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diy solar

Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

Ok onto the battery. My Seplos BMS says both can and RS485. Same with inverter. Looks like RS485 easier by just disconnecting Pin2, but is ther pro and cons to either communication interface?
You mean both protocols work?
I am am uncertain about the proper direction of the CTs. I found some replacements but they do not have an arrow. Is the Power screen suppose to read negative watts or positive with no PV and inverter off, bypass mode.? Negative would be with the arrow pointing towards the grid and positive watts would be with the arrow pointing toward the loads.
I am am uncertain about the proper direction of the CTs. I found some replacements but they do not have an arrow. Is the Power screen suppose to read negative watts or positive with no PV and inverter off, bypass mode.? Negative would be with the arrow pointing towards the grid and positive watts would be with the arrow pointing toward the loads.
I believe positive but since I have never used the export limit option, I can't be positive. Otherwise, it's purely informational and it doesn't matter.
Guys, with great anticipation I have been watching and waiting for more details and refinement of this inverter for SO MANY months. I was told it will have a UL listing by last Dec, then Jan, then Feb, and I still don't see that it's UL listed (a major insurance company concern). At the same time, I've been wanting to get my system up and running and I'm sure it will take a long time before it arrives once it's even ordered.

So does anyone know what the TRUE status is for the UL cert/listing??? Obviously the Ali based info and sales pitch is 100% BS.

From what I've been reading, it sounds like the software (hopefully it's not hardware) is majorly riddled with bugs and many (most?) functionality issues still have not been addressed by the manufacturer... all with no decent documentation or user info. Is this accurate?

If so, are they ACTIVELY addressing the issues, or have they basically just sent a partly functional inverter to the US market and taking their sweet time with making it fully functional as advertised? From the limited info I've seen, they almost seem to have lost interest in making it functional as I haven't even heard about rapid firmware updates being sent out as one would think should be happening to get this inverter up to speed to keep from tarnishing their name and product. I don't understand what they are doing releasing such an unfinished product to the market if this is the case... and WHEN will this stuff ever be addressed if so?!?!

I had such high hopes for this product, and I'm sure I'm not the only one very much wanting to order one or more once (if???) it's ever market ready! So far I've been dumbfounded by this product release!!!!! Beta is one thing, but sellers are making this sound like it's 100% market ready, I'm certainly not getting that impression from what I've been reading from actual users and lack of the promised UL listing!

Please tell me this is going to be a viable product very soon, lol!
Guys, with great anticipation I have been watching and waiting for more details and refinement of this inverter for SO MANY months. I was told it will have a UL listing by last Dec, then Jan, then Feb, and I still don't see that it's UL listed (a major insurance company concern). At the same time, I've been wanting to get my system up and running and I'm sure it will take a long time before it arrives once it's even ordered.

So does anyone know what the TRUE status is for the UL cert/listing??? Obviously the Ali based info and sales pitch is 100% BS.

From what I've been reading, it sounds like the software (hopefully it's not hardware) is majorly riddled with bugs and many (most?) functionality issues still have not been addressed by the manufacturer... all with no decent documentation or user info. Is this accurate?

If so, are they ACTIVELY addressing the issues, or have they basically just sent a partly functional inverter to the US market and taking their sweet time with making it fully functional as advertised? From the limited info I've seen, they almost seem to have lost interest in making it functional as I haven't even heard about rapid firmware updates being sent out as one would think should be happening to get this inverter up to speed to keep from tarnishing their name and product. I don't understand what they are doing releasing such an unfinished product to the market if this is the case... and WHEN will this stuff ever be addressed if so?!?!

I had such high hopes for this product, and I'm sure I'm not the only one very much wanting to order one or more once (if???) it's ever market ready! So far I've been dumbfounded by this product release!!!!! Beta is one thing, but sellers are making this sound like it's 100% market ready, I'm certainly not getting that impression from what I've been reading from actual users and lack of the promised UL listing!

Please tell me this is going to be a viable product very soon, lol!
After having it for 4 months or so, I can’t say I have regretted the purchase but I would not count on a ul listing. I would not be surprised if it never happens. I also do not see megarevo aggressively working on the firmware. Their customer service may not respond for weeks and you have to keep bugging them.
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After having it for 4 months or so, I can’t say I have regretting the purchase but I would not count on a ul listing. I would not be surprised if it never happens. I also do not see megarevo aggressively working on the firmware. Their customer service may not respond for weeks and you have to keep bugging them.
This is not what I wanted to hear, but what I've suspected.

Question, if I were to order and it later becomes UL listed (which is sounding less and less likely), would the inverter satisfy inspectors/insurance companies later? Or would the lack of a sticker or previous date of manufacture still be a major issue?

How much of the unit's capabilities are still unfunctional? Limiting, priorities, wifi, etc. Any excessive noise or draw issues?

