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Megarevo RxLNA Discussion


New Member
Jul 7, 2021
Calling all Megarevo owners.

Seems like the other thread has been disabled? So I would like to start a thread to discuss or most important help each other out with problems, programming, or general.

I want to start by asking about how the CT works to keep from back feeding the grid? Looking at other inverters there is a setting where one could set to draw, say 100 watts, from the grid and supply the rest with excess PV if available. I have not found any setting like this for the Megarevo. I would at this point not want to disable the anti-reverse setting unless I have a clear understanding how it works.
For your Megarevo owners out there (I just got my R8KLNA last week):

I was able to get the BMS protocol communication structure. Here is a link to the Google Sheet that I created:

I had to translate some Mandarin, but it seems pretty straightforward. I've also attached a PDF of the Excel sheet too.

Apparently, the unit firmware is also supposed to update automatically via the Solarman logger interface (WiFi plug-in adapter).

Thanks to @minerva for pointing out the battery config has to be Lead-Acid until the BMS protocol is figured out. Coming from the technology world, it's a little horrifying how archaic and non-standard the communication protocols are (it reminds me of electronics class twenty five years ago).

Will close my other topic to avoid confusion.


  • Megarevo Hybrid Inverter BMS Protocol V1.01 - BMSProtocol.pdf
    115 KB · Views: 134
Current firmware does not allow any tweaking of the export over zero. That will be available later supposedly.
I clicked into the Solarman web interface and clipped out some uploaded information from my inverter, I see a battery protocol of LG.
  • Battery protocol

If I compare the protocol in the spreadsheet to the conversation (in German) on : it looks pretty much identical.

I also found this GitHub project which can listen to a LG device:

From Megarevo spreadsheet:
Sample MessageLittle EndianDataDescriptionDataDescriptionDataDescription
0x3511C 02 C8 00 C8 00 00 000x021CBattery charging voltage: 54.0V0x00C8Battery charging current: 20A0x00C8Battery discharging current: 20A
0x3554B 00 64 00 00 00 00 000x004BSOC:75%0x0064SOH:100%
0x35645 13 10 00 04 01 00 000x1345Battery voltage: 49.33V0x0010Battery current: 1.6A0x0104Battery average temperature: 26℃
0x35900 00 04 00 02 4D 52 2D
0x35CC0 00 00 00 00 00 00 000xC0Charge Enable AllowDischarge Enable Allow

From LG article:
0 Receive 01:14:25:610 Data frame Standard frame 00000351 8 45 02 4c 04 4c 04 00 00
Ladespannung 0x245/10 = 58.1V
Max. Ladestrom 0x44c/10 = 110.0A
Max. Ladestrom 0x44c/10 = 110.0A
Entladespannung 0x0/10 = 0.0V
1 Receive 01:14:25:627 Data frame Standard frame 00000354 8 04 c0 00 1f 03 00 00 00
0xc004 = 49156
0x1f00 = 7936
0x0003 = 3
0x0000 = 0
2 Receive 01:14:25:642 Data frame Standard frame 00000355 8 1a 00 64 00 00 00 00 00
SOC = 0x001a = 26%
SOH = 0x0064 = 100%
SOC hires = 0x0000/100 = 0% (?)
3 Receive 01:14:25:655 Data frame Standard frame 00000356 8 b3 13 00 00 da 00 00 00
Battery voltage = 0x13b3/100 = 50.43V
Battery current = 0x0000/10 = 0.0A
Battery temperature = 0xda00/10 = 21.8°C
4 Receive 01:14:26:220 Data frame Standard frame 00000359 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
@minerva - as it turns out, it's not. The WiFi logger is from Solarman and they are a PV monitoring vendor (like APSystems) and doesn't appear related to Megarevo. You can update your inverter firmware, however, you actually need to be in possession of the binary (this is through the web interface on the dongle/logger).

This makes more sense, it would be strange to have firmware updates passed through a third party. It also means we have to chase down the source of the firmware updates.
@minerva - as it turns out, it's not. The WiFi logger is from Solarman and they are a PV monitoring vendor (like APSystems) and doesn't appear related to Megarevo. You can update your inverter firmware, however, you actually need to be in possession of the binary (this is through the web interface on the dongle/logger).

