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diy solar

First system ever. Growatt MIC3000TL-X grid tied. So far so good!


New Member
Mar 14, 2022
Hi all,
Been lurking and learning and finally set up my first system! I chose to go grid tied due to my small budget. I currently have 4x260w 30.6v panels in series for 122.4v DC. Connected into a Growatt MIC3000TL-X inverter.
While reading and reading and reading and searching the web for videos etc. I could hardly find any info at all about this unit. Especially specific to the US grid. I'm hoping my basic info here can help someone else who is researching one of these Growatt grid tied units.
The first major confusion while researching is that all of the info online says this is an AC 240v single phase unit, however I purchased from Signature Solar where they specifically mention it's for US/North America grid (split phase). I took a leap of faith and ordered it anyway. To my relief the sticker on the side of the unit specifically says 240v split phase. Phew!
Now, for my second confusion issue- the AC connector only has L1, Nuetral, Ground. Obviously I knew this would only provide 120v AC but I installed this way anyway into my breaker panel. Sure enough the unit gave an error code that the AC voltage wasn't sufficient. It was looking for 240v AC and I was only giving it 120v AC. So, I took another leap of faith and connected L1 and neutral to a 240v breaker and voila! It booted up and is working great!
I've taken care to install the grounds, PV disconnect etc. and everything is going swimmingly now. I wish there were more info out there about these units, so I'm posting this hopefully save someone else countless hours trying to confirm these really confusing details...
Oh, one last point of confusion I had- (I honestly think it'd be nice of Signature Solar to clarify some of these things in their listings, but hey so far I'm just happy it's all working as hoped)- is the WiFi dongle. I was trying to confirm whether or not this unit comes with the WiFi dongle in the box or not (it does). I just kept seeing in the specs that it was optional and I also saw that Sig Solar sold a Growatt WiFi dongle separately so I added to my order only to confirm I didn't need to order it separately.
Again- not complaining or anything- just hoping to clarify some things for others trying to do their research. Hopefully Signature Solar will let me return the unopened dongle box I needlessly purchased.
I did get the WiFi setup working on my computer and have a pretty cool Dashboard to monitor with. So far today I've saved like 32 cents lol (it's cloudy). Sweet!


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The unit is tiny! I think that would work pretty much in any application which is pretty cool. What was your experience working with your power company to get approval to install?
The unit is tiny! I think that would work pretty much in any application which is pretty cool. What was your experience working with your power company to get approval to install?
Fantastic. No issues whatsoever in my area.
This is interesting. Was intrigued by the 120/240v split phase a long time ago, but like you, was confused if they were for North American market or not. Glad you got it working! Have you tested the limiter to make sure you're not backfeeding to grid at all? Some utilities meter's will actually accumulate kw/h that are generated, and basically add it to your normal grid usage. Not ideal, lol. And they can sometimes throw a tamper code as well.
Update. Been running the unit just over a month now. I now have 8 255w panels and am saving about $2 a day. Will take approx. 1 year to pay off initial investment. Been humming along nicely. In the 2nd chart below, you can clearly see what day I went from 4 panels to 8 ;)one_month_update.jpgone_month_update_2.jpg
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That is an amazing little unit. You should be able to add another 4 panels assuming they are about 40v VOC
WOW! I doubt if Massachusetts or my power provider would allow me to back feed anything into the grid without electrical and building permits. Great if authorities where you are allows anything regardless of size to back feed into the grid.
This is interesting. Was intrigued by the 120/240v split phase a long time ago, but like you, was confused if they were for North American market or not. Glad you got it working! Have you tested the limiter to make sure you're not backfeeding to grid at all? Some utilities meter's will actually accumulate kw/h that are generated, and basically add it to your normal grid usage. Not ideal, lol. And they can sometimes throw a tamper code as well.

I must have missed something in my reading. I thought it was backfeeding
This is awesome! I am trying to do a very similar setup and this is very helpful!
Where do you live? I am nervous about getting the Electric Company Approval.

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