite Trump and one of his lawyers claiming that lawyers from the Clinton campaign paid someone for something. The item doesn't say they actually did (which would probably put them close to a legal challenge), and Trump is a liar for sure. His lawyers and consultants, well didn't a bunch of those just quit because of a bog of made up tax records and things, and others are in legal trouble or have lost their approbation because of severe misbehaviour ? There you are.

If you want something more reasonable:

Citing passages from the article:

In simple words, those guys are making something up to distract from their own misbehaviour.

Apparently a white house contractor followed DNS records of people browsing from their offices. That's nothing bad per se. Any router keeps records to speed up access. Somebody who knows the protocol can have a look at any time if they have access to the network. If you want a closed net you need to physically disconnect.


So, when did Mr. Orange come into office ? Wasn't that 2017 ?

There you are.
And BTW "analysis" is what media labels something they dont dare put out as actual news. Its opinion. That WaPo piece is nothing but spin.


"Fox (who are by no means a reliable source) cite Trump and one of his lawyers claiming that lawyers from the Clinton campaign paid someone for something"

Is a flat out lie on your part. Youre lying. If not then copy and paste the passage that claims that. The article describes assertions made in court filings by Durham, who is not a lawyer for Trump.
Entrusting. I have the 27 page Indictment in front of me. It does not agree with your assessment.
Its disturbing the level of dishonesty some people will stoop to to protect the corrupt politicians they vote for. Obviously this also makes them accomplices to the crimes.
How have some peoples ethics so corroded they cant just admit there is corruption in their party?
Im seeing this more and more from Democrats who claim Trump was a threat to Democracy, but they set him up and tried to destroy his presidency. Social media platforms, the owner of one of which was a major player in election fraud, censoring any dissemination of evidence. 90% of the MSM complicit in the coverups.
Tired of being gaslighted in this "democracy".
Still waiting for the Baron to substantiate this:

There is no such evidence. That 200 Mules is nothing but a fabricated, rigged play and because of that was deleted on social media.

When the movie hasnt even been released yet. If that isnt an example of "I dont want any facts to get in the way of my opinions" I dont know what is. Amazing, like Johnson, hes not even American and hes working overtime for the DNC corruption propaganda team.
More evidence Trump was working in the best interest of Americans?
Wrong. The Durham probe is an official investigation, the information is from official court filings.
No, it is not from the official filings. Fox's claim about the Durham probe is fabricated (a lie), the claim is not in there, which I have shown above. Just read what paople post, that answers your question for substantiation. Fox's claim is by the way totally unsubstantial for someone who knows a bit about networking, because analyzing routing information can be a standard administration job, usually it is automated. There's nothing to see even if it was true.

That divisive behaviour of yours is, from an anthropogical pov, abnormal. Come on, be good to yourself and seek some help to fight the anger. Because what makes humans so successful in the animal kingdom ('great' if you like the term) is their ability to communicate and cooperate. That builds up knowledge, technology and subsequent societies. Those conservative forces you keep on presenting without stepping forward out of the bog just destroy all that what has been achieved.

Stop advertizing that schism, here good and there evil, it is unintelligent. Things are more complicated.

I say it again, humans are so 'great' because of their ability to communicate and cooperate. Division destroys much if not all of that.
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Still waiting for the Baron to substantiate this:

There is no such evidence. That 200 Mules is nothing but a fabricated, rigged play and because of that was deleted on social media.

When the movie hasnt even been released yet. If that isnt an example of "I dont want any facts to get in the way of my opinions" I dont know what is. Amazing, like Johnson, hes not even American and hes working overtime for the DNC corruption propaganda team.
More evidence Trump was working in the best interest of Americans?
In the past I was verbally (but publicly) asked by the security officer of a client to test the security of the client (a university). It didn't take long for me to get in and I reported it both to the security officer, as well as the system administrator, with instructions on how to close the vulnerability. As a result I was labeled a hacker and the sysadmins tried to (unsuccessfully) remove what little access I was legitimately allowed as part of my job, rather than fix the vulnerability. It was not the first time I had a bad experience after being asked to test the security, but it was the last time I did any such test without written and signed authorization.

Years ago I witnessed a lot of connection attempts to a couple of ports from a range of IP addresses that belonged to the US department of defense, after a few months I mentioned it to a friend who worked for the NSA at the time and he claimed it couldn't be true. (another bad experience, I was basically called a liar) They were not full port scans, which indicated a virus. (I did not think they would be stupid enough to use their own IP#'s to try and hack other systems) A year or so later this ended and I learned it was indeed a virus (it took the department of defense over a year to plug that vulnerability)

You might think financial institutions are more secure, but I worked for a large bank and at one point I was mistakenly given all the account details, including passwords, of all numbered accounts .