Anyone know of any other limiting hybrid inverters that have similar capabilities, are UL listed, don't have significant draw issues, but are also reasonably priced? I'd pull the trigger on a SolArk 12k is a heartbeat if it was far more reasonably priced, but their huge markup basically doubles my ROI into the stratosphere making it completely unfeasible!
Unfortunately there are no other reasonable options unless you can source a deye. If you show the inspector a certificate, that should suffice I believe.
What I want for and is still missing is the ability to limit export to a certain wattage. Right now it’s unlimited export or zero export. Maybe some more flexibility changing charge discharge based on needs will be introduced but I am not sure. I done have the work dongle at all.
I believe positive but since I have never used the export limit option, I can't be positive. Otherwise, it's purely informational and it doesn't matter.
I found that the CT must be pointed toward the grid and showing a negative number on the inverter. Once i changed direction I am now feeding the main panel. Looks like it's holding at 50 watts, but my other monitoring system shows I am exporting 50-100 watts on one leg.

I could never get it to fully power Load 1. Seems like it inverted .08 amps on each leg and that was it. PV never went over 250w maybe hit 300w. As soon as I turned the CT around I am now over 1kw.

Still trying to figure out React Mode. QU wave and QP wave seem to be nothing.

Having function to adjust or limit export and set the zero export would be nice. Lacking software in the generator area also. I was hoping to be able use it as an energy dump into a water heater. Or if one was to use micro inverters there would be a need to apply 240v to them to disable the Island protection.
Unfortunately there are no other reasonable options unless you can source a deye. If you show the inspector a certificate, that should suffice I believe.
What I want for and is still missing is the ability to limit export to a certain wattage. Right now it’s unlimited export or zero export. Maybe some more flexibility changing charge discharge based on needs will be introduced but I am not sure. I done have the work dongle at all.
Do you happen to know if any of the Deke NA models are UL listed (other than the SolArk variants)?
I wish we had access to the original Megarevo post. If I remember correctly the 5k is UL listed, but the paperwork for the 8k had an issue so they had to reapply, or something to that affect?
I wish we had access to the original Megarevo post. If I remember correctly the 5k is UL listed, but the paperwork for the 8k had an issue so they had to reapply, or something to that affect?
Any idea why that was closed? I have not been able to find a UL listing for any of their NA inverters.
Any idea why that was closed? I have not been able to find a UL listing for any of their NA inverters.
Had something to do with

New Rules for Vendors​

I guess they concidered that thread, started by a vendor.
I have had two good days now and am feeling a bit more comfortable. But I have one issue that I don't know if its setting, hardware or software. Everything works on the screen except the parameters on all the information such as PV volts/watts, inv output, ect. lock up and don't show current status/data without rebooting.

When you hit the enter button, right most button, there is a little icon that shows in the upper right lcd. Looks like an cylinder or round battery cell. Any idea what the icon means? Hit the button again and it goes away.
How often is it locking up and requiring a reboot?

I think I read it in the thread that disappeared, but have you guys measured to see how much this inverter itself is drawing at idle? I'm assuming you guys are all using the 8k model? Have there been ANY firmware updates or even attempts to better explain the menus and features?
I am showing for the past 6 hours, in bypass mode, an average of 21 watts.

It was locking up over night. But yesterday it locked up again during the day. I rebooted last night and this morning it looks like it may be locked again. Now it appears that the data sent to Solarman is lacking.

When you say scrolls through the different screen, is this automatically? Mine never has done that. Stays locked on which ever one i am on locked or not. Sounds like more bugs.
I am showing for the past 6 hours, in bypass mode, an average of 21 watts.

It was locking up over night. But yesterday it locked up again during the day. I rebooted last night and this morning it looks like it may be locked again. Now it appears that the data sent to Solarman is lacking.

When you say scrolls through the different screen, is this automatically? Mine never has done that. Stays locked on which ever one i am on locked or not. Sounds like more bugs.
Yes. Automatic unless it's locked by pressing enter. That's what mine does. Mine doesn't monitor the produced power either. I don't remember the details. Maybe it reflects the power in ok, but no produced power or something like that.
Do you happen to know if any of the Deke NA models are UL listed (other than the SolArk variants)?
They are actually ul listed, this is from the 8k i have for sale...i have not installed this yet.


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They are actually ul listed, this is from the 8k i have for sale...i have not installed this yet.
I am no expert but I don't see an indication of UL listing there. Unsurprisingly, the UL logo is missing as well and a statement about "compliance" with certain UL rules" means nothing.
I am no expert but I don't see an indication of UL listing there. Unsurprisingly, the UL logo is missing as well and a statement about "compliance" with certain UL rules" means nothing.
There might not be a logo but there is Certification also solark has there own certification as they made changes to the units.


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Which one of those is UL certification?
Did you open any and read any part? The certificate number is there...the product name/model is there...the effective date is there...after reading the document search "sgs" see if their certifications are any good.

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