This makes more sense, it would be strange to have firmware updates passed through a third party. It also means we have to chase down the source of the firmware updates.
It’s not about the firmware updates. I don’t have a remote monitoring ability. Mine came with no dongle.
You guys aware if the dongle can be purchased somewhere? Megarevo has been dragging its feet for months after I inquired about getting one.
Can you change settings remotely? Is it an essential thing to have?
Missing the datalogger is not going to impact your use of the inverter at all. It's all data collection and forwarding to the monitoring service. The only inverter setting is uploading the firmware and I'll need to see it to believe it first. Metrics forwarded are some config variables (i.e. firmware revs) and then everything that you see in the LCD interface (i.e. PV1-4 V, battery stats, W/A consumed/generated, etc.).

Here is a good discussion on people extracting the data with different hardware (they talk about the Solarman datalogger at the top):
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Ok, I got 2 of my arrays hooked up today. Switched the breakers so I have grid input to inverter, and another panel for the load 1. I switched on the PV and while the fans come on it remains in bypass mode. No reading on the PV volt and watts.. I do not have a battery hooked up yet. If I switch off the PV with external switch the fans go off. So unit recognizes PV input but remains in bypass mode.
Ok, I got 2 of my arrays hooked up today. Switched the breakers so I have grid input to inverter, and another panel for the load 1. I switched on the PV and while the fans come on it remains in bypass mode. No reading on the PV volt and watts.. I do not have a battery hooked up yet. If I switch off the PV with external switch the fans go off. So unit recognizes PV input but remains in bypass mode.
Make sure you meet the minimum voltage. Was it sunny?
Not sure if it's relevant but try making sure that EPS is "enabled" and "anti reverse" is disabled. Are you using CTs?
More information about batteries that are compatible with Megarevo.

High Voltage The main matching brand Communication
1 Pylonetc CAN
2 Dyness CAN
3 westwoods CAN

Low Voltage The main matching brand Communication
1 Pylonetch CAN
2 Dyness CAN
3 westwoods CAN
5 Aoboet CAN
7 Ritar CAN
Ok, I got 2 of my arrays hooked up today. Switched the breakers so I have grid input to inverter, and another panel for the load 1. I switched on the PV and while the fans come on it remains in bypass mode. No reading on the PV volt and watts.. I do not have a battery hooked up yet. If I switch off the PV with external switch the fans go off. So unit recognizes PV input but remains in bypass mode.
Put your battery config into Lead Acid instead of Lithium (even though you don't have a battery). I was stuck in Bypass mode as well until I did this.
More information about batteries that are compatible with Megarevo.

High Voltage The main matching brand Communication
1 Pylonetc CAN
2 Dyness CAN
3 westwoods CAN

Low Voltage The main matching brand Communication
1 Pylonetch CAN
2 Dyness CAN
3 westwoods CAN
5 Aoboet CAN
7 Ritar CAN
I have heard of most of them. Is this info from Megarevo?
Edit: I meant I had NOT heard of most of them.
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Put your battery config into Lead Acid instead of Lithium (even though you don't have a battery). I was stuck in Bypass mode as well until I did this.
Do you have to reboot the inverter when changes are made so they take effect? I changed to lead and played with other suggestion and nothing happens.

Edit: To answer my own question, the answer is YES. What a pain. I am up and running on Grid/PV

EPS disabled. Manual states could cause damage, or the wording is "Back-up" when not using batteries with PV.

My CTs got damaged in shipping so I have Anti Reverse Enabled for now.
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Do you have to reboot the inverter when changes are made so they take effect? I changed to lead and played with other suggestion and nothing happens.

Edit: To answer my own question, the answer is YES. What a pain. I am up and running on Grid/PV

EPS disabled. Manual states could cause damage, or the wording is "Back-up" when not using batteries with PV.

My CTs got damaged in shipping so I have Anti Reverse Enabled for now.
Yes, rebooting often makes a difference. Theoretically you need to have anti reverse disabled if you are not using cts. Anti reverse prevent export to the grid.
Yes, rebooting often makes a difference. Theoretically you need to have anti reverse disabled if you are not using cts. Anti reverse prevent export to the grid.
The theory did not work for me. With it disabled, watching on Iotawatt, I was feeding to grid and not to Load 1. Switched it to enable and now input/grid into inverter watts are lower then input into the load 1/critical load panel.
The theory did not work for me. With it disabled, watching on Iotawatt, I was feeding to grid and not to Load 1. Switched it to enable and now input/grid into inverter watts are lower then input into the load 1/critical load panel.
As long as it works the way you need it to. I feed my critical load and the extra goes to the grid with "anti-reverse disabled".
Ok onto the battery. My Seplos BMS says both can and RS485. Same with inverter. Looks like RS485 easier by just disconnecting Pin2, but is ther pro and cons to either communication interface?

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