Al this happened a long time ago, I never considered myself a hacker, I did know real hackers and compared to them, I am a nobody.

The guy was an idiot for reporting the vulnerability, nothing good comes from that because 99.99% of the people just don't have a clue, especially not those in charge. The best you can hope for is a thank you and not get investigated yourself.
Posting this as Bob B seemed horribly and inexplicably confused as to whether masks worked.
That chart has no basis in reality .... obviously you are trying to pull another fast one by muddying up the waters .... Omicron didn't exist yet when that chart was put together.

At the peak of Omicron ..... there were over 1700 cases per week per 100,000 being reported in the US. .... That would be over 10 times the number shown in that chart.

Anybody can put together a chart ... or go back and find old data ... whether it is still meaningful or not is another matter. That you posted it would guarantee it is either fake news or old news that is no longer relevant with Omicron.
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That chart has no basis in reality .... obviously you are trying to pull another fast one by muddying up the waters .... there is no info on that chart even showing where the cases were even being recorded. Omicron didn't exist yet when that chart was put together.

At the peak of Omicron ..... there were over 1700 cases per week per 100,000 being reported in the US. .... That would be over 10 times the number shown in that chart.

Anybody can put together a chart ... whether it is meaningful or not is another matter. That you posted it would almost guarantee it is fake news.
You claim that masks don't work, so all those doctors, surgeons and nurses are wasting time and money wearing them? Seriously?
Its disturbing the level of dishonesty some people will stoop to to protect the corrupt politicians they vote for. Obviously this also makes them accomplices to the crimes.
How have some peoples ethics so corroded they cant just admit there is corruption in their party?
Im seeing this more and more from Democrats who claim Trump was a threat to Democracy, but they set him up and tried to destroy his presidency. Social media platforms, the owner of one of which was a major player in election fraud, censoring any dissemination of evidence. 90% of the MSM complicit in the coverups.
Tired of being gaslighted in this "democracy".
How is it that someone like you and others goes down all these conspiracy theory rabbit holes. Just that one where you thought people were gang stalking you with direct energy weapons was bad enough.

Is it poor education? I am sure you never went beyond high school.

BTW...I am a Rebubican...just not a Trumpanzee Republican.
No, it is not from the official filings. Fox's claim about the Durham probe is fabricated (a lie), the claim is not in there, which I have shown above. Just read what paople post, that answers your question for substantiation. Fox's claim is by the way totally unsubstantial for someone who knows a bit about networking, because analyzing routing information can be a standard administration job, usually it is automated. There's nothing to see even if it was true.

That divisive behaviour of yours is, from an anthropogical pov, abnormal. Come on, be good to yourself and seek some help to fight the anger. Because what makes humans so successful in the animal kingdom ('great' if you like the term) is their ability to communicate and cooperate. That builds up knowledge, technology and subsequent societies. Those conservative forces you keep on presenting without stepping forward out of the bog just destroy all that what has been achieved.

Stop advertizing that schism, here good and there evil, it is unintelligent. Things are more complicated.

I say it again, humans are so 'great' because of their ability to communicate and cooperate. Division destroys much if not all of that.
Stop bullshytting me.

You claimed this:

It cites Trump and one his lawyers claiming what's written the headline.

copy and paste the passage that supports that claim.

Youre lying. The assertions are made by Special Counsel Durham, based upon statements made by the attorney for Clinton now under indictment. It says so right in the preview below.

The source again for anyone who wants to check. Baron is lying about its contents.
He still is.

Called to action by Trump, thousands of his supporters gathered in Washington, D.C., on January 5 and 6 to support his false claim that the 2020 election had been "stolen by emboldened radical-left Democrats"

If you want to see what a REAL threat to democracy looks like you need to be watching what is going on in your own country.
The bank accounts and personal property of peaceful protesters is being seized by the government ... businesses are being raided because they served people coffee.
Better wake up and fight what is going on in your own back yard before it is too late. Doesn't matter if you agree with the protesters or not ... unless you just don't understand the importance of the right to protest your government without being persecuted .... but I guess it is more likely you are in favor of persecuting people who's opinions are different from your own.
Some are willing to just give away their rights and freedoms ... others ... the real heroes ... are not.
Stop bullshytting me.

You claimed this:

It cites Trump and one his lawyers claiming what's written the headline.

copy and paste the passage that supports that claim.

Youre lying. The assertions are made by Special Counsel Durham, based upon statements made by the attorney for Clinton now under indictment. It says so right in the preview below.

The source again for anyone who wants to check. Baron is lying about its contents.
LOL...the same story that caused Durham to put out a reply to on Feb 14th. Post something that Fox put out after the 14th that says the same thing.
How is it that someone like you and others goes down all these conspiracy theory rabbit holes. Just that one where you thought people were gang stalking you with direct energy weapons was bad enough.

Is it poor education? I am sure you never went beyond high school.

BTW...I am a Rebubican...just not a Trumpanzee Republican.
A conspiracy theory that I provided a reference for describing Special Counsel Durhams court filings in an indictment against Clintons lawyers.

I guess fox news, special counsel durham and everyone else involved are conspiracy theorists too.

I dont care what political party you claim to be in it was established long ago in this thread how absurd it would be for anyone to abandon their ideologies out of dislike for Trumps personality and vote for the disaster known as Biden/Harris whose policies go against every aspect of the GOP platform.

Youre now defending Hillary Clinton, with all the well documented evidence coming out, yet claiming to be Republican.

Youre full of it.
LOL...the same story that caused Durham to put out a reply to on Feb 14th. Post something that Fox put out after the 14th that says the same thing.
Give us a reference of Durham refuting Hillarys Campaign from involvement. Give us Durhams final report on the matter.
A conspiracy theory that I provided a reference for describing Special Counsel Durhams court filings in an indictment against Clintons lawyers.

I guess fox news, special counsel durham and everyone else involved are conspiracy theorists too.

I dont care what political party you claim to be in it was established long ago in this thread how absurd it would be for anyone to abandon their ideologies out of dislike for Trumps personality and vote for the disaster known as Biden/Harris whose policies go against every aspect of the GOP platform.

Youre now defending Hillary Clinton, with all the well documented evidence coming out, yet claiming to be Republican.

Youre full of it.
LOL....did you even finish high school? What proof did you finally need to see that people weren't chasing you with modified microwave oven parts?

LOL...I am full of it? You are the nutcase here based on your prior history. Once a nutcase...always a nutcase.
LOL...the same story that caused Durham to put out a reply to on Feb 14th. Post something that Fox put out after the 14th that says the same thing.
But keep your damn nose out of someone elses argument. Durhams alleged retraction, if even true is irrelevant to that reply. Baron lied about the contents of that article, stop running interference for that liar.
LOL....did you even finish high school? What proof did you finally need to see that people weren't chasing you with modified microwave oven parts?

LOL...I am full of it? You are the nutcase here based on your prior history. Once a nutcase...always a nutcase.
Im not the topic here, internet stalker. Haha. You get on the internet to talk about me. To spend time researching me. Poring over websites to find things I said over a decade ago hoping you could discredit me. I dont care who you are.
And you call ME a nutcase.
Im not the topic here, internet stalker. Haha. You get on the internet to talk about me. To spend time researching me. Poring over websites to find things I said over a decade ago hoping you could discredit me. I dont care who you are.
And you call ME a nutcase. are a nutcase and you are still spewing nutcase ideas

So were people really after you with modified microwave ovens? Were they using generators sitting outside your house?
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LOL....did you even finish high school? What proof did you finally need to see that people weren't chasing you with modified microwave oven parts?

LOL...I am full of it? You are the nutcase here based on your prior history. Once a nutcase...always a nutcases.
If you cant beat someone you allege didnt even graduate high school and is crazy, in an internet argument so you have to go ad hominem, what kind of loser does that make you?
Im nothing but an uneducated lunatic according to you yet you cant resist coming back again and again with incompetant personal attacks in lieu of rebuttals.
Joke. I own you and dont even care.

Youre now being ignored, I further own you because you will post and I wont even know about it. I dont know you exist but youll still obssess over me.
If you cant beat someone you allege didnt even graduate high school and is crazy, in an internet argument so you have to go ad hominem, what kind of loser does that make you?
Im nothing but an uneducated lunatic according to you yet you cant resist coming back again and again with incompetant personal attacks in lieu of rebuttals.
Joke. I own you and dont even care.
What brand of microwave ovens...were they made in China?
He still is.

Called to action by Trump, thousands of his supporters gathered in Washington, D.C., on January 5 and 6 to support his false claim that the 2020 election had been "stolen by emboldened radical-left Democrats"

Okay canuck. Things pretty boring up there in politics. How pitiful you are so passionate about our elections.

You cant even vote in them.

Nothing worse than nosy meddling neighbors.
Ill wait for the Barons response about his lies. The rest of the peanut gallery are becoming tiresome. Ive provided references as requested, in the face of claims of fabrications or conspiracy theories.

Thats dishonesty, just as described.

Maybe the thread should be named these people are full of shyte.

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diy solar